[Editor's Note: With the truly alarming increase in the number of meteorites/cometary fragments entering our atmosphere over the past 10 years, and the startling meteorite detonation over Russia this morning, it is long past time that every single person on this planet informed themselves about the clear and present threat to all life on earth posed by these celestial 'visitors'. To this end, Laura Knight-Jadczyk has recently published the first in a new series of books that presents clear evidence that, not only has human history been regularly punctuated (or 'punctured') by 'rains of fire from the heavens,' we may be overdue for another round of cosmic catastrophe.

Below we present a relevant excerpt from this first new volume: Comets and the Horns of Moses (available from all Amazon web sites).]

As I read through the piles of books on the archaeology, history (assumed and reasonably reconstructed from data), and especially the input from the sciences such as astronomy, geology and genetics that should accurately parallel the archaeology and history, but usually doesn't for all the reasons we've discussed so far, in order to collect the material for this series of volumes, the one thing that became increasingly apparent was that, over and over and over again this planet has been bombarded by various types of impacts, the most common being the overhead comet fragment air burst of the Tunguska type. These events have repeatedly brought cultures, nations, even civilizations, to their knees. Dark Ages are inevitably the result, and then, when human society begins to recover, myths are created, religions are born, or re-born with twists and distortions, and always and ever, the facts of the previous era of destruction are covered up in veils of metaphor and allegory.

Why? What sort of madness is this?

It is actually very simple. Historically, when a people begin to perceive atmospheric, geological, climatic disruption and all the ills that these bring on a society, including famine, plague and pestilence, they individually and collectively look to their leaders to fix things. That is where the concept of the Divine King came from to begin with: the king was supposed to be able to intercede for his people with the gods. If the king was unsuccessful with his intercession, a solution had to be found. Sacrifices were made, rituals were performed, and of course, if that didn't work, if the gods remained angry, then the king had to die. This is possibly due to a similar brain switch that drives people to seek whatever relieves the stress on their brain: if the gods are angry, find a scape-goat. And when it is the nation that is threatened, the most obvious guilty person or persons are those in charge, the king and his elite. What's more, they know their vulnerability to this reaction instinctively.

Then again, given that human history appears to be defined by a succession of more or less corrupt ruling elites, and if we are to assume that such corruption (and its spread throughout society) is the mechanism by which a civilization attracts cosmic catastrophe, blaming and deposing the elite is a good solution. The problem, however, is that the underlying mechanism is not understood by the people, which means that they lack the knowledge that, if they are to prevent further destruction, they must, at all costs, prevent the establishment of any future corrupt elite.

In the end, the people and the elite both seek a paradigm that downplays cyclical catastrophes, but they do it for different reasons. The people want to relieve the enormous stress of a certain but unpredictable major catastrophe, while the elite want to remain in power. The compromise that serves both objectives is the illusion of an elite that is able to protect the people from any disaster. This illusion can take various forms: rituals to appease the gods, revision of history displaying a uniformitarian, uneventful evolution of humanity, and lots and lots of propaganda.

This lie works well during the periods of calm between two major catastrophes. However, history shows that when famines, earthquakes and plagues have struck and taken a heavy toll, when volcanoes erupt or comets blaze across the sky or meteor storms and weather anomalies increase, the illusion collapses, the raison d'être of the elites (i.e. protecting the people) collapses and the target has always and will ever be, ultimately, the ruling classes. And they know it. Thus, when such as Anaxagoras or Socrates or Critias mention these uncomfortable facts, they are silenced by ridicule and defamation, and even death.

The symptoms of an increased cometary activity are systematically covered up by the elites as man-made phenomena. The jet contrails due to higher concentrations of atmospheric cometary dust are depicted as 'chemtrails', sprayed by government agencies, the ever more frequent overhead cometary explosions are presented as missile tests, the weather changes due to a decreased solar activity triggered by the approaching Sun's companion and its accompanying cometary swarm is labeled 'anthropogenic global warming'.

By attributing the cause of those cosmically induced events to men, the elites maintain the illusion that they are in control. 'Chemtrails' can be stopped if the 'sprayings' end, missile tests can be stopped if the military can be coerced to do so, global warming can be reduced by controlling man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

However, contrails triggered by increased cometary activity, overhead cometary explosions, and cosmically induced solar and weather disruptions can't be changed by the elite. Not only that, if the public realizes this, they may also begin to think that the 'gods are angry' and try to find the real reason, settling ultimately on the corruption and violence of the elite in their efforts to get and maintain greater power.

If the masses of humanity were to recognize the real causes of such phenomena, that would entail recognizing the powerlessness of the elite and therefore the end of their 'mandate from heaven'.

Mike Baillie comments:
The Chinese believed that an emperor could reign only while he enjoyed the Mandate of Heaven, that is, while he 'looked after his people'; if for any reason he failed to look after their well-being, Heaven would withdraw its Mandate and the emperor and probably his ruling dynasty would be deposed. ... Heaven would have been seen to withdraw its Mandate when the sky darkened, the crops failed and famine ensued bringing death to large numbers of people. The emperor, guilty or not, gets the blame for failing his people. In the aftermath of a calamitous dust-veil event the political upset could easily lead to the deposing of the ruling regime.
Of course, in the beginning of such times of trouble, people want to believe that their government - their kings and ruling elite - are powerful enough, or pure enough, to control nature such that the floods, wildfires, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions cease and all returns to normal. And the ruling elite take advantage of this during such times by trying to find likely scapegoats in other nations, some minority group in their own country, or their personal enemies - including those who are pointing out that it just might be their corruption that is bringing on all the evils - so as to distract the larger populace from their own possible sins of commission or omission. This means that such a period can include protracted wars and the accompanying necessary burden of taxes, persecutions of this group or that group, generally increasing social hysteria and unrest, until finally, one day, the people, as a whole, wake up and see that their rulers have behaved very badly and all the blame gets dumped on them. This is ironic because an anthropocentric worldview where man believes he is in control stops people - even people in power - from being aware of the realities of our existence on this planet which include civilization destroying cosmic events.

Victor Clube writes in The Cosmic Winter:
Even before the Black Death came, then, a human catastrophe of great proportions was under way in late medieval times. Indeed, the cold snap lasted well beyond the period of the ... plague. A number of such fluctuations are to be found in the historical record, and there is good evidence that these climatic stresses are connected not only with famine but also with times of great social unrest, wars, revolution and mass migrations.
The Horns of Moses: Creeping Mechanization

What we see in this non-exhaustive examination of the development of the ideas that underpin Western Civilization is a creeping tendency to mechanize everything. While viewing the world as really 'real' - really physical, the basis of the scientific approach - academia subtly, step-by-step, downgraded the Cosmos and all within it to little more than a self-propelling system that was, oddly, not really affected by this acknowledged really real outside world! How bizarre is that? The world became an evolutionary thing driven from evolution itself, inside the system, with no relationships to anything other than this mindlessness, especially not anything outside of the Earth! The development of these ideas in ancient Greece during that chaotic period of empire formation, together with a tendency to regard philosophers as 'useless', put a period to free inquiry. A few ideas came along during that time, including a heliocentric cosmology by Philolaus , Heracleides of Pontus and Aristarchos of Samos , but these ideas (correct ones, as it happens) went no further and the Aristotelian school of thought was promoted to the exclusion of everything else.

Certainly, Aristotle was a clever guy in many respects, but his astronomy and cosmology (not to mention his ideas about differences between the sexes) were abysmally ignorant. He stated that "exhalations" or evaporations of two kinds are continuously given off by the Earth: wet or steamy, or dry and smoky. This is all that is needed to explain everything that goes on in the atmosphere and skies. He then adds that: "Our remote ancestors have handed down remnants to their posterity in mythical form to the effect that these [heavenly bodies] are gods and that the divine encompasses the whole universe." In other words, he is saying that the primary substances are divine and are located in the heavens, but then the fiery substances that rise to become these atmospheric phenomena, are exclusively of the Earth!

Needless to say, after Aristotle, cosmological speculation fell into decline. The Aristotelian view was adopted by the Alexandrian school and, as already noted, reigned unchallenged for almost two thousand years.

The Plan

In the next volumes of this series of books, we are going to go comet hunting through history. I am going to create a chronology that includes - even emphasizes - the extremely important elements of the environment, particularly the astronomical environment, on the events of our history. What this chronology will include will be as comprehensive a listing of environmental, astronomical, geological and climatological events as I can assemble. Among these are records of Chinese astronomers revealing that a lot was happening in the skies that somehow either nobody in Europe was recording, or if they did, those records were 'lost' - accidentally or deliberately, with few exceptions. I will alternate this type of material with selected social and political events so that, at the end, we can evaluate whether or not there is a relationship between things that happen on Earth and things that happen in the heavens.

My first target in the next volume is going to be the Roman Empire, victim of our most recent Dark Age, which archaeology reveals was a devastating reduction in population and the termination of the so-called civilized processes for a very long time - within historical times.

As we go along, we will be assembling and assessing evidence that there is, indeed, a secret history (in more ways than one), and I will share some very interesting discoveries I have made in the process of collecting the materials for this chronology. I think that what I have discovered will make the case for deliberate expunging of certain records including the knowledge of what really brought on the Dark Ages. We've already seen what Greeks, in the service of rationality and politics, did to the knowledge of our reality; I think I can show, through the history itself, that what was later done on that foundation was an extraordinary process of retrogression, dominated by that singular figure in the history of Western Civilization: Moses.

The very fact that a primitive, obscure, Middle Eastern tribal god managed to acquire so much space in the consciousness of the founders of Western Civilization is as astonishing as the fact that a primitive pathological deviant rose to power in mid-twentieth century Germany and nearly brought the entire planet to its knees. In fact, the two events may have certain things in common. Hitler - and current-day oppressors working toward the same goal - would not have been able to do what they have done if it had not been for Moses and the twisted world-view that resulted from the combination of Middle-Eastern models of imperialism combined with the delusional results of the Greek Platonic astralizers and Roman ego.

I will be drawing on a significant selection of the ancient sources that we do have for the periods in question but, as you will see, rather selectively as to topic. The fact that I did it this way actually led to a startling revelation about one of these sources, as well as the solution to a 2,000 year-old mystery. I actually think that you are going to enjoy this way of looking at history, because trying to figure out What Really Happened when there are all kinds of competing agendas about truth, past and present, is actually as much fun as playing detective!
