Early risers across Clark County saw a meteor, described as blue or green in color, that hit the ground in Eastern Washington around 5:45 a.m. today.

The meteor was traveling from west to east, according to witness reports. The Associated Press reported the sighting was confirmed by the Federal Aviation Administration in the Seattle area, and was reported from Portland to Seattle and east to Spokane and Boise.

Travis Rood of Vancouver was driving east on McLoughlin Boulevard, around 5:25 a.m., on his way to work. He looked up as he approached Grand Boulevard and saw the meteor.

"It started out way high in the sky, like a basic shooting star," Rood said. "As it traveled eastward and downward, it just started getting bigger and bigger.

"It went from white to bright green to white," Rood said. "It looked like it hit in the east, and it lit up the whole sky like sheet lightning."

A Federal Aviation Administration spokesman in Seattle, Mike Fergus, says a Horizon Airlines pilot saw the meteorite hit earth about 5:45 a.m. Fergus says the pilot reported a flash and a burst of light near State Route 26 and the Lind-Hatton Road in the southeast corner of Adams County.

John Dingethal of Ridgefield described a brilliant flash of colored light on the eastern horizon at 5:30 a.m.. "I was looking out my second-story bedroom window and saw a round ball of intense blue light appear suddenly, like and exploding firework," Dingethal said.

In extreme northern Clark County, near Chelatchie Prairie, Cathy Potter reported seeing a blue-green ball of light with a small tail at the same time. She then described "an explosion of white, blue, green and orange similar to a transformer explosion."