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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Pill Poppers: Why are we taking all these supplements again?

The FDA defines a supplement as any vitamin, enzyme, botanical, amino acid, or mineral that is not intended to cure or prevent a disease. It's estimated that 50 to 70% of Americans take a dietary supplement and we would venture to guess that most consumers purposely intend to cure or prevent a disease by taking supplements or, at the very least, correct a perceived or actual deficiency. Whether it is a genuine effort to enhance an already healthy lifestyle or a futile attempt to out-supplement a bad diet, the consumption -- or over-consumption in some cases -- of supplements begs the question: Are these pills as efficacious as their proponents would have you believe? Are people treating supplements like magic pills and popping them willy-nilly just because they're "natural"?

There are plenty of supplement haters out there who try to warn people away from supplementing citing their danger or uselessness. So what's a person to do? Join us for this episode of The Health and Wellness Show as we try to balance the anti-supplement hype with legitimate questions that every consumer should consider before randomly shoving pills down their throats.

Stay tuned for Zoya's Pet Health Segment where the topic will be Canine Stress Syndrome.

Running Time: 01:29:57

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Saudi Arabia: A Wretched Hive of Scum And Villainy, Fully Supported by The West

The murder and dismembering of Saudi opposition journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul is now all but admitted by the Saudi regime. The deed was so brazen and gruesome, we wondered in our last show if 'rogue operators' did it in order to frame the Saudi Crown Prince, aka MBS. Trump apparently heard us because he subsequently suggested the same, before reminding the world that Saudi money trumps all.

The Faustian Pact between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - carved out of the Ottoman Empire under the cover of WW1 - and the British, then US, empires in the early 20th century is so fundamental to Western hegemony that it will not be undone, much less 'transformed' or impeded in any way, by public outcry over the fact that the West keeps serial killers for friends.

This week on NewsReal, Joe & Niall discuss the very public exposure of Western 'values', which turn out not to be democracy, human rights and a rules-based global order, but love of money, lust for power, and sadistic cruelty.

Running Time: 01:23:20

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: The Theory Of Positive Disintegration, Or How Not To Be An NPC

npc meme
Memes. They're modern poetry, aphorism, political cartoonery, social commentary, and idle hilarity all mixed in one. They are also dangerously dehumanizing, apparently. Because some people just can't take a joke. Twitter has banned thousands of joke accounts propagating the NPC meme. It was fun while it lasted. Technically, it's still fun, because you can kill a meme account, but you can't kill a meme. Even if you're very, very outraged. And the NPC meme has its targets literally shaking with outrage right now. How come? Because the NPC meme is such an accurate representation of what it means to be social justice warrior. And the mirror of truth is difficult to behold. Seeing yourself as you actually are is a terrifying thing. The SJWs are being shown to themselves in a mirror, clearly, and they do not like what they see. And their response is humorously predictable: the very behavior being lampooned in the memes they're so offended by.

Today on the Truth Perspective we'll be discussing the 2018 greatest meme, and the surprising psychology beneath it. Why do some people actually resemble NPCs? Why can't they see that they resemble NPCs? Why are they so outraged? And is it possible for an NPC to become 'playable', to grow an actual sense of individuality and authenticity? Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration has the answers!

Running Time: 01:14:29

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: The Assault on Salt

pink salt
Salt has been an essential part of civilization since as far back as 6000 B.C. It has been the subject of stories, fables and fairy tales, served as currency and has been the focal point of warfare. In the human body, salt is needed for numerous functions from blood sugar regulation to nerve communication to bone density to circulatory health. If that weren't enough, salt tastes great. Humans have an innate craving for salt and it is an integral part of food seasoning. No pantry is complete without it. Despite such an illustrious history of use, salt is the most maligned and misunderstood mineral on Earth. It's blamed for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease and we're constantly being told to curb its use or die a horrible death.

Is this simply a case of mistaken identity? Is salt serving as the fall guy for other dietary substances? Will salt ever receive the apology it deserves?
Join us for this episode of The Health and Wellness Show as we discuss one of our favorite crystalline compounds.

Running Time: 01:00:21

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: West Discovers Saudi Arabia Has Human Rights Issues & The Real Reason People Hate Trump

newsreal trump jamal khashoggi saudi arabia
In a collective gasp heard 'round the world, the Western establishment media last week discovered that the Saudi regime is capable of doing evil stuff.

The 'brutal murder' of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey is bizarre on a number of levels, not least because everyone knows about it, yet it's not even confirmed that he's actually dead and not just missing.

US Congress appears to be going straight for the jugular, threatening sanctions against its - to this point, from its perspective - unblemished Middle Eastern ally. So 'sanctions', maybe, but cancelling the weapons sales which sustain the proxy war in Yemen? No way!

In addition to discussing the latest Saudi intrigue, this week's podcast explores the ongoing outbreak of Trump Anxiety Disorder across the West, but primarily in the USA. Joe Quinn elaborates on his idea that the real reason people hate Trump is that he is NOT a liar...

Running Time: 01:03:20

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: The End of Childhood in America

French students cell phones
© Alamy Stock Photo
What's it like to grow up as a child in post-9/11 America? Authoritarianism, school shootings, identity politics, technology and the sexualization of childhood are all on the rise while basic duties like working, doing homework, and generally assuming the responsibilities of an adult have fallen by the wayside. After years of programming the results are in - and they aren't pretty.

Is childhood being replaced by something much more sinister, or are we just witnessing the tragic results for one lost generation? We'll be discussing this and more today on the Truth Perspective.

Running Time: 01:02:19

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: The Pet Health Essentials: Interview with Veterinarian Doctor Zoya Klebanova

sick kitty
Today we are joined live by veterinarian doctor Zoya Klebanova, host of the Health and Wellness Show's Pet Health Segment. We'll be discussing the important topic of the health of our furry family companions! How do you know when you should take your pet to the vet? What should you know before bringing a new pet home? What sorts of things around the house are actually dangerous for our fuzzy little friends, that we may not know about? If you have a specific breed of dog or cat, are there any conditions they're predisposed to and what can you do about it?

We'll talk about these topics and many more fun facts about our cuddly little creatures. Join us for a great discussion! And remember, if you have any questions for Zoya you can call in or type them in the chat!

Running Time: 01:32:14

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: An Alternative to Nihilistic Postmodernism: Whitehead's Process Philosophy

Alfred North Whitehead Ray Griffin Postmodern Philosophy
If postmodern philosophy is wrong, what should replace it? Is a return to 'modern' or even 'pre-modern' thought necessary? Or is there another option? This week on the Truth Perspective we'll be discussing the radically different form of postmodernism developed by mathematician Alfred North Whitehead, called process philosophy.

In this truly post-modernist philosophy, change, or rather the process of becoming, is regarded as more than just accidental or illusory and is made the cornerstone of our reality. Where everything, from the smallest particle to the universe itself, has experience, acts with at least some degree of spontaneity, and is striving to reach ever higher ideals. An elegant merger of science and religion with far-reaching implications, process philosophy opens the door for morality, truth and objective reality to once again claim their right to exist.

Running Time: 01:22:23

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: The Miraculous Carnivore Diet: Interview with Phil Escott

phil escott carnivore
So what's the deal with the carnivore diet? Many high-profile individuals have been talking about dropping everything but meat and fat from their diets and report miraculous healing benefits. Autoimmune conditions, diabetes, depression, arthritis, skin problems, weight loss - the benefits of going zero carb seem to be limitless.

Today we're joined by Phil Escott, health writer, blogger, personal trainer, novelist, drummer from the UK and author of the book 'ARTHRITIS - The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me: Healing the pain of psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis and how autoimmunity can heal your body and soul'. Due to a crippling bout of inflammatory arthritis in 2010, which he reversed by natural means including an ancestral/seasonal low carb diet, addressing EMFs and circadian mismatches and emotional balancing, further intense study revealed many secrets of healing normally hidden behind the misleading conventional medical and health dogma. Phil's healing journey eventually lead him to the carnivore diet and he hasn't looked back since!

Join us on this episode of the Health and Wellness Show, as Phil tells us about his own path back to health, with the many steps along the way, and the benefits of a carnivore diet for health and well-being.

Running Time: 01:41:55

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: The Strange Contagion: How Viral Thoughts and Emotions Secretly Control Us

Lee Kravetz Strange Contagion
Today on the Truth Perspective we discuss Lee Daniel Kravetz's latest book Strange Contagion: Inside the Surprising Science of Infectious Behaviors and Viral Emotions and What They Tell Us About Ourselves.

When Lee and his wife moved to Palo Alto, California in 2009 they hoped for a bright future for their baby boy. Unbeknownst to them a tragic string of suicides was threatening to rock the entire county. What began with one tragic event in 2008 morphed into entire suicide clusters that claimed the lives of several hundred children. Shocked, Kravitz and others set out to investigate why so many of the youth - strangers to one another - would take their lives in affluent Silicon Valley.

What Lee discovered was a veritable contagion of ideas, emotions and behaviors that, like others in history, swept across their society. This social contagion, when at its most malevolent, threatens the vulnerable and shakes communities to their core. But at its most positive it can inspire courage, bravery, and point our way to a brighter future.

Are our goals, emotions and ideas really ours, or are we each at the mercy of this strange contagion'? And, if we are at the mercy of these forces, is it possible to turn their tide to our benefit? We'll be discussing these questions and more today, on the Truth Perspective.

Running Time: 01:22:32

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