Society's ChildS

Gold Bar

Millions worth of gold pours from sky in Russia after plane hatch falls off (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Gold bars on airport runway
Gold bars and gems worth millions of dollars have fallen out of a plane taking off in the Russian region of Yakutia, famous for its rich natural resources and diamond deposits, local media report citing witnesses.

Photos circulating on social media appear to show gold bars wrapped in material scattered on the runway at Yakutsk Airport, in the country's major diamond-producing region. The precious metals fell from the Nimbus Airlines An-12 plane when its cargo hatch accidentally flew open upon takeoff, Russia's Investigative Committee confirmed on Thursday.

The plane was carrying more than 9 tons of "concentrate containing precious metal" that belonged to the Mining and Geological Company in the neighboring Chukotka region, the committee said, without naming the metals. The ill-fated hatch fell on the local auto market, causing no injuries.

No Entry

Gazprom guarantees gas deliveries to Europe, unless Ukraine steals them

gas supplies
© Gleb Garanich / Reuters
The head of Russian energy giant Gazprom Aleksey Miller has guaranteed gas deliveries to Europe, as long as Ukraine doesn't steal transit gas intended for the continent.

Earlier, Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak also confirmed this information, saying that Gazprom's natural gas supplies to Europe are seeing the highest volumes ever.

Speaking to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the head of Gazprom noted that the Stockholm Arbitration decision that ordered his company to compensate Ukraine's Naftogaz to the tune of $2.56 billion is "an asymmetric decision that violated the balance of interests of the parties under contracts, for delivery and transit."

Comment: Further reading:

Mr. Potato

End of civilization: Richard Dawkins suggests that people eat human flesh to overcome a repugnancy to cannibalism

Richard Dawkins
© AP / Getty
Professional atheist Richard Dawkins continues to push the envelope against a God-deluded world, proposing that cultivating and eating human "meat" might help society overcome its "taboo" against cannibalism.

Commenting on an article from the UK's Independent newspaper, which touts the benefits of lab-grown "clean meat," Dawkins tweeted earlier this month that perhaps something similar could be done with human flesh, which would assist western culture in shedding yet another irrational remnant of its Judeo-Christian roots.

Dawkins said that eating lab-grown human meat would provide an "interesting test case for consequentialist morality versus 'yuck reaction' absolutism," which keeps people from doing things just because they seem morally repugnant.

Comment: Did it not occur to "brilliant" Richard Dawkins that perhaps there are good, innate, reasons why human beings find certain things to be morally repugnant??


Facebook bans 'Islamaphobic and proud' Britain First as free speech row erupts on Twitter

Britain First
© Andrew Parsons / Global Look PressJayda Fransen and Paul Golding were jailed for inciting hatred. Now Facebook has banned them
Facebook has banned Britain First (BF) leaders from using its platform, just days after the group's leaders, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, were jailed for a series of hate crimes committed against Muslims.

The social media giant said it issued warnings to Golding and Fransen who were imprisoned last week for 18 and 36 weeks, respectively. Facebook said both had recently been given "a written final warning," but "they have continued to post content that violates our community standards." Now, Britain First's Facebook page, which had two million followers globally, has been closed.

Facebook stated: "We do not do this lightly, but they have repeatedly posted content designed to incite animosity and hatred against minority groups, which disqualifies the pages from our service."

Comment: See also:

Arrow Up

Rightly so: Vladimir Putin threatens to ban all British media from operating in Russia if RT loses its UK licence

© ReutersRussia Today has in the past been accused of being a propaganda arm of the Kremlin
Russia has threatened to ban British reporters from its country if its state broadcaster loses its UK licence as the row over the Salisbury spy poison attack intensifies.

It comes after Britain's media regulator said Russia Today (RT) faces losing its licence to broadcast in the UK if Moscow was found to be behind the Salisbury chemical attack on a former Russian double agent.

Comment: The Brits are clearly desperate and, therefore, losing the plot. It's only rational to assume that if the UK bans RT (which is part of their goal in this concocted scandal) the result will be increased popular support for RT among British citizens. After all, that's exactly what happens when you tell people that they should not watch something!


After Fox News backed down from Seth Rich 'conspiracy theory', now his parents are taking legal action

Fox News newsroom
© Alex Wong/Getty Images
Months after Fox News was forced to retract its reporting on conspiracy theories surrounding the death of a Democratic National Committee employee, the family of the victim is taking legal action against the cable news network.

Fox News host Sean Hannity offered up numerous reports on his show theorizing that a murdered DNC employee was involved in the hacking of the committee during the 2016 election.

Comment: One wonders if the Riches would be so quick to sue if it was a liberal news outlet doing the investigating. More on Seth Rich:


Taxpayers held liable as cops refuse to apologize for attacking innocent gay teen (VIDEO)

cops attack teen

Taxpayers shelled out tens of thousands of dollars this week after cops were seen on video brutally attacking the victim of a bullying incident and then refused to even say they were sorry.

Once again, the Killeen police department is in the news for the way it is treating the citizens - this time a child - it is sworn to protect. Local taxpayers just shelled out $60,000 to pay for the abusive actions of two of Killeen's finest after they were seen on video attacking a gay teen who was the victim of a bullying incident.

According to KWTX, U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeffrey C. Manske accepted the settlement filed after the student complained he was brutalized, slammed to the ground during an arrest at 2:55 p.m. April 21, 2016, following an altercation between two students on a Killeen Independent School District bus.

"A body slam is never an approved use of force," the complaint says. "It is not a recognized 'takedown' maneuver under any training provided to Officers Lundt and Frucella."

Comment: More incidents involving police in Killeen, Texas:


Barmy British send army into another UK town over Russia spy probe: 'Do not leave your homes'

Russia spy probe poison Gillingham UK Skripal
© Sommerset LiveLocal residents have been told not leave their homes in Gillingham
The Army have moved into another UK town over the Russia spy probe as residents have been warned not leave their homes.

Military trucks and troops in gas masks have rolled into the sleepy town of Gillingham in Somerset.

It becomes the latest location in Britain to be placed on lockdown amid the investigation into the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

British Army and Royal Air Force officers are reportedly on the scene along with cops and paramedics.

Several roads are cordoned off and investigations are believed to centre of a flat-bed truck - which has been wrapped up and winched away from the scene.

Comment: The UK government and the media are going through an attack of hysteria at the moment. A man gets poisoned so expel Russian diplomats! A flatbed truck is found 25 miles from the incident so send in the military!

Christmas Tree

Top UK policeman calls for decriminalization of cannabis, says law is "illogical"

© Lino Mirgeler/ Global Look Press
A top police officer has called on cannabis to be decriminalized in the UK amid claims it is less dangerous than alcohol. He suggested making it available at local stores.

Arfon Jones, the North Wales police and crime commissioner, said banning cannabis is "illogical." He added it is "far less harmful" than alcohol and therefore it makes no sense for one to be banned and the other not.

"I want to see drugs controlled and sold by responsible retailers similar to off-licences [local stores] that sell alcohol," said Jones, i news reports. "I don't see a difference between the use of alcohol and the use of cannabis. If we went back to day one, and we were legislating this again I'm sure people would realize that alcohol causes a lot more harm than cannabis does and I think the categorization would reflect that."

Comment: See Also:

War Whore

Trump's new CIA director rightly called a 'war criminal' by critics

CIA logo
Gina Haspel, Trump's new nominee for CIA director, was a key figure in former President George W. Bush's enhanced interrogation program.

Haspel's leading role in the program was first spotlighted last year after she was named as the CIA's deputy director. The New York Times reported on how she supposedly helped torture two people suspected of terrorism.
As a clandestine officer at the Central Intelligence Agency in 2002, Gina Haspel oversaw the torture of two terrorism suspects and later took part in an order to destroy videotapes documenting their brutal interrogations at a secret prison in Thailand.
The New Yorker published a similar profile, with additional details about the techniques she helped employ against suspected terrorists.
From 2003 to 2005, Gina Haspel was a senior official overseeing a top-secret C.I.A. program that subjected dozens of suspected terrorists to savage interrogations, which included depriving them of sleep, squeezing them into coffins, and forcing water down their throats. In 2002, Haspel was among the C.I.A. officers present at the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, an Al Qaeda suspect who was tortured so brutally that at one point he appeared to be dead.

Comment: Isn't Trump supposed to be draining the swamp? See also: