Shedding pretentious nuances surrounding discussions related to race and religion,
Dr. Elisa Hill emphasised, "A lot of it has to do with race and religion. A lot of people don't like talking about it or they don't like to hear about it."In a shocking interview with the
Triggernometry, rape survivor Dr. Ella Hill has revealed that at least half a million Non-Muslim (
Kaffir) girls have been raped by grooming gangs, operated by Muslim men in the United Kingdom, in the past 40 years. The interview was conducted by two comedians, Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster.
The video published on July 19, 2020 writes in the description:
"Please note: Ella Hill (pseudonym) has retired from activism. She will not be replying to requests for any more interviews. However, she has explicitly expressed that journalists are free to quote any part of her Triggernometry interview, within the context of her intention to encourage people racialised as 'white'/'White' to participate in lawful antiracism practices for people racialised as 'white'/'White', rather than to collectivise against people who are not."
There are more than 2800 comments to the video.For example one finds:
I am an ex Special Constable. I was so proud with I joined up and hoped to make a career in the Police. But sadly what she says here is so true. I quit because of it and, by now, anyone with any integrity has left and been replaced with mindless automatons.
Although we don't know the authenticity of the claim, we do know that some have left, so from this perspective, one could conjecture that besides the many already discussed aspects of the way the Government is handling the issue, there could also be the effect of attracting less people with high moral standards to join the police force thus shifting the balance.
Next follows a string of comments, including bits from the automated transcript, other articles from the same media outlet, as well as various Tweets (as long as they are up), including at present five video clips, a few links and titles to books.
Below are excerpts from the transcript and even if some words are missing for the sake of "proper YouTube language" the meaning is understandable clear:
i'm i feel um compelled to talk about 10:34 what's happened and what is still happening um because people need to hear it from survivors that these are racially and10:41 religiously aggravated crimes that when i was being beaten i was being called a white slag a white [ __ ] a10:46 white [ __ ] that over and over again the references to my whiteness was10:52 always at the forefront of my perpetrator's mind and that that was always linked in with religion and his idea of what10:59 a good muslim was and a bad non-muslim was or a good believer and a bad unbeliever11:08 even though i was a christian even though i have my faith in god i pray you know i believe 11:14 in heaven and hell i believe in good and bad um good and evil 11:19 so but in the minds of these grooming gangs um if you're not covered down to 11:26 your ankles down to your wrist if the hem of your top doesn't cover your knees then you're asking to be raped 11:31 or um you know if you're if you're not washing in a way that you should wash as a 11:36 muslim if you're not if you're eating pork you're unclean you're dirty if you use a knife and fork11:42 you're dirty if you don't eat your food with your hands it sounds like i couldn't never 11:48 quite understand that the opposite way around but um so there's lots of narratives within 11:54 these grooming gangs which make um hatred of white people 12:00 a justification for what they're doing and also scriptural things like you know we're allowed to do this we're permitted 12:06 to do this to you once you've started your periods so we can't do it to you and before you start your periods we 12:12 have to do which is another type of sexual12:17 molestation and which doesn't involve penetration
i mean for my christian faith17:11 my very strong belief is love your enemy so love your enemy bless those who curse you and do good to those who spitefully17:18 use you so that is what i fall back on again and again and it's been a chosen decision17:23 that you know these people who have made me their enemy or they are my enemy17:28 they're attacking me and it's they're identifying me as an enemy that they have to harm17:33 um i will not hate them i will not hate all muslims not at all17:39 in fact i will love them i will i will make a determined choice to love them and for them to be my friends and for me17:46 to you know cook meals for my friends and you know take care of them look after them check on their kids their families17:53 everything um i will not be driven to hate anybody17:59 because of their color of their skin or their background or their race or religion age gender sexuality you know18:06 that that i think is really part of this part of my faith which is18:12 incredible i mean it's i mean it's so powerful the fact that it's18:17 considering the the extremities of your experiences the fact that you would then make a18:23 concerted effort to make that choice is you know it's it's phenomenal really18:30 it's been quite easy i have to say because i've met some absolutely wonderful18:35 people like in my career training as a doctor through medical school through working hospitals18:40 just absolutely fantastic like my friends there's nepalese thai chinese um18:48 lebanese iraqi indian sri lankan these are my close close18:53 close best friends that i've had for years and years so um it hasn't been hard to love them18:59 at all to be fair and my pakistani friends as well you know the main charity that i support is that19:05 pakistani it's in pakistan it's a christian charity and that's through my friends in the church19:12 um but for me it gives me peace to love people um no matter what19:19 that gives me peace
the last question that we always end our interviews with is what's the one thing that we're not1:17:59 talking about but we really should be i think we're not talking about how to1:18:05 recover from spiritual abuse and that there can be recovery and that1:18:11 you can heal and that people can get out of it and get up again1:18:19 you know you can be knocked down many many times you can be knocked down in many ways but you can always get up1:18:26 again and that's a really really powerful message to on the interview with1:18:31 ella
To be more "inclusive", there was from the same source:
28 November, 2018 OpIndia Staff
UK: Police 'recklessly ignored' Muslim grooming gangs sexually abusing Sikh girls for decades due to 'political correctness', claims study
They are lured with drugs and alcohol and cannabis and after a period of systematic brainwashing which involves alienating them from their family and convincing them that their parents are racists, they are plied for sex.
According to a study by the Sikh Mediation and Rehabilitation Team charity, Pakistani men have been grooming Sikh girls in Britain for decades for sexual abuse and rape. The study also claims that the Police 'recklessly ignored' complaints about reasons of 'political correctness'.
The report was accessed by Daily Mail. It says, "The research has found verification demonstrating a history of predominantly Pakistani grooming gangs targeting young Sikh females for over 50 years." It also asserts, "The over-representation of such perpetrators in selecting non-Muslim victims would appear to be indicative of a wider acceptability in certain sections of the community towards the targeting of young females from outside of the Pakistani community and/or Muslim faith."
The report says that failure of local authorities to recognize the menace has allowed such networks to flourish. It says, "Over the course of three decades, Sikh community leaders in the West Midlands repeatedly assert that when families or community representatives contacted the police regarding the abuse of children, their information was consistently met with disinterest and their claims met by inaction." And "With the emergence of multiple similar cases across the UK, the perceived failure to act has now been attributed to the 'political correctness' that inhibited authorities and agencies from addressing the racial and cultural dimensions understood as causative factors behind the abuse."
The following is evidence some perpetrators are "business savy":
20 July, 2019 OpIndia Staff
Rotherham paedophiles received half a million pounds in legal aid from public money while their victims remain uncompensated
This is not the first time the establishment is seen to take the side of the grooming gang. The police had ignored the reports filed by victims because they feared that they will be accused of racism.
In a shocking development, it has come to the fore that paedophiles involved in the Rotherham Muslim grooming gang scandal have received legal aid up to £500,000 after raping children as young as 11 years old. Sickeningly, as many as 70 survivors did not receive any compensation at all and dozens of others received as little as £2000.
The paedophiles, the Hussain brothers namely Arshid, Bannaras and Basharat, raped girls as young as 11 years old. They were raped, tied up, tortured and passed around among abusers. Arshid was the ring leader and he was given a 35 year sentence, Bannaras received 19 year sentence and Basharat for 25 years.
Information received via a Freedom of Information request has revealed they were awarded £370,000 in legal aid for their costs in the 2016 crown court trial. Apart from this, they also received monetary aids for hearings in other magistrate courts and family courts, which is estimated to be over £100,000. It is being alleged that they exploited the country's laws and defrauded the hard-earned money of the British taxpayers.
Shockingly, the rapists pleaded poverty to claim legal aid from taxpayers money despite running large businesses. They own a petrol pump, several restaurants and an egg farm that supplies to supermarkets, and several other properties. It is said that they had 'owned' the town for than 10 years. But they were still somehow able to get money to defend their heinous crimes.
One woman, Sammy Woodhouse, see her story in this video:
posted in a Tweet from 2018 that not only was a child born out of the assault, but the rapist can still claim the right to see the child:
One Tweet from Sammy Woodhouse, that might put the authorities in an unfavourable light, is about a woman who was abused between the age of 11 and 13. She managed to escape, there was a court case, and 13 people with mainly Somali background were sentenced to prison. She witnessed against all of them and was cross examined by 13 different barristers. Now she has two children, but the former assailants are still free to loiter around her house, even break a window, and though video footage shows the face of the assailant, nothing is done about it.
In this interview Raja Miah explains how he was persecuted for bringing the topic up in Oldham city council.
Here is an entry from the recent debate in the British Parliament:
Jordan Peterson honors the great contributions of Britain to the progress of civilization, but also expresses his concerns for the current trajectory of the country:
See also:
10a) Regarding the work of Charlie Peters, the author of the last article, Raja Miah noted in a Tweet
Last edited 7:46 PM · Jan 9, 2025
What Raja Miah is more aware than Charlie Peters yet is of the systemic nature of he issues. Former UK PM, Liz Truss, however, presents a still broader view of the situation. See the YouTube video interview by Peter MacCormac, "Liz Truss: The Deep State, Grooming Gangs, Economic Reform & Free Speech". Her model is not perfect, but close enough to elaborate on why "the strings are being pulled from elsewhere" as Raja Miah puts it.
There are several books about the topic:
Update and note: January 12, 2025
The video transcript says:
the types of gang rapes that30:04you see here that are happening in pakistan have been prosecuted as terrorists terrorist attacks in pakistan
The law referred to was in force for a very short time. Nimra Asmi wrote in
A Patchwork Pakistani: Gang Rape, Jurisdiction, and the Mukhtar Mai Case Posted on January 20, 2015 by islamiclawblog:
In 1999, Pakistan passed an amendment to the 1997 Anti-Terrorism Act.[1] This Amendment listed gang rape, child molestation, and robbery coupled with rape as terrorist acts under the ATA.
The express jurisdiction of the ATCs over sexual offenses was short lived: a 2001 Amendment to the ATA quietly removed gang rape from the statute's definition of terrorism.
For a perspective on how rape is treated in some countries, and with examples from Pakistan, see
Punished For Being Raped and For Accusing Rapists: Women's Burden Under ShariaNote:
Since the claim in the video is that the instances of gang rape are "racially and religiously aggravated", it might be helpful for understanding the broader social context to consider Islamic Law, Sharia.
Sharia is defined as a "body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition based on scriptures of Islam, particularly the Qur'an and hadith." The Australian based has an article
Explainer: what is 'sharia law'? And does it fit with Western law? The first sentence is: "Islam, like Judaism, is a religion of law" Both of these differ from
law systems, like Common Law practised mostly in the UK, the US, Canada and Australia, and Civil Law found in continental Europe including the Russian Federation, Central Asia, Mexico and South America.
On the topic of rape as viewed in the Quran and Hadith,
WikiIslam has two relevant articles:
Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Rape of Slaves, Prisoners, and Wives
Rape in Islamic Law
Comment: Update January 11
Reuters reports: It sure sounds like someone tampered with this plane, and that the missing 4 minutes would have revealed the pilots discussing and attempting to wrest back control of its functions, not least the landing gear that never dropped down.