Dr. Redfield made the remarks in a May 16 interview with Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, during which he lamented the loss of public confidence in public health agencies because of a lack of transparency around the vaccines, which he said "saved a lot of lives" but also made some people "quite ill."
"Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines ... we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated," Dr. Redfield said.
In his role as head of the CDC, Dr. Redfield was part of the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed, a project to surge COVID-19 vaccine development at a time during the pandemic when little was known about the virus and rapid vaccine rollout was widely seen as key to getting the outbreak under control and lockdowns lifted.
In September 2020, a few months before the first COVID-19 vaccines were given in the United States, Dr. Redfield testified before the Senate that COVID-19 represented the "most significant public health challenge to face our nation in more than a century," and that the prevailing view among scientists at the time was that the overall case fatality rate of the disease was somewhere between 0.4 and 0.6 percent in the United States.
"If you were to look right now, individuals under the age of 18, it's about 0.01 percent, 19 to say 69, it's more like 0.3 percent. And if you're over the age of 70, it's about 5 percent now," he testified at the time.
While there's lingering controversy about the severity of COVID-19, a recent study estimates that the global case fatality rate was 8.5 percent in February 2020 but had plunged to 0.27 percent in August 2022, meaning that the estimated relative risk reduction over that time was a whopping 96.8 percent.
In his interview on NewsNation, Dr. Redfield said that the vaccines that were developed as part of Operation Warp Speed were "important" and saved "a lot of lives." However, despite their benefits, the drawbacks of the vaccines must be a matter of open discussion, he said.
"They're important for the most vulnerable people, those over 60, 65 years of age. They really aren't that critical for those that are under 50 or younger. But those vaccines saved a lot of lives, but they also — we have to be honest, some people got significant side effects from the vaccine," he said.
"I have a number of people that are quite ill and they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine," he continued. "And we just have to acknowledge that."
Vaccine Controversy
The severity of COVID-19 remains a matter of debate because it's unclear whether deaths were overcounted or undercounted due to various factors, such as lack of clarity around the role of underlying medical conditions in fatalities in cases where COVID-19 was listed as the primary cause, or underreporting of asymptomatic infections. Aside from the issue of whether people died "from" COVID-19 or "with" a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, there have also been questions about the role of secondary pneumonia caused by mechanical ventilation.
Comment: Being put on a ventilator was practically a death sentence in itself but the monetary incentive was great
- Almost 90% of COVID-19 patients at New York's largest hospital system have died after being placed on ventilators
- Covid death rates dropped as doctors rejected ventilators
- Don't let them rewrite history: Ventilators KILLED people...and it was no accident
- Cash4Covid - How hospitals are making money off the coronavirus
Either way, a study from January 2023 indicates that the global case fatality rate from COVID-19 has dropped dramatically over the course of the pandemic. Global case fatalities ranged from 1.7 to 39.0 percent in February to March of 2020, according to the study — but fell to below 0.3 percent in July to August 2022.
The researchers estimate that the risk of death from COVID-19 has dropped by 96.8 percent over the course of the pandemic.
Along with a decline in COVID-19 fatalities, there have been growing concerns about vaccine side effects, given that a significant number of vaccinated people have reported various adverse reactions.
The most common COVID-19 vaccine adverse events are those that affect the body generally, with fever, fatigue, and overall discomfort being the top three, according to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). But there are others.
For instance, heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) and inflammation of the lining outside the heart (pericarditis) have both officially been acknowledged by the CDC as a known side effect of Moderna's and Pfizer's mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Nervous system disorders have also been reported, with such disorders being the third most common in the Pfizer trials, coming after general and muscle-related adverse events.
There have also been papers linking spike-protein-based COVID-19 vaccines to skin problems, a dull ringing in the ears known as tinnitus, visual impairments, blood clotting, and even death. Recent reporting from EpochTV's American Thought Leaders program indicates that the likelihood of death associated with COVID-19 vaccines (in close proximity to the shot rather than proven as caused by it) was over 100 times greater than for flu vaccines.
There are also concerns about a post-vaccination jump in excess deaths and disability.
The CDC still recommends that people of all ages receive a COVID-19 vaccine, saying that the potential side effects do not outweigh the potential harms of getting sick with COVID-19.
In a notice published in late April, the agency again called for adults aged 65 and older to get the latest version of the vaccines.
Via The Epoch Times
Reader Comments
There is not, never was, and never will be, a "covid" virus... there is only the anti-vaccine.
But don't listen to me, just a Mol. Biologist with undergrad in Micro that actually worked on both corona and nasty nucleic acid "vaccines" in biotech.
Put it this way, the carrier lipid itself had huge side effects destroying lungs of rodents... never mind the full dose including nucleic acids... of course there were variable delays in the fused lung cells, heart damage, cancers, etc ... perfectly designed to give them "plausible deniability", and there are very few expert witnesses with the integrity to go against pharma.
What was the good doctor doing in 2020 under Lightspeed Trump?
I could spend all afternoon posting links to this guy's nefarious past but you get the idea.
This is like the executioner apologizing for his dull axe.
Oh wait, he didn't even apologize! He is such a POS
It was all a sham, a horrible attempt to kill as many people as possible through deadly 'treatments' rather than effective cures.
Even though I lived both inside and outside of three medical facilities between 2019 and 2021 and documented my observations on two web sites, my family refuse to believe any of it.
I would love to forward your linked article to my family but few would read it and those who do read it refuse to believe any of it.
I forward a few particularly good things, but not many, I hear you on that. I do have some jabbed family that, while not awake, are not unreachable.
The intent is to shift the narrative to "overzealous mistakes" were made by "well meaning" "experts" to prevent a "pandemic". The reality is and will be proven, that "covid" in 2020 was a psyop to implement a bioweapon for genocide in 2021. The excess death rate since the vax bioweapon was implemented demonstrates this. Yes, the boosters for the elderly to reduce the "useless eaters" who are on the failing "social security" system. Gee, that would save them money, money, money.
q: what is it that makes the mayor (and his lackeys) of the town think he is (they are) so much superior to the dying drug addict in the back alley from whom he (they) sucked all his blood?
a: ignorance. sheer, total and complete ignorance.
welcome to lago.
welcome to hell.
we are only immortal for a limited time.
...is ded
More and more credible science is now being done showing those who got the jab were done, played like a fiddle, and used as an experimental cash cow. The NWO and their fellow scammers sold the Flu as a deadly disease.
- 2% of the injected, died within 30 days of the fluid being in their bodies.
- 5% of the injected, suffered life affecting, long term injury, from the fluid.
- Died Suddenly/Unexpectedly now represents 80% of the deaths in people under 65. The deaths by Cause data is being held by the Kanadian Government for 2023 because its very compelling, in a criminal kind of way.
[Link] - Kickbacks, Mysoginy, Black Humor, and Hiding Emails: Dr. Fauci’s Lieutenant on the Hot Seat
The link has videos showing questioning from Mr. Mfume, Dr. Miller-Meeks, and Mr. Cloud respectively (not sure that is the order in the hearing), and truly this is worth watching to give a snapshot of the present situation.
In the article it states: BK
A tune from the band The Who - [Link] - Teenage Wasteland!
Man - that is a funny question!
Get it right the first time I reckon: [Link]
I choose to believe Pete is living a fulfilling and free life in the wild. Without a body there's no proof otherwise.
I like your thoughts regarding the brown bunny " Petie " - I hadn't thought about that bunny in a long time, but I do remember inviting my neighbor's children ( along with their mother of course ) to come into my yard and lay eyes on the bunny named Petie. But one day, after that bunny was hanging out in the backyard, the bunny knew how to get under the fence already, and this day was the day the bunny never came back and I also hope said bunny is living a fulfilling and free life in the wild - maybe said bunny created a rabbit hole and within that hole, many new bunnies formed - but there is no evidence of that. I'll say this though - that brown bunny was not easy to spot in the forest.
Just like this fawn I found a few days ago: [Link]
It is amazing what shows up sometimes - I took a picture of the fawn and I couldn't tell whether it was alive or not, but I can confirm it was alive and when we set that baby down it bolted in an effort to be reunited with mama doe - I hope they met up and that fawn remembers who found it and who tried to help.
[Link] - In Spite of Ourselves
[Link] - Mean Mary
[Link] - Glen Campbell
[Link] - A "boogie woogie" Queen
I could easily add 50 more links to the list - including some Billy Strings and even Leonid and Friends ( mostly doing remakes, but very well done , and some more obscure ones like from " The Eels "), but I won't cause I reckon four songs is enough. Wait - this song is really good as well.
[Link] - Railroad Man
[Link] - ps no ads on that song! - Tis "Classical Gas" of course....somebody paid for it to be ad free - thanks I say to them.
Here is another one I've posted before and I'm really fond of Molly - she is going to be in Owensboro, KY in a few weeks and was near my home recently as well.
[Link] - no ads on that one either!
Here's a sure way to feel old. Watch this
Then this
And to feel even older, if the second one was your time, as it was mine, the first video is 18 years ago!
Brooker died a couple years ago, sorry to say.
He was a STAUNCH democrat/lib, like so many performers. Good at music, shit for brains.