E. Jean Carroll
Crazy E. Jean Carroll during interview with Vanity Fair.
Earlier today Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Trump-hating Clinton-appointed judge without morals or integrity, announced that he was delaying the E. Jean Carroll defamation case against Donald Trump until Tuesday - on the day of the nation's first primary in New Hampshire.

Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, previously ruled that Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about E. Jean Carroll after she accused him of rape. A court found that there was no evidence that Trump raped the woman who he doesn't know and never met. In fact, she's not even sure of the year or season the alleged rape occurred.

There is absolutely no evidence to support her accusations. But the New York court indicted Trump anyway for committing "rape" in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room where he was allegedly assisting Carroll in purchasing lingerie after he met this crazed woman on the street in New York City. The entire story is like something written for Law and Order.

On Monday, President Trump went SCORCHED EARTH on E. Jean Carroll on Truth Social.

Trump posted several of her bizarre rape fantasies and sexually deviant comments on Truth Social.

Carroll: Rape is sexy.

Carroll lied about the "dress."

Crazy talk.
e. jean carroll tweet
Big dick energy.

Sex games.

sexual house arrest.
carroll post
How to dominate a man.

Sexual advance.

Brad Pitt fantasy.

The penis.

More penis talk.

Anal sex?

Oral sex.


Pants too tight.

Hunter Thompson.

Lied about Reid Hoffman.

More on Roger.