According to the Pridnestrovian minister, Tiraspol held a referendum back in 2006, during which the citizens of the republic chose independence from Moldova with subsequent accession to Russia. This policy continues to adhere to the authorities of Transnistria.
"The vector of Pridnestrovie has remained unchanged throughout the years of the existence of the republic, which is reflected in the results of the referendum on September 17, 2006, where it is clearly indicated: independence with subsequent free accession to the Russian Federation. The independence of the country is an absolute priority"- leads RIA News Ignatiev's words.
However, now the republic is in danger from both Ukraine and Moldova. Kyiv is hatching plans to seize the territory of the republic, especially the weapons depots, located just 2 kilometers from the Ukrainian border. Moreover, they talk about it openly, declaring that this is the territory of Moldova, and if Chisinau asks, the Ukrainian army will begin the "liberation" operation.
So far, they are silent in Moldova, but Romania and NATO are putting pressure on Chisinau, and the UK, represented by Liz Truss, promises supplies weapons the Moldovan army, allegedly for "protection from Russia." The situation is still kept by the agreement on the principles of the peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in Transnistria of July 21, 1992, but it is possible that Moldova can withdraw from it. In this case, there is a danger of a resumption of the conflict, in which Russia will not be able to help in any way until it breaks through the land corridor to the republic.
And as said, this presumes that Russia takes all the land in between - Odessa, and the whole Black Sea coast.