But thinking scientifically it is not possible for people to have common sense after several years of brainwashing.Disagree. Why not, if you have a working brain? And there is absolutely NO excuse for succumbing to the brainwashing in the first place. Anyone who trusts the brainwashers is an idiot. In the case of COVID, who was behind the psyop? That would be the MSM, Pharma, 3-letter agencies and politicians, and the medical establishment. Sure, many trusted them. That's part of my point. Why? Trusting them pre-COVID was naivete on steroids.
Also ignorance is bliss and it may help us propagate human race in spite of grave dangers.Good point. Some human failures do have utility from an evolutionary, species-survival perspective. Herd instinct is similar.
Steelj there is absolutely NO excuse for succumbing to the brainwashing in the first place. Anyone who trusts the brainwashers is an idiot.Ignorance & Nescience.
Some know better and still fall into the trap.If they know better, doesn't that mean they would avoid a trap that they know about? Am I missing something?
Some were never taught how or what to know, so they are blindfolded amongst us.I grew up in a family of authoritarians, and one willing follower. My friends were just kids. Yet I knew the authorities couldn't be trusted as a teenager. It's obvious. I've known others with similar stories. Besides, we all live in the same world. If you can watch the MSM or listen to liberal professor propaganda and take it as truth, you are pathetic. You don't need anyone else to tell you it's ridiculous, what they propound makes no sense, if you're capable and willing to think about it.
Try not to be so hard on those who don't see the truthWhy not? They destroy society, and drive everyone else's lives into misery. They suck.
Love will overcome. Knowledge is the equalizer.Tell that to those left to struggle to survive in the wreckage of every society before ours that disintegrated. Love works great on a micro level, I can attest. If it worked to keep societies decent and functional, history would look a lot different.
Steelj We are here to look after Number One. We cannot know the fate of others, nor why. It's toughlove, but the only breeze to get some thru this cessepool.Yes. I'd add there's a whole lot else we cannot know, and thinking we can causes a lot of grief. And once Number One is OK, I think we're here for others too. I have no proof of that, it just seems right. Who knows really? But if not, that's too dark even for me. Hmm, getting a little heavy, probably a good idea to go fishing, preferably with my wife. That usually works great, if the weather's nice. Along with love, simple things that play to our primitive instincts are the best, for me at least, to get through the cesspool. Breeze through, sometimes.
Steelj If they know better, doesn't that mean they would avoid a trap that they know about? Am I missing something?Don't confuse wisdom for courage. Plenty of people knew the truth about COVID. Who really had the courage to resist to the point of losing their ability to financially take care of their families?
Try not to be so hard on those who don't see the truth Why not? They destroy society, and drive everyone else's lives into misery. They suck.Because then, you'll begin to adapt a mentality of those who are currently trying to enslave us all. "They suck" turns into "Who needs them" and we know where that road ends. GENOCIDE.
Tell that to those left to struggle to survive in the wreckage of every society before ours that disintegrated. Love works great on a micro level, I can attest. If it worked to keep societies decent and functional, history would look a lot different.Well, for one, the world has been operating on deceit, manipulation, hate, fear and violence.
To supply technical information to a people like yourselves is a serious crime against the cosmic laws. The last thing that you need is technological information to increase the gap between your intellectual development and your almost nonexistent social development."
Note the emphasis on moral-human rights development.... and cultivating this is not a sign of intelligence. It increases the GAP and is self-crime and marks a following, 'markets' a 'crowd' into 'auto-destruct', aka self-sabotage.
Of mind and heart
“The mind does nothing but talk, and ask questions, and search for meanings . The heart, does not talk, does not ask questions, does not search for meanings, it silently moves towards God and surrenders itself to Him. The mind is Satan’s lawyer, while the heart is God’s servant. ” – St.Francis of Assisi
We humans are the only exception.”We humans are also born in balance.Problem is, we also hold unresolved traumas from time immemorial that won't allow us to realize who we are today.
"The fundamental reason was - I no longer wanted to be affiliated with this administration," Sheline told the Guardian. "I have a young daughter. She's not yet two, but if some day in the future, she is learning about this and knows that I was at the state department and she asked me [about it] - I want to be able to tell her that I did what I could."
If man is the cancer as Agent Smith calls Morpheus, man needs to be eliminated. AI is the perfect tool, along with a bioweapon that will cure you of fear.