The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
Both Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln both told federal judges to go pound stand. And they made it stick.
Most F35 sales have been made in the arm twisting department of Bureau of Political-Military Affairs the bulk of the early sales to compliant...
From early childhood I was taught this…from an area in the North of the Netherlands lightning strike capital of the world (maybe not but we used...
"Next week, the Federal Reserve? The Pentagon?...." Pentagon. The US military has just pulled out of the F35 show at the last minute. It happened...
they likely - easily said after the fact - would have been "better off" laying in the field and getting wet - then seeking shelter under a tree...
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Reader Comments
i have a crippled chicken for 5 years now and I can vouch that she KNOWS and FEELS a lot more than any zombie human I encounter. She only sleeps with the dogs and cats she likes and even plays teasing games with them, while pecking those she doesn't. She holds conversations. I can list many more "seemingly unusual" things she does..... perhaps because she has someone who communicates with her like a sentient being?
My cat and gecko both displayed self awareness recognising their mirror image and coordinating perfectly on it. Also profound gratitude is a clear sign of humanlike behaviour.
Humans dont know how to think to begin with nor know how to use FreeWill. It is only 2021 AD afterall.
Everything is Soul... we's just the best DUMMIES... MASKED with head up.our backsides n spinning.
Think back to 2000 (Turn of the Century )
Feb 17, June 14 (amongst elipses) and Dec 24 (amongst eclipses)
Thanks, friend.
Franklin Merrell-Wolf
I think 'stupid' and 'smart' are both about the same.
It sorta depends upon the company you're with.
lmao. This revelation is brought to you by stupid humans.
You read my mind Bro!
Are you still in the South? How have you been?
Payy attention cause IT just got ERNST
And seeing what they can do flying in the air (even very strong wind) makes me think of dolphins in the air.
Got nothing to back that up, of course. Other than observation.
I've seen them do matched movements (we're talking that I've seen this over 20 times) were they will hop out of the face of a wave and they will, perfectly in unison, do a 'barrel roll', into the flats (in front of the wave), pop out and match perfect tail stands for twenty yards, etc.
They're super, super smart and off the charts cool.
The best feeling while out surfing is catching a great wave. The second best is having dolphins around - their fun and love is infectious. (Plus, in Florida, where one must worry about these things, they effectively immunize you from shark bite, as the sharks are rightly scared of them.)*
*Did you see the video from the whale-watching boat where the mama orca destroyed a tiny (16' ) great white shark? She and her pup then fed on its liver?
Same kind of deal but on a smaller scale. Sharks are rightly afraid of dolphins for the same reasons that I am not.
No matter the answer to that question, you just opened up my mind with that.
(Likewise, applying that deeper into that tale, I find self saying to self that I must (and/or innately will) re-review the whole 'behind the curtain scene. Thanks!)
*Such is the value of different perspectives, for if two people view an event from different locations and report the same conclusions, then it is WAY more likely that their conclusions were/are correct.
I like your interpretation of the screen version, which has way more flavor than the coming of age story I thought it was trying to be.
...and hey, don't forget her little conscience too, always following her around barking at stuff she shouldn't be involved in.
Good luck!
I could name a crap ton of movies from the 90s up to 2000s that really describe what the last 10 years has been.
But I NEVER looked at Oz in such way till you pointed it out. Very intriguing and as you said, almost nearly *facepalm obvious.
Great job on that
God's Way of keeping the open-eyed in zee loop
My life revolves around a beautiful fairy like child, who I love and adore, but I need grown-up conversation sometimes. My mind is broken, and I need hearty thought to keep it rowing and out of the mire, or expert musicians in my ears to keep my heart singing.
So, ya.
BUT, As re your below? All that I have got to say . ... is this: Also, I guess that right there, I was just now playing my version of that Simon jerk on some bimbo himbo singing show. )
They figured out it is more effective if they mainline it!
The only problem is that we'll got a preshrunk audience; there just ain't many SOTTypes.
Crow (Magic) people [12] Raven (Miracle) peeps [16] , Owl (Seers) peeps [21], and Hawk (Communicators) people [2] always hang around one another in their soul tribe.
Check your birthdays and match up with closest ones' - year of birth to be rounded off ex. 1961=17.
Our family were the best friends of Alan and Helen Cruickshank, who at least now have a conservation area (for/because of scrub jays) named for them. I still have a book from H, detailing, before her signature, how wondrously cool our family was.
My father fought the good fight....
T'was a time beyond preciousness,. I try to never forget how blessed I was.
Friendly Gentle Giant
Love the chickens.
Love my 👭👭👭👭👭
I had 15 000, 8 types of free-range fowl.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
While watching the vid I "talked" to my more aggressive hen that likes to attack me for simply looking at her. But yet she is EXTREMELY close to me. Always the first on me in the morning. Loves to hang by me through the day. I have gotten the sense from her as well as from one of the last ones I lost, that they felt I over look them. I always talk about the bond with the other one more than her. Like a jealousy or feeling taken for granted, over looked etc. So while watching her, my mind wandered I was "saying" too much, she growled at me audibly. So I chilled a bit and just sent her "I am trying to understand you. I don't really know what I am doing yet. But You are def important to me." I then got the idea not sure if from her or just me, but to pet her lightly on the back. Normally she would leave or go to bite my hand. This time she let me for a little bit then said ok enough. then after the ok enough she turned her head slowly (slower than usual) to say Ima bite you now.
Thank you for this link. It is quite valuable and appreciated.
My puma told you not to waste my time remember
There are more like that Girl on youtube, each video is tremendously insightful. Revel Bro
And so we, as humans, finally heal, deeply heal. Bravo to you... and LadyChick, animals also have birthdays, and these are also linked to other animal traits (and each have something specific to say).
Like dogs, either dachshound or retreiver or pitbull... all are unique but common to their 'type'.
I can very well feel how you feel .. very well. Good Stuff
I just have been burned so much so often and really getting burned lately with some pretty intense things that I have serious trust issues with the human race.
You's at the bottom of the food chain🐭. BUT the coolest🦌Moose Dude and the roughest protector 🐻
Drink 1 big tsp honey in water on empty stomach, daily. If you need to put on weight (as i assume) in cooled water.
Yin is Mouse (the strongest-ever critter)
Yang Moose
Which Is your life Mission...
She tells him how n when HE obliges
You're vocation is Mothering, Protecting, Contemplation....
Make your Medicine work for you
Watch Film BROTHER BEAR 1 + 2
(I am 17.10.1961=17)
Yin/Yang 🐱Puma🐱, Vocation 🐢 MotherEarth, Material Plane, Matter, Material Body 🥳Cake ☕🎂🥨🥩
Going on 11 months no meat no salt no sugarscetc etc etc (except for tri-weekly trials) 😭🤪😭🙈🥳
Had blood tests done and all is perfect, even my salt.
Then you're set for pickling.
Spinach meeee toooo ALOT of celery n avocado n butternut squash.
I allow for a regular 24-hour craving whatever period every 2weeks or so. Helps my ego keep smiling
Now Haas avocados? Food of God. RC
Psstoffguy: Sugar is my poison. Overdid it all my life. Finally got some sense in my seventies. Can digest maple and honey ok. 🍯
RC. I have avocado nearly every day. Yum yum. 🥑
From PZV
I am still in Victoria with my eldest son and family. Going to NSW for a fortnight before I can get back into Qld. Lots of love.
Loving to hear from you and so happy to know the South didnt kick your tushie, this time around. Family Relish is the best, next... to pzv n me hitting it ON
Enjoy one another's chuckles n hugs. Time is precious. Easy on your SELF ma Soeur-Chérie
They KNOW .
Just today, I cracked a joke with my bride, and immediately , across the house where we keep them, they started cackling. Every morning they conduct roll-call. They announce to the world my presence when I've come home and entered the house. They know the moment I approach one end of the cage where its getting rolled to. During winter we put them in front of the bay window so as to observe Nature and garner sunshine. They go ballistic with excitement every darn time. They know exactly what I'm doing when I reach into the cage to clean and refresh their water station. The moment its back up they rush there to take possession of it, as if to say, Thank You for the fresh water! They know when I open the fridge to get out some spinach for them--from across the house.
Birds absolutely hate to have their wings confined. Yet when they're ill, there's not a one of them that resists me cradling them in my hands, and against my chest, to fill them with warmth and love.
They know .
Lovely Sharing🙆♀️🙇♀️
P.S. Zebras??
Have you ever googled finches totem animal ?
Partridges were elsewhere with Keith n the Family
But really any hen would be better than humans in my view lol
On the matter of seagulls, I wish to differ....
I had a citron crested cockatoo that had the intelligence of a 2 year old. He could solve incredible puzzles and used primitive speech to get what he wanted. Their personalities were so different and varied depending on their moods that day. He expressed love frequently by snuggling/kissing with the few people he liked. He also expressed incredible rage and jealousy if I attempted to show the same affection towards another person or parrot. He'd actually bite you!
Alas he also went insane later in his life with some kind of fear/terror condition that rendered him absolutely terrified of me and other people close to me. Ended up giving the batch of them to an aviary where they'd be in a huge enclosure free to socialize with other birds...
We're all made of the same 4 base nucleotides(AGCT). Trees and algae too. If you've ever had the privilege to stand alone in an ancient forest with Cedars 1000 years old, you'd know they have souls too.
How Earth's oddest mammal got to be so bizarre
Often considered the world's oddest mammal, Australia's beaver-like, duck-billed platypus exhibits an array of bizarre characteristics: it lays eggs instead of giving birth to live babies, sweats...[Link]
Lady Marmalade,
We are also doing this Kenyan number. What a tongue twister.
Me too Hash
Ma Jolie, look again at the link below, i magically morphed it into something pretty, right Hash
I read elsewhere about your 🦘safe gardening. GOOD JOB Sister🥳
Plussss I wanna come to rehearsal !!! Wow!!!
(I learned MoTown on the track team bus and I sure like it better, but . .. )
Anyway, I never knew what they were saying so I just looked it up: "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Dorme vu!
As far as the Francais goes..."on fait l'amour?" would be about as nice and polite as needed but you can get far more informal and even risque.
Could always go old school and say.."hey baby wanna slam some shots, drop trow and knock some boots to some Marvin Gaye? ...I got the shag Carpet and the Alize' chillin like a villain".
Bill Wyman - (Si si) je suis un rock star - [Link] (It wasn't this one but hey)
The video has an odd number of references to now defunct things - BAE, Concorde, the Hovercraft ....
... and just because it's French - Plastic Bertrand - Ça Plane Pour Moi - [Link]
I love this'n! [Link]
Thank youuuu, I am keeping
Pour toi
JS 👌
Joyly VooDoo6 Baybars JTF Truth Christian83 The previous link has been voided. My apologies RC