Putin became the president of Russia on Dec 31, 1999 under bleak conditions, and his success should be measured by the progress over the last eighteen years. Here are 7 ways in which Putin has Made Russia Great Again...
Grew GDP 10-Fold (1,000%) From 1999 to 2013
Under Putin, Russian GDP grew from $200 billion in 1999 to over $2 trillion by 2013 when Russia became the 5th-largest economy in the world (by PPP GDP).
Tamed Hyper-Inflation
At the same time, Putin brought down inflation, which was wildly out of control in the 1990s - from 2,000% in the early 90s to 120% in 1998, to 2.4% in 2018.
Reduced the Debt
While the US debt-to-GDP grew from 56% to 105% between 1999 and 2017, Putin did the opposite: he reduced Russia's debt from 100% to 18% of GDP. There are now more than 160 countries in the world that have higher debt-GDP ratios than Russia! This is a phenomenal achievement.
Vastly Increased Foreign and Gold Reserves
Russia had virtually no foreign exchange reserves and very little gold reserves when Putin took office. He replenished the coffers and made the Russian economy quite immune to downturns and attacks from Wall Street shysters. Russia now has the 6th-largest foreign exchange reserves, as well as the 5th-largest gold reserves in the world.
Built a Strong Economy
There is no better testimony to the strength of the Russian economy than how it not only survived the US/EU sanctions, a whopping 65% drop in oil prices, and a ruthless attack on the Ruble by Wall Street... but came out stronger.
Throughout 2014, 2015 and even 2016, Western pundits kept assuring us that Russia would collapse at any moment.
* Putin Watches Russian Economy Collapse! (Time Magazine, 2014)
* Putin Meets Economic Collapse with Purges and Broken Promises (Newsweek, 2015)
* For Russia, Oil Collapse has Soviet Echoes (Wall Street Journal, 2016)
* Lights Out for the Putin Regime (Foreign Affairs, 2016)
* Russia is Seriously Running Out of Cash (CNN, 2016)
Alas (for them), all their gloom and doom predictions failed to materialize. In 2017, the Russian economy grew 1.4%; its inflation was less than 3%; and in 2018, it will actually have a budget surplus (while the US will have close to a $1 trillion deficit). Putin's prudent and conservative financial policies have made Russia... Strong And Stable (h/t Theresa May).
When the US stopped Exxon from working on the Arctic gas project, Putin partnered with China (for money) and France (for technology) and completed the liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Yamal. And he also completed in Moscow a new skyscraper, which will be one of the tallest in Europe.
Under Putin, Russia has set records in grain production and has become #1 in the export of wheat, which again is quite an accomplishment considering where Russia was in 2000 (see picture below). Putin has smartly rejected GMO and wants to make Russia the premier exporter of organic food.
Putin Made Russia a Global/Geopolitical Power
According to the US media, Putin is a thug, a tyrant, a killer, a Hitler and every other sensational adjective the media normally uses for the enemies of the Empire. However, if Russia is so poor and Putin is so evil, how come all the global leaders schmooze with him and visit Moscow on a regular basis?
- The Japanese leader, Shinzo Abe, has met with Putin 20 times
- When Macron became the new leader of France in 2017, the first foreign leader to visit France was Putin; Macron also visited Russia twice in 2018
- Germany's President and Italy's new Prime Minister are among many European leaders who have demanded that anti-Russia sanctions must be lifted
- Israel's Netanyahu, India's Modi and Germany's Merkel have all visited Putin in 2018
- Long-time geopolitical enemy Saudi Arabia made peace and its king visited Russia for the first time in 2017; and Saudi prince Salman attended the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Moscow in 2018.
Made Russian Military Mighty
In the 1990s, the Russian military had been decimated, and the soldiers weren't even getting paid regularly. The Russians were so demoralized that they lost the First Chechnya War to Islamic terrorists.
Putin revived the military, turbo-charged Russia's technological prowess, and restored national pride. The new military jets (introduced since 2011) - Su-30, Su-35 etc. - are, by some estimations, better than their American counterparts. Russia's new tank, T-14 Armata, which is now under production, is one of the best tanks in the world by all accounts. In Syria, Putin surprised the West with Russia's new precision missiles that could be launched from ships. Russia's missile defense systems - S300 and S400 - built under Putin, are among the most coveted in the world. Finally, Putin has developed hypersonic missiles which are so fast (4,000 mph) that they can overcome any missile defense system.
Most of all, Putin achieved all this while spending a fraction of what the US does ($50 billion versus $760 billion per year).
Putin Embraces Christianity and Traditionalism
While the West has become anti-religion, anti-spirituality and anti-traditionalism, Putin has rejected such extreme social engineering. Putin has built over 10,000 churches and monasteries in the last decade. Russians will no doubt benefit from this in the long-run.
Of course, Russia still faces a lot of challenges, especially from the globalists who constantly wage hybrid wars on the country. Whether it's sanctions or blocking Russia's pipelines to Europe or turning Ukraine against Russia or stopping Russian athletes from going to the Olympics or staging false-flag attacks... the warmongers will constantly seek to undermine, weaken and subjugate Russia. However, historians will look back and judge Putin as the right man at the right time who saved modern Russia from demise and made it great again (long before Trump ever thought of doing the same for his country).
Reader Comments
About time.
Ned out.
Ned out,... is the other.
Putin has astounded the west by his ability to achieve great things from a failing state, and he could not have achieved that success without the support and will of the people, regardless of the sphere of expertise from his advisors.
Now if that will and expertise could be achieved by the countries in Europe and the US we would be living in a different reality right now.
Instead we are subjected to some kind of mass hysterical freak show, fueled by the MSM, that is bought and paid for by the varied interests, that care nothing about the countries in which they live.
To them it's all about what they can reap in assets and profits to fill there coffers, so then can go to the next challenge of how to rape and pillage, to fill there coffers again and again It's a pathological sickness, similar to a sex addict, they are never satisfied.
spot on assessment lady! (consider yourself cyber hugged dear)
just in case you were unaware, after the collapse of the USSR. the Russians adopted a system of government that closely mirrors our own.
they are a federation.
they are a republic.
they have and upper and lower house.
the democratic process is in place.
and now... they are helping us to clean up our own act.. how sweet is that Love?
I am a Persian Gulf Veteran and I was in the first Gulf War for 6 months. I have visited Russia 6 times and I am married to a Russian lady now for over 17 years. We have 3 children together. She is very devoted and great wife/mother.
I know the deep state, criminal democratic Marxist party and the deep state (with Rino Republicians) are joining forces to destroy Trump. Why, because he is a NATIONALIST and on the surface, supports Christianity, just like Putin.
The New World Order crowd (mostly Zionist) hate these people because the stand for nationalism, patriotism, BORDERS, and a multipolar world, not s super world government.
The one thing that concerns we though is there is another deeper but darker aspect of Putin. Being ex-military, he has amassed with his new weapons systems (that he has feverishly been built since he came to power) that are so destructive, one of their new nuclear bombs can destroy Texas or their new submarine missiles that can create 300 foot Tidal waves and wipe out the eastern coast of America. These are not merely defensive weapons or offensive weapons, but continent annihilating weapons. Why?
This all happened why there people's standard of living has declined the last 4 to 5 years.
I would love to talk to this man but I figured out the answer. Whether the readers believe it or not, Putin may be unwittingly being used by the Supreme God to fulfill his prophecy. Mystery Babylon (USA) will be annihilated in ONE HOUR by a great power from the North (over the north pole) and that great power will have a massive alliance. I always wonder what would provoke Russia to unleash hell on earth.
Well, the last few years we seen it (Currency attacks on the Ruble, Attack on the oil price in 2014 in the futures markets, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Serbia, Nato mobilizing on Russia's western borders, the rape of Russia in early 1990's by Zionist bankers, and much more.
Meanwhile, the Fed and the vampire squid, GS, beats down the spot price of gold, draining the US domestic gold supply to keep up the pretense that the dollar is strong. No good can come of this.
Perhaps this story will be helpful:
Once there was a strapping young lad. He joined the army, because this made him feel more strapping. He got a uniform and a gun. This made him feel even more strapping. He obeyed the orders of his superior. This too, made him feel more strapping. It was a remarkable happening, this strapping and more strapping. Whatever doubt the young lad ever had, was whisked away. This was truly great!
One day, the strapping young lad and a number of other strapping young lads found themselves in a dogfight, for which they had no answer. The dogfight first mutilated them, they suffered quite a bit and then the dogfight took their lives--completely. The superior, however, made out well because he was not in the dogfight and he had made other plans.
One of the other plans the superior made was to change his appearance, immediately after the dogfight and so he no longer looked the same. The helped him to fool the next generation of strapping young lads, as they took their turn mutilation and destruction.
But the superior still acted the same.
They always do.
The next generation of strapping young lads all received uniforms, guns and marching orders, which they believed and they obeyed.
This made them feel very strapping.
And this was truly great.
There is good in sacrifice and there can be gain from loss.
However, sacrifices should be made in reverse order of the what has become customary.
Try to understand what is happening in the world today, the whole world, not just some 'part'.
Don't be fooled and quite possibly apprehended so easily.
And before giving Putin so many benefits (accolades), try giving some to your neighbor.
Or even yourself.