Kiev city council building
© Valentyn Ogirenko / Reuters Women walk in a front of the city council in Kiev, Ukraine, October 8, 2015.
The Russian Ministry of Finance accepts it is possible Ukraine could suspend the redemption of $3 billion in Eurobonds due to Moscow on Sunday, according to Russia's Deputy Finance Minister Sergey Storchak. "That could happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow," he told journalists on Thursday.

He also said the IMF recognizing Ukraine's debt to Russia as sovereign does not change anything for Russia. "For us, this does not change the situation. It changes the situation for the Ukrainian authorities, if that's what they want," said Storchak, explaining that Kiev now has a chance to reconsider its eligible debt list, approved earlier this year, which includes Russian Eurobonds on par with Eurobonds from the private sector.The deadline for the Russian debt repayment is December 20. Kiev has an additional 10-day grace period after which Moscow will apply to the courts if Ukraine fails to pay.

Last month Russian President Vladimir Putin offered Kiev a three-year restructuring plan under which the debt could be paid off in €1 billion installments in 2016, 2017, and 2018. However, with the offer, Russia wanted guarantees from the US, the EU and international financial organizations on future payments of the Ukrainian sovereign debt. None were given.