Reality TV goes to Mars! Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp is leading a group visionaries and businesspeople who want to send four humans to Mars by 2023, and they say they can achieve their goal at an estimated cost of $6 billion USD. How can they do it? By building it into a global media spectacle. And oh, by the way, this will be a one-way trip.

"Who would be able to look away from an adventure such as this one?" asks Lansdorp in his bio on the Mars One website. "Who wouldn't be compelled to watch, talk about, get involved in the biggest undertaking mankind has ever made? The entire world will be able to follow this giant leap from the start; from the very first astronaut selections to the established, independent village years later. The media focus that comes with the public's attention opens pathways to sponsors and investors."

As far as the one-way mission (a concept that Universe Today has written about extensively) the Mars One website notes, "this is no way excludes the possibility of a return flight at some point in the future."

Mars One
© Mars OneArtist concept of the Mars One lander, a variant on the SpaceX Dragon.
The difference between this mission and the one proposed by Jim McLane back in 2008 is that McLane wanted to send just one person to Mars.

However, the Mars One group says that once the first trip is successful and Mars becomes developed, it will be "much easier to build the returning rocket there."

In a Q&A on reddit, Lansdorp said the biggest challenge will be financing.

"We have estimated, and discussed with our suppliers that it will cost about 6 billion US$ to get the first crew of four people to Mars. We plan to organize the biggest media event ever around our mission. When we launch people to Mars and when they land, the whole world will watch. After that a lot of people will be very interested to see how 'our people on Mars' are doing."

But the big challenge is that the biggest expenditures will be building the equipment before they send people to Mars. "This is why we are building a very strong technical case now. If we can convince sponsors and investors that this will really happen, then we believe that we can convince them to help us finance it," Lansdorp said.