Morgellons Disease. Maybe you heard or read about it on the web somewhere? It's that crazy-sounding condition where people who've contracted it have bizarre looking fibers growing out of their skin and parasites that cause intense itching all over their bodies. It's the disease that seems too horrible to be true - too 'sci-fi' to be real. And, as the old clichรฉ goes, it's that type of thing that always happens to other people; it couldn't and certainly shouldn't happen to you. Then, it does happen to you. It afflicts more people every day it seems, and its affliction is connected to much MUCH more than meets the eye. That's what I learned when I realized that it wasn't just a nightmare-sounding thing that happened to other people - it happened to me.

For me, Morgellons started with an itch. Well, several itches to be accurate. I woke up one morning after a night of restless and fitful sleep to find myself in a state of extreme creepy-crawliness; like my skin was alive with things crawling on it, biting it, burrowing in it. My eyebrows felt like they were moving all on their own, and as soon as I put my glasses on, there was little tiny stuff moving around on my glasses. Where the heck were these awful sensations coming from? As I flew into the bathroom, I went straight to the mirror to investigate.

After searching a while on my face, I finally saw what appeared to be a tiny mite-like thing taking a stroll on my forehead. Then I took a look at my glasses and noticed some of those same critters right there on the lenses. Holy smokes! I called my wife into the bathroom and showed her what I was seeing. She could see them too. What the heck did I have now, I remember thinking?! Some kind of infestation of mites! Even after a hot shower I felt little to no relief. These things on me - mites, or whatever they were, were relentless. The idea of having them on my skin, crawling around, and seemingly in my skin was horrific. Well, whatever it was, it definitely wasn't something that could wait to be treated. But first, I wondered, what the heck did I really have?

So I spent the rest of that day on the internet researching mites and other types of insects that tend to infest and cause these sensations in people. It was pretty clear that what I had was a rather nasty case of Scabies. The intense bodily itching, the mite-like thing I saw on my forehead - and later one I found on my arm - all of it was adding up except for how I contracted it. But anyway, the signs were there. Scabies - good god - the name even sounded bad - like a cross between the words 'scab' and 'rabies'. What remained now was to get to a doctor quickly and get a prescription of Ivermectin, a relatively safe anti-parasitic that could be taken internally and a suggested treatment among other things I found on forums for people with Scabies.

I could get an appointment to see a doctor at a top hospital clinic, but the soonest opening, I learned, would be in five weeks! So I asked if the scheduler could please call me if anyone had cancelled their appointment any time soon, because, for whatever I had, I needed some medical attention right away. She called back a few hours later to inform me that, indeed, someone had cancelled their appointment and I could see someone in two days. While waiting for the appointed hour to come, I did some more research and I started to help myself.

Assuming that I had Scabies, I gave myself topical applications of neem oil, a natural insecticide. I slathered the garlicky smelling stuff on from head to toe, careful not to miss a single inch of my body. There were also other actions I decided to take. We bought Diatomaceous Earth, another natural insecticide, and put it on our mattresses. We were also careful to wash the bedding in hot water and dry it in high heat. I also took a bath in bentonite clay, which, with the neem oil applications, provided some but not a lot of relief. While in the bath I noticed a little flea like bug floating on the surface of the water that I hadn't seen on me, or in the apartment, before. I also noticed a bunch of black specs in the water but decided that it must have come from the bentonite clay I was using, even though I had not seen the specks in the clay before.

With a little ziploc bag containing the tiny mite I found on my arm and the flea-like insect from the tub, I went to see the doctor, a dermatologist, at the appointed time. We discussed my symptoms and he took a scraping of skin where I felt some irritation, for analysis. Along with the scraping, he took the ziploc bag with my insect samples to look at under a microscope. After a short while, the good doctor came back to inform me that, based on the scraping and the arthropods I brought - I did NOT have Scabies. What the cause of my ailment was, he could not say. And this was supposed to be a more than qualified physician at one of the best clinics around, let me assure you! I left his office upset with his diagnosis, or lack of one, but happy that he had given me a prescription of Ivermectin, enough for both my wife and I to take. I was glad for this since I didn't want her catching this thing, whatever it was, from me!

Back home, I continued to do whatever I could to treat myself as though the condition I had was Scabies. I also railed in my mind against this doctor for misdiagnosing me since I was sure this is what I had. And I continued to read.

For the couple of days following the visit, I kept coming across a number of comparisons made of Scabies to Morgellons disease. It seems that some people who have Morgellons thought they had Scabies because they were seeing mites and bugs, and had many of the same physical sensations. And apparently, with Morgellons, people do become infested with insects. This was in addition to getting lesions and seeing a lot of weird stuff; strange fibers growing out of their skin, hard black specks, or bizarre pieces of glass like splinters protruding from their epidermis. Reading about it made me immediately recall all the little black specks I had seen in the bath water from a couple of days previous. Geeze, I thought, were those the same thing?

As if in answer to my question, I saw something strange on my nose the next night. While seeing this in the mirror, I called my wife to come to the bathroom with me and have a look at this thing. There, on the bridge of my nose, was a red thread-like protuberance that was unlike any of the red hairs I occasionally see in my facial hair. With my wife looking on, I pulled it out with a pair of tweezers and told her it could very well be a sign that what I actually have is Morgellons - and not Scabies. We discussed this possibility and I began to wonder, once again, "could it really be that I had Morgellons?" Whatever I had, it was still itching, crawling, and biting. A lot. And the Diatomaceous Earth mixed with neem oil, which I just started to use together, was keeping it just under control. Scabies or Morgellons, as the saying goes, "if you feel like you have something itching and biting you from inside your skin, it's because you do".

Doing some research on the Morgellons thread of the SOTT forum and other internet sites, I found some links to a story about a woman who suffered terribly from it. She was offered some colloidal silver for her lesions by a friend and, as her testimony goes, it helped enormously. This gave me the idea to apply some colloidal silver to myself to see what just might happen. So I applied colloidal silver to my hands and arms, and watched and waited.

After about an hour I did see something. I noticed some hard and shiny black and green specks appear - just like the ones I had seen in the bath! Then I kept watching and waiting for more signs. Soon after, I noticed a glass-like sliver or splinter coming out of the back of my hand and my wife had a look at it too with equal parts horror and dumbfoundedness. After picking it off with tweezers, I looked at this bizarre thing that just came from inside my own skin. And there in the same spot was another piece of it, still sort of lodged in there. I pulled on that with the tweezers too, and its removal was positively painful. I then noticed that on my knuckle there was a raised line of skin or 'tunnel' which, according to my reading, was an indication that I have some kind of parasite moving in there. Finally, it was clear to me, I had Morgellons.

I began to sweat hard.

Jeezus, Mary, and Joseph, hells bells, and all I can think of besides - I have Morgellons disease! It is real; I have it; and on top of all the other crazy shit that is happening in this world at this time, I now need to think about this too!! As I continued having this revelation, more of those black things came out. This was the stuff of sci-fi-horror, to be sure. I already knew how it affected people and how isolating it could be. What would this mean for me!?! How would it affect my life?!? There are things I have left to do before I leave this life and the idea of becoming a sickly recluse was just too horrible to imagine. But imagine it I could. Would I become a burden to all who love me? Would I be too unwell to give what I had to give? Is there a cure?

Then, you might say, I got a grip. As I learned after many years of research into different areas of 'objective reality', much of which came from and the SOTT forum, there was a 'big picture' to be seen in all of this. I would get to the bottom of it - as much as I could anyway - and find out all I could. For those less familiar with the milieu I'm speaking of here, this site and its related research has as its aim nothing less than the "de-bugging" of the world we live in (pun intended). What this means is that every major sphere of the human condition - be it influences from the outside or the inside - is examined and scrutinized with loving rigor. Any and all of the best information available to man - from diet to Earth changes to false-flag operations - is given due attention and sharing among a community of like-minded people. People who know and understand that though things are the way they are, choices can be made based on this knowledge and the will to find a better way; a truer way, and a healthier way.

I could not have dealt with getting Morgellons, or not nearly as well, without my practice of meditation for instance. And in particular, my use of the ร‰iriรบ Eolas program which was developed here. Yes, I did have those rough moments upon first learning I had the disease, to be sure, but I credit the EE techniques for keeping me mostly calm and focused enough to think and act for myself in very short time. How many people languish in their negative feedback loops and dysfunctional behavior before they can face a health crisis - or any crisis for that matter? How many 'fully functional' people live in this world in denial of whole chunks of it - willfully ignorant of the fact that everything is connected to, and in some way influencing - for good or evil - everything else?

The rest of this article contains much of what I learned and is greatly informed, literally and figuratively, by the minds of the SOTT network of researchers. As that old car commercial tag line goes, 'This isn't your father's Oldsmobile' and if you think you know everything there is to know about Morgellons, I can say with absolute assurance that you do not. And if you think that you've heard all the ways of treating this beast, ditto my last statement. So even if you're already somehow familiar with the disease, do read on.

But before we get into all that, let's talk about what is already generally known about Morgellons, since it is still considered a relatively obscure and unheard of disease and will most likely be new to many people reading this article.

From Wikipedia, we read this:
"In 2001, according to Mary Leitao, her then two-year-old son developed sores under his lip and began to complain of "bugs." Leitao, who graduated with a BS in Biology, and worked for five years at Boston hospitals as a lab technician before becoming a stay-at-home mother, says she examined the sores with her son's toy microscope and discovered red, blue, black, and white fibers. She states that she took her son to see at least eight different doctors who were unable to find any disease, allergy, or anything unusual about her son's described symptoms. Fred Heldrich, a Johns Hopkins pediatrician with a reputation "for solving mystery cases," examined Leitao's son. Heldrich found nothing abnormal about the boy's skin, wrote to the referring physician that, "Leitao would benefit from a psychiatric evaluation and support," and registered his worry about Leitao's "use" of her son. Psychology Today reports that Leitao last consulted an unnamed Johns Hopkins infectious disease specialist who after reviewing her son's records refused to see him, suggesting Leitao herself might suffer from "Munchausen's by proxy, a psychiatric syndrome in which a parent pretends a child is sick or makes him sick to get attention from the medical system." This opinion of a potential psychological disorder, according to Leitao, was shared by several medical professionals she sought out.

Leitao says that her son developed more sores, and more fibers continued to poke out of them. She and her husband, Edward Leitao, an internist with South Allegheny Internal Medicine in Pennsylvania, felt their son suffered from "something unknown." She chose the name Morgellons disease (with a hard g) from a description of an illness in the monograph A Letter to a Friend by Sir Thomas Browne, in 1690, wherein Browne describes several medical conditions in his experience, including "that endemial distemper of children in Languedoc, called the Morgellons, wherein they critically break out with harsh hairs on their backs." There is no suggestion that the symptoms described by Browne are linked to the alleged modern cases.

Leitao founded the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) in 2002 (informally) and as an official non-profit in 2004.The MRF states on its website that its purpose is to raise awareness and funding for research into the proposed condition, described by the organization as a "poorly understood illness, which can be disfiguring and disabling."Leitao stated that she initially hoped to receive information from scientists or physicians who might understand the problem, but instead, thousands of others contacted her describing their sores and fibers, as well as neurological symptoms, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and other symptoms. The MRF claims to have received self-identified reports of Morgellons from all 50 US states and 15 other countries, including Canada, the UK, Australia, and the Netherlands, and states that they have been contacted by over 12,000 families."
So about ten years ago, a concerned mother who was hoping to get some help for her young son who had sores with weird fibers growing out of them (and a bad case of itchiness to boot) is basically told that there is nothing wrong with her son's health by a top pediatrician. This pediatrician then suggests that the mother should get a psychological evaluation since, so thinks the pediatrician, she is really using her son just so she can get attention from the medical establishment - ostensibly to meet whatever pathological need she has to run to doctors all day! Then other physicians she goes to with her son for more opinions on his condition basically tell her the same thing! Well, if she wasn't nuts before seeing all those doctors, she might have become so afterwards. But she wasn't, and didn't. Instead, she stood up and gave a name to something that has since affected tens of thousands of people, and perhaps many more than that. And what about all those poor folks who had the condition before it was named Morgellons? I shudder to think. You can be sure that many of them were diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis' by their doctors and prescribed anti-psychotics.

In one of the very few books written on the disease called, Morgellons Syndrome, Dr. David Conroy painstakingly documents how some hair follicles (possibly belonging to the cat of the person suffering) are covered with a luminescent microorganism that is typical of the condition. Dr. Conroy then shows through video clips that come with the book how the hair is able to move into and out of his patient's skin - seemingly on its own volition! If I hadn't watched the video clips that came with the book I probably would not have believed it myself. But then again, in the short time I have had the symptoms, I have noticed luminescent fuzz balls on my skin and clothes, impossibly long fibers that look like plastic or twine that I found in my sock, as well as weird-as-heck other 'material'. It is still a shock to see these things and every time I do I am reminded that this is a truly 'alien' disease and that so many Doctors are willing to brush it all away as imagination rather than ask more questions.
An example of a Morgellons "byproduct" - fibers that came through the skin.



So far, very little is still generally known about Morgellons except for its symptoms and 'byproducts'. It is a true mystery, even to those who have been studying it for many years. But there is some consensus that it is a chronic infectious disease that, in addition to all that's been mentioned, also causes skin lesions, fatigue, changes in mood, neurological and cognitive impairment.

From Mary Leitao's Morgellons Research Foundation website we get this:
"So far, we have no idea whether Morgellons skin lesions and related material such as colored fibers are (1) biological agents, (2) produced by such agents, (3) are products of the body's attempt to rid itself of pathogens, or (4) an aberrant body system unrelated to any agent. Serious efforts are finally now underway to characterize the dermal-related material that should solve part of the puzzle.

To date, various clinicians have seen, and occasionally identified, certain common dermato-pathogens OR organisms not found on humans but on animals or on inert material. This suggests the possibility that the skin immunity of Morgellons is seriously deficient, allowing numerous animal or plant parasites to live on human skin. Experience and information from registrants leads us to believe the skin phenomenon of Morgellons is not specifically dangerous, although possibly frightening and uncomfortable. The same information sources lead us to observe that treatment addressing the more global symptom set also resolves the skin symptoms and signs. The treatment presently most successful are antibiotics addressing one or more candidate infectious bacteria or protozoa."
And just how it is contracted? There are several very different prevailing thoughts on this depending on who's talking about it. Some say that exposure to Morgellons comes from the use of Agrobacterium, a type of bacteria that is used to help produce a number of GMO crops. Some studies show positive traces of it in people with the disease and others studies do not. Then there is the belief, based on 'inside information', that Morgellons syndrome was developed in military labs and is now being unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Consistent with this is the theory that it is delivered through aerial spraying or 'chemtrails', although that whole phenomenon may not be what most think it is. The condition is so strange that still others believe that the syndrome is some kind of infection of nanotechnology; that the things that come from people's skin are either bits or by-products of tiny robotic technology. And still another idea is that Morgellons has been 'introduced' through implants occurring during the process of alien abduction. If nothing else, this disease has certainly compelled many to begin thinking 'outside the box', which can be a good thing - if it leads to the truth and not just more confusion and fear.

The truth certainly doesn't seem to be coming from the U.S. Center for Disease Control, which hasn't provided any useful information or assistance to the public in years. Why hasn't the CDC reported its findings? Could one reason be that someone there knows that it's 'not from around here'? Or maybe they don't know anything? Or maybe they're in talks with the pharmaceuticals on how to create a new vaccine or pill for it? Your guess is as good as mine. If their treatment of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski is any indication, I wouldn't hold my breath.

© morgellonspgpr.wordpress.comFrom 'Mr. Common Sense'
I have read many stories of how and where people have come down with Morgellons. Some showed symptoms after working in environmentally toxic conditions like old sewage systems, or living in houses with compromised water systems, others caught it from clothing or other objects they believed to be infected by Morgellons. And others like myself, who may have contracted it after infestations of mites or fleas or ticks carried by pets or deer. What seems to be true is that there are not only different ways that it is contracted, but also variants of what we know as Morgellons that have certain commonalities.

But, still, one may ask, from whence does it originate? And can knowing where it comes from help those afflicted with the disease to lead healthy lives?

One of the main thrusts of SOTT for many years has been the study and collection of data regarding cometary cycles. If you've read any of the hundreds of articles, essays and news bulletins posted on this site, you may now have come to accept that, right now, our planet has been seeing a huge increase in the numbers of meteors, NEOs, space dust and other foreign matter entering our atmosphere. This kind of bombardment is cyclical in nature: it has happened before and it is happening again. We are actually, right now, on the cusp of seeing larger, more disastrous things from space affect our lives in ways that we've seen in movies, books and science shows. Just don't expect to be informed about this huge increase in your daily newspaper or on the evening news! Which brings us to our next point.

In Dr. Gabriela Segura's article, "New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection", she writes:
"The concept of astral bodies grazing the Earth's atmosphere or impacting Earth directly, depositing microbes and viruses on Earth which may combine with Earthly microbes producing new strains of viruses and contributing to evolution and diseases, is daunting to say the least. What can we possibly do to counteract such infectious threats? Could dietary changes influence the appearance and disappearance of diseases?

We know that the period between c. 500 and 1300 saw a major change in diet that affected most of Europe, a period preceding the Black Death. More intense agriculture on ever-increasing acreage resulted in a shift from meat to various grains and vegetables as the staple of the majority of the population. Meat was more expensive and therefore more prestigious and, usually in the form of wild game, was common only on the tables of the nobility which, according to some of the accounts, was hardly affected by the Black Death. So it very well may be that meat consumption is a nutritional protection against diseases of various kinds, including the Black Death (the Paleolithic archaeological record certainly supports this idea).

We know that grains are sources of gluten, a protein which is quite difficult to digest and to which increasing numbers of people are intolerant due to its modern hybridization for industrial purposes. Anti-nutrients such as lectins in grains are known to be toxic. The lectin of wheat is known to be pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic, cytotoxic, cardiotoxic and may interfere with gene expression, disrupt endocrine function, may adversely affect gastrointestinal function and - surprise - lectins share pathogenic similarities with certain viruses. A population with bread as a staple food is unquestionably susceptible to disease and, ultimately, pandemic.

As it was then, we are nowadays just as vulnerable due to the industrialization of our food supply. Nutritionally deficient foods, plus widespread cereal consumption, added to the overwhelming toxicity of our environment (heavy metals, fluoride, toxic additives in foods, etc), have prepared us as the perfect population for destruction by the return of the Black Death."
If the connection between diseases brought upon humans from extraterrestrial bodies seems a little 'out there', consider what the Carnegie Institute of Science recently published on the matter. From the article "Meteorites: Tool Kits for Creating Life on Earth":
Meteorites hold a record of the chemicals that existed in the early Solar System and that may have been a crucial source of the organic compounds that gave rise to life on Earth. Since the 1960s, scientists have been trying to find proof that nucleobases, the building blocks of our genetic material, came to Earth on meteorites. New research, published next week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicates that certain nucleobases do reach the Earth from extraterrestrial sources, by way of certain meteorites, and in greater diversity and quantity than previously thought.

Extensive research has shown that amino acids, which string together to form proteins, exist in space and have arrived on our planet piggybacked on a type of organic-rich meteorite called carbonaceous chondrites. But it has been difficult to similarly prove that the nucleobases found on meteorite samples are not due to contamination from sources on Earth.

The research team, which included Jim Cleaves of Carnegie's Geophysical Laboratory, used advanced spectroscopy techniques to purify and analyze samples from 11 different carbonaceous chondrites and one ureilite, a very rare type of meteorite with a different type of chemical composition. This was the first time all but two of these meteorites had been examined for nucleobases.

Two of the carbonaceous chondrites contained a diverse array of nucleobases and compounds that are structurally similar, so-called nucleobase analogs. Especially telling was the fact that three of these nucleobase analogs are very rare in terrestrial biology. What's more, significant concentrations of these nucleobases were not found in soil and ice samples from the areas near where the meteorites were collected.

"Finding nucleobase compounds not typically found in Earth's biochemistry strongly supports an extraterrestrial origin," Cleaves said
Would it be such a leap to connect Morgellons Syndrome to exposure of extraterrestrial material? I don't think so. It may be interesting to note that a question asked during a session of the Cassiopaean Communications about the sources of Morgellons leads in this direction as well:
Q: (Perceval) What is the origin of Morgellons disease?

A: Off planet plague.

Q: (Galahad) Oh geez! (Perceval) Is it set to become throughout the...

A: To those who are genetically predisposed.

Q: (Perceval) Got a number?

A: Open.

Q: (Galahad) And is this something that the pathocrats [the psychopathic ruling class] are aware of and doing consciously?

A: No.
Morgellons may actually be an off-planet plague; we know that there are strong historical correlations between plagues and cometary bombardment, i.e. disease from space. Read in full Dr. Segura's article, quoted above, and also see Laura Knight-Jadczyk's review of dendrochronologist Mike Baillie's book, New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection.

If you've followed the research, you know that there has been ever greater exposure to material from space in recent years but that even during 'quieter' periods, there are still impacts from space bodies which affect populations; some are barely noticeable and some are huge ones like the 1908 Tunguska impact event. Those individuals who fared best during times of space-borne illness ate a diet of meat that was high in saturated fats and which provided nutritional protection.

During the course of writing this article, the editors of SOTT were kind enough to ask the C's more questions about Morgellons for additional clues. This is from their most recent session:
August 20, 2011

Q: (L) What's the next question? (Psyche) Does {name redacted} have Morgellon's disease?

A: More or less!

Q: (L) What are they key elements to making a person susceptible to this? There are so many conflicting things about it.

A: Having "plastic" fats and high insulin.

Q: (Perceval) Has {name redacted} been eating a lot of processed oils and stuff? (L) Well it can take a long time to replace all the fats in your body. (Psyche) Two years. (L) It can take two years to replace the fats in your body, and you have to be really careful that whole time. I guess that whole time, you have to keep your insulin levels really low. (Psyche) I want to ask something about ketosis. Why is it so healing for the brain? It's been useful for cases of epilepsy, but now they're finding uses for bipolar disorder and other psychiatric and neurological diseases.

A: It reflects a balance. That is, no gluttony, respect for the gifts of the goddess blood.

Q: (L) So it's as much a spiritual balance as physical. (Perceval) Does that answer about {name redacted} mean that if he continues with eating animal fats and protein only, more or less, that that would be a possible cure for Morgellons?

A: It will help his body to fight the invaders. But most important, it will remove their "cozy home".

Q: (Ailen) Well, what are these creatures? (Perceval) They said it was an "off planet plague". [July 29, 2006 transcript quoted above]
The key here is that my decades-long diet of low-fat eating and over-consumption of carbohydrates may very well have made me susceptible to this disease and created a "cozy home" for these organisms. That's right - my genetic predisposition coupled with gorging on carbs and not getting the right types of fats has, in all likelihood, made me an easy landing base for Morgellons. (Note to self: if I had only told them not to trim the fat on my pastrami sandwiches and laid off all those thousands of breakfast croissants...)

For a short intro to getting on track with an optimal diet you can start here and here. Also see the thread in the SOTT forum on Life Without Bread which charts participants' experiences with achieving ketosis - a crucial concept here.

But alas, it isn't so simple as that either - even though diet seems to be a crucial component:
Q: (Perceval) We never asked, but is there a cure for Morgellons?

A: Yes. Multiple antibiotics from different protocols applied strategically to a body that is health optimized both physically and psychologically.

Q: (L) So I guess that Psyche would know what those antibiotics are. (Psyche) Yeah. (L) And not only internal, but externally applied... So, that's pretty cut and dried. (Burma) But it sounds like they're saying that you gotta get the health and psychology done before the antibiotics. (L) Yeah, you have to start working on that and then keep hitting it. It's only when the two things come together that it's going to work.
Okay, step one is to optimize the body physically AND psychologically. This means that applying antibiotics when one isn't in shape to make the best use of it may not work. Getting into a state of ketosis as the C's said earlier, reflects a balance; a balance between the body and the spirit, as was commented on. And then there are all the other things that will help this process, i.e. exercise, getting enough sleep and meditation.

A cursory search of articles on these subjects in SOTT's archives shows plenty of reasons why these are beneficial.

And next, step two: the strategic application of antibiotics (and you can probably add anti-parasitics to the equation for good measure). There is an excellent list of many antibiotics here, some of which may be applied topically. Many individuals have reported positive results using some kinds of antibiotics, so the proof is there. Perhaps the reason why others have not had positive results yet with antibiotics is because they didn't have the other health factors in place first - their diet is still actively working against their efforts. This seems important to consider.

So, where am I now? I'm just at the beginning steps of this protocol and am in the midst of getting the health factors in place via diet. I still have plenty of plastic fats to replace and high insulin to reduce, so getting the diet right has been a priority. I also meditate and plan to re-start my practice of journaling in order to get all my thoughts down and well-identified. I plan on starting to exercise again too. As for dealing with all those creepy sensations, hot baths in Epsom salts provides a lot of relief - sometimes lasting for a few days! I also use enzymes to bathe in and feel wonderful afterwards. Topical applications of DMSO and neem oil are also helpful with this. Although the sensations are always there, if only just a little, they don't overwhelm me like they did initially. I was taking an antibiotic and anti-fungal then, and I plan on continuing to use them, along with other medication, once I'm in better shape. Hopefully this won't take too long, but I don't think it will since I am determined to be rid of this thing and have a solid framework to follow.