High StrangenessS


Daytime Cigar Shaped UFO Torreorgaz, Spain 9-16-2010

Online Translation: September 16, 2010, recording Torreorgaz lightning, with the Casio EX-FH20 camera in movie 30 / 210 fps / sec pass an object, which at first sight not seen by very quickly.

Grey Alien

Winged sphere hovers - Turkey -11-19-2010

Another good catch of one more of the interesting sightings coming out of Turkey.


England: Strange lights over Failsworth, Manchester - Video

Posted: November 21, 2010

Location of Sighting: Failsworth, Manchester
Date of Sighting: 17th November 2010
Time: 8.35pm

Witness Statement: I've just seen some very strange lights in the sky over Failsworth as I left the office.


England: Witness looking out back door sees massive craft

Posted: November 21, 2010

Location of Sighting: Lytham St Annes, Lancashire
Date of Sighting: 2008
Time: between 9 & 10pm

Witness Statement: I was standing at my back door, right in front of my eyes there was a massive craft..I froze on the spot..and could not take my eyes off it (or too frightened to) never heard of anyone being so close. I have been a none believer for years and laughed off or found reasons for sightings, but this I could not find any excuse for. So close and eerie silence. Very broad at the base in a kind of metallic colour. On top of that there were beautiful shades of lighting in soft greens and red. It had large long windows shaded soft green (a bit church shaped windows) long with a curve at the top.


England: Three red lights over Sturminster Marshall

Posted: November 20, 210

Location of Sighting: Sturminster Marshall and Herbet Avenue Poole
Date of Sighting: 6th November 2010
Time: 18:30-19:00

Witness Statement: I was driving down the A350 through Sturminster Marshall on my way to Poole when I saw three red lights in the sky. It was fireworks night the night before and there were a lot of firework displays that evening so I first thought they might be fireworks. As I approached them I saw that they did not fade away and continued to shine brightly. They definitely were not fireworks. They were red in colour with and orange-ish towards the base. Two of them were stationary, one being higher than the other while one was moving between the two horizontally at a slow speed. I continued down the road trying to get a better look. I stopped just after the Black Horse and got out my car but once I got out they had gone.


Unknown Object - Multiple Witnesses and Photograph over Illinois, US

Bright light ufo
© Unknown
Published: 11/10/10

Date: 11/8/10

The night of November 8, my son came into the house and stated: "Mom, you have to see this, it just showed up in the sky."

I observed in the eastern sky, a brightly colored object that was changing colors as we watched. Not just primary colors, many different hues. I went in the house, grabbed my 7d Canon camera with the basic telephoto lens and started shooting. I took about 11 shots then went inside to get binoculars. When I returned the object was gone.

Last night I went out at the same time to see if it was there, and it wasn't, so I knew it could not have been a star.

At 11:15, my friend's son came over to look at the photos I took. I had to go out to get something out of my car. I turned around and it had appeared again. This time it almost seemed to respond when I used a flash on the camera. I would flash and it would flash a bright white.

Grey Alien

US: Close encounters of the Bayonne, New Jersey kind

Zenon Jeskie
© UnknownZenon Jeskie and his son Max claim something came down from the sky on Oct. 25 and hovered behind the fence in their backyard.
A few days before Halloween, Zenon Jeskie and his son Max were seated in their backyard on East 22nd Street when they saw two strange lights in the sky.

This was between 6 and 7 p.m. on Oct. 25.

He and his son weren't thinking of the 1939 Halloween radio broadcast of War of the Worlds that made Orson Welles famous, or the 2005 film version Stephen Speilberg filmed here, but they did think what they saw looked strange enough for Zenon to hurry inside to get his digital camera.

Zenon hurried out with the camera, even though he knew the batteries were about to expire. He needed to catch the lights before they vanished, and he did, capturing on a herky-jerky video the lights that moved over his yard. Then, to his surprise, the lights came down, settling somewhere behind the fence at the rear of the yard.

"Then I saw faces," he said through an interpreter during an interview at the Bayonne Community News this week.


US: UFO low and silent over New Hampshire I-89

A New Hampshire witness reports watching a row of four lights silently moving over I-89 at 8:15 p.m. on November 18, 2010, near Warner at Exit 9, where the individual lights were estimated to be wider than the highway width below, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"There were no green or red lights blinking or visible on the ends where wing tips would be," the witness stated. "It floated along at a speed a little bit faster than a hot air balloon. Absolutely no airplane, jet aircraft, or helicopter, moving too slow and the form would have been visible."

The slow speed caused the witness to reconsider that it might be an airplane.

"At first I just thought it was an airplane, but once it got closer and more visible I knew it was something more and the speed told me otherwise. It was very fascinating to watch."

No video or images were included in the MUFON report, which was filed on November 20, 2010. Warner is a town in Merrimack County, population 2,924. The town is served by Interstate 89 and New Hampshire Route 103. State routes 114 and 127 cross the extreme southwestern and southeastern corners of the town, respectively. It borders the towns of Wilmot, Andover and Salisbury to the north, Webster to the east, Hopkinton and Henniker to the south, Bradford to the west, and Sutton to the northwest.


Carved up and left to die in Colorado, US: Mysterious horse deaths have family seeking answers

© KDVR Denver
A Colorado family is searching for answers after finding their horses carved up and left to die.

"I just started to cry," Glenda Schneider told FOX31 News.

Schneider discovered two of her horses had been mutilated, with their throats slit and their chests cut open. Their genitals, tongues and eyes had been removed.

Yet, there was no blood, no footprints, and no witnesses to the crime.

"You wonder what happened," Schneider said. "What took place? What did it?"

The Schneider's filed a report with the El Paso County Sheriff's Department and they contacted paranormal investigator Chuck Zukowski.

Zukowski examined the horses and determined the horses died from unknown causes, and said there was plenty of evidence indicating the animals were mutilated.

"The straight cuts, the open rib cage, the flesh taken off. Those are red flags," Zukowski said. He believes UFO's could be to blame.


Strange lights spotted in Ballantyne

Strange Lights
© Michael Brennan/Summer RockettYou may have to tilt your screen to see the cluster of lights. We added the square to show you where to look.

Charlotte, NC - Callers bombarded the WBTV phone lines Friday night to report a strange sighting in Ballantyne.

Several people claimed to see a cluster of 20 to 30 yellow/orange lights. "The lights moved in an extravagant way, not a way you'd expect a normal aircraft to move," wrote witness Michael Brennan. "The lights frequently vanished, and re-appeared many times then disappeared."

Hoping for an explanation, we made a call to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. Duty Captain John Williams said he had no knowledge of any UFOs in Ballantyne Friday night or anywhere else in Charlotte.

We then showed a photo of the lights to WBTV Chief Meteorologist Eric Thomas. This was his response:
"The resolution of this picture (only 240x320... typical digital photos in this day and age are around 3,200 x 2,400) is too coarse to even hazard a guess. If they were looking north, there's a chance it was northern lights. Also, we are still within 24 hours of the peak of the Leonid Meteor shower, it's possible that could have been a big chunk which broke up into pieces creating a meteoric burst of lights. Again, I don't know if these 'lights' were moving quickly, moving slowly, or hovering. Also, occasionally atmospheric tests are conducted whereby a small missile is launched, releasing ionized gas which can sometimes be luminescent. This would result in more of a 'hovering' appearance to the light, perhaps drifting, then dissipating."