Secret HistoryS

Snakes in Suits

Col. Jacques Hogard: The Hague has been biased & anti-Serbian for 25 years

Jacques Hogard
The head of the French special forces in Kosovo in 1999 for the Serbian newspaper "Novosti":
For 25 years, The Hague tribunal has been ruling in a biased and anti-Serbian way. Kosovo is not a Serbian and Albanian problem, but a problem of the entire international community

I was only called once from Brussels, not from The Hague, and they asked me if I wanted to testify about what I saw in Kosovo. When I told the clerk that I was entirely at their disposal and that I could testify about KLA crimes against the Serbs, no one contacted me later. It was over. And I had a lot to say.
This is what Jacques Hogard said exclusively for "Novosti", the head of the French special forces who was the first to arrive in Kosovo and Metohija during the transition period that lasted between the signing of the Kumanovo agreement up to the arrival of the international peacekeeping forces in 1999.

Comment: Further reading:

Russian Flag

Scapegoating Jews, whitewashing Anglo-Saxons. Idea of Western supremacy over Russia is not a Jewish invention

russian invasion france
Propaganda depiction of a barbaric Russian invasion of Europe. Early 19th century, France.
In 1788 John Ledyard, an American explorer who had sailed with James Cook and kept up a correspondence with Thomas Jefferson, returned to Germany from an extensive voyage spanning Siberia, European Russia and Poland. Upon crossing the border, he wrote down:
I have within the space of 3 English miles leapt the great barrier of Asiatic & European manners; from Servility, Indolence, Filth, Vanity, Dishonesty, Suspicion, Jealousy, Cowardice, Knavery, Reserve, Ignorance, Basses d'Esprit & I know not what, to everything opposite to it; busy Industry, Frankness, Neatness, well-loaded tables, plain good manners, an obliging attention, Firmness, Intelligence, &, thank God, Cheerfulness & above all Honesty, which I solemnly swear I have not looked full in the Face since I first passed to the eastward & northward of the Baltics. Once more welcome Europe to my warmest embraces.
In the late 18th century, when the US and Russia were perfect strangers to each other with no interest to unite or divide one another, an American could visit what was then only begun to be imagined as 'Eastern Europe' and decide its Russians, Poles, Jews and Tartars were filthy Asiatics, inferior in every way to Western Europeans and Americans.

Yet today, when a massive American trillion-dollar military-industrial complex desperately seeks out enemies to justify its existence in a world where Russia is still the only other nuclear and mil-tech superpower, American contempt for Russia might supposedly be explained by the influence of Jews?


Churchill: Hero, racist, and imperialist

Churchill, ‘Darkest Hour,
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." So said Oscar Wilde and so describes the life and legacy of Britain's most famous and revered leader, Winston Churchill, a political giant who wore his racism and imperialism proudly.

New Churchill movie: history or hagiography?

In the wake of the release of the Hollywood biopic on Churchill, 'Darkest Hour,' which is attracting rave reviews and features Gary Oldman as Churchill and Kristin Scott Thomas as his long-suffering wife Clementine, a raft of articles on the man and his legacy has been produced, confirming that his place in history remains the subject of dispute and conjecture over half a century after his death in 1965.

'Darkest Hour' focuses on the period of Churchill's life for which he is most famous, when as prime minister he led Britain during the darkest period in its history after the military disaster of Dunkirk in May 1940.


The radical legacy of Martin Luther King - 'The Most Dangerous Negro'

martin Luther King
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Today marks the 89th birth anniversary of legendary Black leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a charismatic orator who played an instrumental role in the U.S. civil rights movement.

But in the years following his assassination in 1968, conservatives have tried to tarnish King's image by co-opting his philosophy and by convoluting his messages and using them to promote their narrow agenda through the prism of theology.

King was a theologian and promoted non-violence but not in the way commonly portrayed by conservatives. On the contrary, his radical, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist stance on a litany of issues, such as being against war, pro-choice, for LGBT rights, access to health care, immigration reform, speaks of his revolutionary acumen.


Russian Flag

Debunking Russia Insider editor Charles Bausman's view of Jewish origins of Russian history's ills

Charles Bausman
Charles Bausman

Russia Insider's editor-in-chief railed against the supposed Jewish origin of the world's ills, but totally fails to understand Russia's history or its people

Going After Jews Instead of Neo-Liberals

Charles Bausman, the editor-in-chief of Russia Insider, has chosen a path well-trodden: he decided to woo his audience by discovering the "Jewish origin" of today's wars and tensions.

Nothing could be a greater service to the globalist neoliberals and neoconservatives, who try to present the alternative voices (and in the first place the alternative voices from Russia) as a chorus of anti-Semites, conspiracy theorists and Putin's pals.

The detractors of RT and Sputnik in the United States and the EU may quickly forget that RT's Paula Slier made award-winning documentaries on the horrors of Holocaust, which did not prevent Paula from reporting on the horrors of Israel's bombardment of Palestinian areas. But the detractors of RT and Sputnik will remember Mr. Bausman's recent opus headlined "It's Time to Drop the Jew Taboo."

They will remember it and cite it as an example of "Putin's man going fascist," quickly spreading its ill fame to all the media outlets which Mr. Bausman happened to visit. Such reactions from the representatives of the Western mainstream media are already coming. Judging from the text of his article, Mr. Bausman was fully aware of this kind of reaction before starting to pen out his feelings about Jews, but nevertheless proceeded with its publication.

Microscope 1

Divers in Mexico discover underwater tunnel network that could shine new light on ancient Mayan civilization

Sac Actun underwater cave system
© Herbert Mayrl/Courtesy Gran Acuifero Maya Project (GAM)/Handout via REUTERSScuba divers tour an area of Sac Actun underwater cave system
A team of divers have discovered what is believed to be the biggest flooded cave on the planet in eastern Mexico.

By connecting two underwater caverns, the Gran Acuifero Maya (GAM) project identified the 216-mile (347km) cave after months of exploring a maze of underwater channels.

The project, which is dedicated to the study and preservation of the subterranean waters of the Yucatan peninsula, said the discovery could shine new light on the ancient Maya civilisation.

Near the beach resort of Tulum, the group found that the cave system known as Sac Actun, once measured at 163 miles (263km), communicated with the 52-mile (83km) Dos Ojos system, the GAM said in a statement. Because of this, Sac Actun has now absorbed Dos Ojos.


'Made in America': El Salvador's mass graves are the worst "shitholes"

Victims of the El Mozote Massacre
© Magnum Photos/CCVictims of the El Mozote Massacre
My journalist's hiking boots still have leftover feces and dirt from the ultimate shitholes of El Salvador: its mass graves. Many of the thousands of graves that my sources there have mapped were dug by U.S.-trained and funded security forces in the 80s. Most of the rest were dug more recently by L.A.based-gangs steadily deported to El Salvador by U.S. immigration authorities since the 90s.

President Trump's characterization of Africa, Haiti and El Salvador as "shitholes" disturbed me, but I wasn't sure why. The comments were made during a discussion about the temporary protected status for hundreds of thousands of Salvadoran, Haitian and other immigrants Trump had just rescinded. In search for an answer, I went home and pulled out and studied my boots , which were tattered after too many visits to mass graves, mass graves with the remains of Salvadorans-in El Salvador, in Mexico and in the deserts of south Texas. Wearing my hiking boots during visits to numerous sites along this chain of devalued life led me to the conclusion that mass graves were the ultimate shitholes.

Comment: See: Senators Cotton and Perdue: "Trump didn't say shithole"

For more on the supposed Trump comment and it's relevance to the state of world affairs, check out SOTT radio's: The Truth Perspective: Left by the Wayside on a Right-hand Turn: What Happened to

Top Secret

Drugs and corruption: How US money propped up former Peruvian president Fujimori

Where corruption and drug trafficking is rampant, the US and CIA are sure to be lurking in the shadows.
Last month, the President of Peru, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, pardoned the country's former dictator, Alberto Fujimori, who had been convicted of authorizing extrajudicial murders and corruption. Thousands of protestors responded to the pardon by organizing in the streets of Lima.

Many people wonder why Kuczynski issued this pardon to Fujimori, who embezzled as much as $600 million of public funds, according to Transparency International. After all, the current President had promised during his campaign to not pardon Fujimori.

It appears that a quid pro quo prompted this decision. Kuczynski faced an impeachment vote stemming from his involvement with the Brazilian construction giant, Odebrecht, which has paid massive bribes to many high-level Latin American leaders in exchange for lucrative contracts. Thus, it was quite suspicious that Kuczynski's company received a $782,000 consulting fee from Odebrecht while he served as Peru's Minister of Economy.

Comment: It's no surprise the Clinton's and Bush's both supported Fujimori and that the CIA continued to fund Montesinos. Much of the 'drug wars' was a means of consolidating power and getting rid of competitors, while propping up the drug cartels that were willing to do business with the CIA and corrupt government officials.


Syria's de-mining operation uncovers ancient Greek mosaic floor

mosaic demining syria
One section of the ancient Greek floor found in Hama’s countryside
Ancient Greek mosaic floor piece found in Hama countryside in Syria

During a routine mine excavation the Syrian Engineering corps found a strange looking slab of material underneath the earth. After some careful digging what they uncovered shocked all parties, an ancient Greek mosaic floor. Syrian authorities for archaeology were contacted urgently and the process of professional excavation began. The Syrian engineers were shocked that such pieces of human history had survived being in the countryside of Hama city which faced heavy battles between the Syrian government and opposition forces.

Bizarro Earth

From Siberia to Crimea: A look back at US-Russian relations and imperial interests

War in Russia
One is tempted to conclude that the Washington foreign-policy establishment has learned little over the past century

Strolling the cavernous and well-appointed halls of Russia's carefully renovated Central Naval Museum [Центральный Военно-морской Музей] near the Neva River in St. Petersburg, one can find an assortment of interesting artifacts, not least the small skiff in which Peter the Great learned to sail more than three centuries ago now. Among the many captured battle standards from Sweden, Turkey and Germany that are proudly displayed, a few of the expansive oil paintings took me by surprise. There was, for example, a picture depicting the Russian fleet at anchor off of Kodiak in Alaska during the mid-eighteenth century. Another showed the Soviet Navy's first submarine kill by torpedo on July 31, 1919. On that day, the British destroyer HMS Vittoria was sunk by the Bolshevik submarine Pantera under the command of Alexander Bakhtin. I had known, of course, that Allied forces intervened in the Russian Civil War during 1918-22, but was not aware that the intervention had occasioned such deadly incidents.

Comment: Another prime example of how history gets glossed over in favor of the current imperial narrative. See also: