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Supreme Court delivers pivotal victory for asset forfeiture challenge

supreme court
States are bound by the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against excessive fines and fees when they seek to seize property or other assets from individuals charged or convicted of a crime, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Wednesday.

It's a decision that hands a major victory to critics of civil asset forfeiture, and it opens another avenue to legal challenges against that widely used (and often abused) practice by which states and local governments can seize cars, cash, homes, and pretty much anything else that is suspected of being used to commit a crime.

The case before the Supreme Court, Timbs v. Indiana, involved the seizure of a $42,000 Land Rover SUV from Tyson Timbs, who was arrested in 2015 for selling heroin to undercover police officers. He pleaded guilty to his crimes and was sentenced to one year of house arrest and five years of probation. On top of that, the state of Indiana seized his 2012 Land Rover-which he had purchased with money received from his late father's life insurance payout, not with the proceeds of drug sales-on the ground that it had been used to commit a crime.

Birthday Cake

Roseanne Barr goes on YouTube rant against AOC and her Green New Deal

© Reuters/Gus Ruelas
Scandal-prone former sitcom star Roseanne Barr let loose against leftist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her 'green new deal' with a torrent of obscenities that would impress Gordon Ramsay.

In a video uploaded last weekend entitled "Bug eyed b***hes", the actress showcased her signature no-holds barred approach to politics. The 2-minute video is a dizzying jaunt between a variety of hot button issues including the environment, immigration and Israel.

While unable to recall Ocasio-Cortez's name, Barr had a lot of opinions to share about the "Farrakhan loving b***h" who "looks like a realtor" and her "green new deal" in particular.


Leftists looking for next thing to be outraged about discover well-known 1971 John Wayne interview

John Wayne
© GettyJohn Wayne
A notorious interview with screen icon John Wayne where he said he 'believes in white supremacy' has resurfaced to fresh controversy online.

The Western actor who starred in films such as True Grit and The Quiet Man told Playboy in 1971 that "Hollywood studios are carrying their tokenism a little too far".

The interview, which was tweeted by screenwriter Matt Williams, also saw Wayne referring to Native Americans as "selfish".

"I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility," said Wayne in the interview."I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people."


UK, Belgian pensioners still receiving money for collaborating with Nazis

Belgian Waffen SS
Belgian Waffen SS
Belgian and British senior citizens still receive pensions from the German government for collaborating with Nazi Germany during World War II, according to Belgian parliamentarians who submitted a proposal demanding the Belgian government take up the matter with the German government.

The actual identities of the pensioners are known only to the German Embassies, which are responsible for passing on the payments. But the document submitted by the parliamentarians says about 30 Belgians receive the money, believed to be between €435 and €1,275 ($492 - $1,440) a month.

The four parliamentarians, Olivier Maingain, Stephane Crusniere, Veronique Caprasse and Daniel Senesael, added that former SS members in the UK were also receiving pensions.

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Sky News posts puff piece of al-Qaeda-linked White Helmets saving puppies - Twitterati ain't buying it

whiteh helmets puppies
Twitter users have expressed disbelief after Sky News published a video purporting to show members of the controversial White Helmets "rescuing puppies" in jihadist-controlled Idlib, Syria.

"A team from the Syrian Civil Defence, or White Helmets, were able to rescue two puppies from the rubble following rocket strikes," Sky News wrote in a tweet promoting the 31-second clip.

The video shows a group of men from the polarizing, foreign-funded "civil defense" group removing rocks lying on top of a puppy, which, even after surviving a rocket attack and being buried under the rubble, shows no visible signs of injury.

Magic Wand

Russia remains Ukraine's key trade partner despite Kiev's delusional claims they've cut economic ties

Odessa commercial port
© Global Look Press / Server AmzayevCommercial port in Odessa, Ukraine
Despite years of mutual trade restrictions, Russia remained Ukraine's biggest trade partner in 2018, according to data published by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

Sales of Russian produce to Ukraine saw 12.3-percent year-on-year growth to US$8.1 billion. That makes Russia the biggest Ukrainian supplier, leaving China, Germany, Belarus, and Poland far behind. At the same time, the Russian market remained a major destination for Ukrainian exports. Ukraine sold $3.7 billion worth of goods to Russia, marking a 7.1 percent increase compared to the previous year.

Moscow suspended the free trade zone deal with Kiev shortly after the Ukrainian government signed an association agreement with the EU. Ukraine was automatically included on Russia's counter-sanctions list against the EU, introduced by Moscow in 2014 in retaliation to European penalties over re-unification with Crimea and Russia's alleged military involvement in Ukraine's eastern regions.

Comment: Who else would be willing to sell so much to a bankrupt country, knowing it will likely be stiffed? Russia has tempered its response to the Ukrainian government's hostilities with compassion for its citizens.

Evil Rays

CNN stirs controversy after hiring ex-Sessions spokeswoman and political operative Sarah Isgur Flores

Sarah Isgur Flores Sessions
© CNNCNN says it is hiring Sarah Isgur Flores to be a political editor in the Washington bureau.
Controversy over CNN's newest hire

CNN says it is hiring Sarah Isgur Flores, who most recently served in the Justice Department as Jeff Sessions' spokesman, to be a political editor in the Washington bureau. Flores is a longtime Republican political operative who previously worked for Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney.

The reaction has been strong. CNN employees are concerned, according to numerous people who reached out to me on Tuesday. They are asking what Isgur's role will be and questioning whether her sudden leap from the Trump administration to the CNN newsroom is an ethical breach.

The Daily Beast's Maxwell Tani is hearing the same questions. He reported that CNN staffers are "demoralized" by the news.

Comment: Something to keep an eye on. Will CNN's tone and direction change with Isgur Flores having a hand in shaping the emphasis of CNN's reporting?


Alabama newspaper editor calls for Klan return to 'clean out D.C.'

Goodloe Sutton
© Alvin Benn/Special to the AdvertiserIn this photo from Advertiser archives, Democrat-Reporter Publisher Goodloe Sutton reviews an article in 2015 about the paper moving to a new location.
The editor of a small-town Alabama newspaper published an editorial calling for "the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again" against "Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats (who) are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama."

Goodloe Sutton, who is the publisher of the Democrat-Reporter newspaper in Linden, confirmed to the Montgomery Advertiser on Monday that he authored the Feb. 14 editorial calling for the return of a white supremacist hate group.

"If we could get the Klan to go up there and clean out D.C., we'd all been better off," Sutton said.


I understand what 'intersectionality' is, and I wish it were less important

colored pens lines intersectionality
Having gestated in academia, Intersectionality has escaped into the broader world. It's a foundational doctrine of third-wave feminism. It's long had its own study group-the section on race, gender, and class-within the American Sociological Association, with an intellectual heritage in works by Patricia Hill Collins and Evelyn Nakano Glenn that preceded Kimberlé Crenshaw's 1989 coinage of the i-word. Intersectionality has garnered increasing attention in the past few years, but its big coming out party occurred in December of last year when Senator Kristin Gillibrand (D-NY) tweeted that "our future is ... intersectional."

So it was timely that Anne Sisson Runyan published a primer in the November-December 2018 issue of Academe entitled "What Is Intersectionality and Why Is It Important?" Runyan does a good enough job of defining Intersectionality, but I honestly wish it were a little less important: as it's typically practiced, Intersectionality is an intellectual straitjacket and an albatross for activism.

Comment: A note from Wikipedia's entry on Intersectionality:
Some right-libertarians have described the manifestation of intersectionality as being similar to the way religious faith manifests itself. Notably, for example, conservative political commentator Andrew Sullivan argues that the practice of intersectionality manifests itself "almost as a religion. It posits a classic orthodoxy through which all of human experience is explained - and through which all speech must be filtered. Its version of original sin is the power of some identity groups over others. To overcome this sin, you need first to confess, i.e., 'check your privilege,' and subsequently live your life and order your thoughts in a way that keeps this sin at bay."[61][62] David A. French, writer for the National Review, states that proponents of intersectionality are "zealots of a new religious faith" intending to fill a "religion-shaped hole in the human heart". Additionally, he describes "extremist intersectionality" as justifying "intolerance in the name of tolerance".[63]
Sounds about right.


50 MILLION gallons of toxic wastewater are dumped by US mining sites every day

taking water sample
Every day many millions of gallons of water loaded with arsenic, lead and other toxic metals flow from some of the most contaminated mining sites in the U.S. and into surrounding streams and ponds without being treated, The Associated Press has found.

That torrent is poisoning aquatic life and tainting drinking water sources in Montana, California, Colorado, Oklahoma and at least five other states.

The pollution is a legacy of how the mining industry was allowed to operate in the U.S. for more than a century. Companies that built mines for silver, lead, gold and other "hardrock" minerals could move on once they were no longer profitable, leaving behind tainted water that still leaks out of the mines or is cleaned up at taxpayer expense.

Using data from public records requests and independent researchers, the AP examined 43 mining sites under federal oversight, some containing dozens or even hundreds of individual mines.