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Bad Guys

Paul Craig Roberts: The 'Unprecedented' Assault on Trump

Donald Trump
© Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
We are witnessing an assault by the national security state and its liberal media on a President of the United States that is unprecedented.

Wild and unsupported accusations of treasonous or illegal Russian connections have been the mainstay of the news since Trump's campaign for president. These accusations have reached the point that there is an impeachment movement driven by the national security state and its liberal media and endorsed by Democrats, the American leftwing which has turned against the working class as "Trump deplorables," and luminaries such as Harvard Law Professor Larry Tribe. The Washington Post, which was not present at the meeting of President Trump with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, purports to know that Trump gave Lavrov US national security information.

The Russian government has offered the presstitute media a transcript of the meeting, but, of course, the pressitutes are not interested.

Bad Guys

CIA docs reveal failed & 'sadistic' torture methods used on Guantanamo detainee

prison guards guantanamo bay gitmo
© AP Photo/ Suzette Laboy
Repeatedly waterboarded and confined in a small box, Zubaydah failed to provide any information of value.

It is early on in Abu Zubaydah's time at a CIA black site. He insists to his interrogators that he has no additional information on jihadist operations planned against the US, but his captor won't stop slapping him. Eventually a hood is placed over Zubaydah's head and he is placed into a confinement box by unseen security officers. He is told this is his new home until he's prepared to provide information on operations against the US.

Several physically stressful hours in the confinement box fail to elicit any intelligence, so Zubaydah's captors place him in an even smaller box. He makes painful groans and is forced to scoot out of the box on his hindquarters when he's finally allowed out. He is immediately made to stand and backed up against a wall. Two interrogators begin to double-team him with rapid-fire questions. Zubaydah is told that if he does not cooperate, he will only bring more misery on himself. Again he denies having any additional knowledge, but this time, he isn't slapped. Instead, Zubaydah is hooded and a water board is brought into the cell.


U.S. paranoid that Russia & China will challenge their 'dominance of space'

Navy Fleet

Comment: This entire article is premised on the paranoid assumption that the 'Beasts in the East' - both Russia and China - want nothing more than to 'challenge US military supremacy' and 'conquer the world'. However, on more than one occasion Russia has made overtures of peaceful cooperation towards America, especially in the war on terror. China's entire foreign policy now revolves around mutually beneficial economic development.

But the US has brutally rejected these overtures, thus ensuring a continued arms race, and in the last line of this article we see why: To ensure investment in America's 'military superiority' - a military industrial complex that thrives on destruction and that has run unchecked for far too long. This is why Trump has been targeted - there can be no rapprochement with Russia or China. Continued conflict, even the threat of total annihilation, is what the war machine thrives on.

Russia and China are actively pursuing new weapons and capabilities to counter America's dominance of space according a U.S. Intelligence Community assessment. Indeed, both nations are considering the development of weapons that could attack U.S. satellites and other space-based assets in orbit.

"We assess that Russia and China perceive a need to offset any U.S. military advantage derived from military, civil, or commercial space systems and are increasingly considering attacks against satellite systems as part of their future warfare doctrine," reads congressional testimony from Daniel Coats, director of National Intelligence on May 11. "Both will continue to pursue a full range of anti- satellite (ASAT) weapons as a means to reduce U.S. military effectiveness."

Bad Guys

New documentary reveals most 'rebel-held' Syria is controlled by Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda soldier
There is a great new documentary about life in Syria's rebel-held Idlib province that you should definitely watch start-to-finish.

Produced by the pan-Arab Akhbar al-Aan TV (financed by UAE) much of it was filmed secretly as reporters are regularly kidnapped in Idlib, or else pressured to tow the rebel line.

This makes it one of rare uncensored reports from rebel-held Syria.


The Special Council Inquisition: Bad For Trump, Bad For America

© Joshua Roberts / Reuters
The Trump administration made a huge mistake by not preventing the just announced special council investigation into the alleged, but likely non-existing "Trump-Russia" connections:
The Justice Department appointed a special counsel Wednesday to investigate possible coordination between President Trump's associates and Russian officials — a clear signal to the White House that federal investigators will aggressively pursue the matter despite the president's insistence that there was no "collusion'' with the Kremlin.

Robert S. Mueller III, a former prosecutor who served as the FBI director from 2001 to 2013, has agreed to take over the investigation as a special counsel, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein announced. The move marks a concession by the Trump administration to Democratic demands for the investigation to be run independently of the Justice Department. Calls for a special counsel intensified after Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey last week.

Control Panel

Google and Facebook fund 'fake news war rooms' to 'truthify' Western elections - UK next

fake news war room
© Alicia Canter for the Guardian In the offices of 'Full Fact', workers scan the internet for fake news. Meanwhile, internet users scan the media for fake news... the war is on!
In cramped offices just a few hundred metres from Buckingham Palace, the crack troops of the war against fake news are on high alert.

Professional fact checkers, economists and statisticians are among 25 staff being part-funded by Google and Facebook to protect the UK election from fake news in an initiative run by Full Fact and First Draft, two fact-checking organisations, the latter battle hardened by tours of duty in the US and French elections.

One night this week they scanned the internet as usual for false reports and misleading claims about the election gathering traction on social media. A piece being shared thousands of times on Facebook about Jeremy Corbyn rang alarm bells.

"Corbyn confirms a Labour government would pay £92bn Brexit bill in full," ran the headline on an apparent news site called YourBrexit.co.uk.

Comment: As presented, this operation is fairly harmless, certainly less harmful than the spurious BS put out by Establishment media and government sources ("Saddam's missiles can reach the UK inside 45 minutes" being just one notorious example). What's overlooked by these do-gooders is the massive online sockpuppetry waged by the intelligence services for at least a decade, and confirmed by the Snowden leaks.

Anyway, they're losing the information war. The only real option left for their Masters is heavy election rigging.

Bad Guys

The Russian obsession goes back decades

© Unknown
Just consider the accusations that have been leveled at the president:
  1. He has betrayed the Constitution, which he swore to uphold.
  2. He has committed treason by befriending Russia and other enemies of America.
  3. He has subjugated America's interests to Moscow.
  4. He has been caught in fantastic lies to the American people, including personal ones, like his previous marriage and divorce.
President Donald Trump?

No, President John F. Kennedy.

War Whore

Master bullsh - ter Barack Obama calls President Trump "a bullsh - ter"

Obama and Trump shaking hands
Liberal left Obama worship rises in unison with Trump hate.

We can only guess that it takes one to know one.

Obama is a neo-liberal's wet dream, while Trump is their worst nightmare.

People Magazine dedicated their cover story this month to the former POTUS...aka the "cool, even-keeled, no-drama Barack Obama."

In the People Magazine article, two anonymous sources friendly with the the former first family reveal that Obama frequently described Trump as "nothing but a bullshitter"...which we find ironic given that Obama...
  • never shut down Guantanamo,
  • never ended Bush's wars (he actually took 2 wars and turned them into 7),
  • never helped out the American middle class (he instead bailed out the bankers and bankrupted main street),
  • and instead of bringing transparency to government, Obama oversaw the largest journalist surveillance apparatus in the history of the United States.


British drone disrupting ISIS prisoner execution may have wounded over 20 civilians

RAF drone
© Global Look Press
A Royal Air Force (RAF) drone strike, which the British military claims halted the public execution of prisoners by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), may have in fact wounded more than 20 civilians, according to monitors.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) claimed on May 15 that a Hellfire missile fired from an RAF Reaper drone had stopped a public execution from taking place in the town of Abu Kamal in eastern Syria.

The strike reportedly happened a week earlier on May 9.The MoD, which generally gives minimal detail in such reports, released a statement about the decision to strike and the targets engaged.

Comment: UK Royal Air Force drone strike in Syria saves 2 prisoners from public execution by ISIS


Low-grade political theater: The coordinated campaign to impeach Trump

© Jonathan Ernst / Reuters
With talk in the air of possible impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, what is happening now in Washington, DC resembles low-grade political theater; political commentators told RT.

Representative Al Green (D-Texas) on Wednesday called for impeachment proceedings to begin against President Trump "for obstruction of justice."

Comment: The elite's push to impeach Trump