Best of the Web:


Best of the Web: Harsh days ahead: Steve Bannon and the apocalyptic 'unraveling'

Steve Bannon fourth turning
Steve Bannon is accustomed to start many of his talks to activists and Tea Party gatherings in the following way: "At 11 o'clock on 18 September 2008, Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke told the U.S. President that they had already stove-piped $500 billions of liquidity into the financial system during the previous 24 hours - but needed a further one Trillion dollars, that same day.

"The pair said that if they did not get it immediately, the U.S. financial system would implode within 72 hours; the world's financial system, within three weeks; and that social unrest and political chaos could ensue within the month." (In the end, Bannon notes, it was more like $5 trillion that was required, though no one really knows how much, as there has been no accounting for all these trillions).

"We (the U.S.) have", he continues, "in the wake of the bailouts that ensued, liabilities of $200 trillions, but net assets - including everything - of some $50-60 trillion." (Recall that Bannon is himself a former Goldman Sachs banker).

"We are upside down; the industrial democracies today have a problem we have never had before; we are over-leveraged (we have to go through a massive de-leveraging); and we have built a welfare state which is completely and totally unsupportable.

"And why this is a crisis ... the problem ... is that the numbers have become so esoteric that even the guys on Wall Street, at Goldman Sachs, the guys I work with, and the Treasury guys ... It's so tough to get this together ... Trillion dollar deficits ... etcetera."

Comment: For more on Steve Bannon and the Fourth Turning see:


Best of the Web: Ex-Kissinger State Dept official Steve Pieczenik: You are witnessing a counter-coup assisted by Julian Assange

Dr. Steve Pieczenik

Comment: Though the following was published last November, it serves as a useful indication of the caliber of government insiders who support Trump and would like to see the Clinton/Obama cabal served with justice.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger and so much more, is a VERY legit sounding individual who claims to be deeply and actively tied to the intelligence community.
Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker.[3] His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare.[7] He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.[8]
Pieczenik has a message for all of us. For the purposes of painting the most accurate picture, he also believes 9/11 was an inside job, and that the killing of Bin Laden was a hoax. Anyone who shared these opinions has been ridiculed ad nauseam, however recent revelations have blurred the lines between conspiracy theory and reality. Most of us have been performing dizzying mental gymnastics through the the shock and awe of bombshells that have blown the lid off what we thought we knew about government, so perhaps revisiting old "conspiracy theories" is worth consideration.

These videos are the first two in a series from Pieczenik today detailing exactly what in the hell is going on with the Clintons, the FBI, and Julian Assange.

Comment: See also: Dr. Steve Pieczenik: The Game Changing Implications of Vault 7 and the Destruction of the CIA


Best of the Web: Washington and America Implode at the Hands of a Treasonous, Obama-Led Shadow Government

Trump and Obama
The United States federal government in Washington is under attack today. Our nation's capital is presently under siege, not from military bombs or rockets fired by any foreign enemy but from powerful enemies within. With Obama-Hillary-Soros forces ostensibly maneuvering outside official government channels, against America's legitimately elected President Trump, and their loyalist foot soldiers - the neocons and intelligence community loyalists within the CIA/NSA/FBI still operating inside deep state, criminally conspiring with Mainstream Media, this sinister alliance is also organizing legions of clueless young leftist protesters to be at the ready for deployment in the streets to wreak havoc violently rioting as paid agitator insurgents. What we have here on our hands is an American Spring uprising, an insurgent regime change operation taking place right here in our own country currently bent on overthrowing America's existing "democratically elected" government.

At no time in our prior history has anything so openly subversive and treacherously treasonous ever been perpetrated on the United States of America before... the closest being the covert conspiracy singlehandedly thwarted by America's military hero General Smedley Butler in 1934, when a band of elitist bankster traitors attempted a coup d'état against the FDR administration. The all-too-familiar divide and conquer strategy is once again the globalist go-to Modus Operandi, being implemented through multi-prong assaults waging an open insurrection war against the Trump administration in order to successfully execute a coup committed by traitors out to take down America as their latest banana republic.


Best of the Web: Aluminum adjuvant, cytokines, brain inflammation, autism: Did China discover the missing piece of the autism puzzle?

china puzzle
Scientists appear to be far closer to explaining the mechanisms of action within the body that cause autism. Most of the research that has created this understanding has been published in the last 36 months, and largely from international scientists in Canada, France, Israel, and China. Four clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered are forming an undeniably clear picture of autism's causation, and possibly ways to alleviate the symptoms, too.

When Caltech scientist Dr. Paul Patterson passed away in 2014, I had little appreciation that he had triggered a chain of events over the course of his career that may now provide a clear and unambiguous explanation of how and why my son developed autism back in 2004. Knowing exactly how my son's autism was caused is incredibly important to my wife and I, because the more information we have about causation, the more chance we have to do something about it, and perhaps recover my son from an affliction now impacting 1 in 48 American kids.

What you're about to read is the product of more than two dozen very recent peer-reviewed published scientific studies, with really no original thought by me. I'm a businessman and a father, but what follows is a "grand theory of autism" so complete and well-supported that I think it deserves the attention of every member of the autism community. When the totality of this explanation became clear to me, not only did my jaw hit the floor, but I was immediately consumed with thoughts about how this clear explanation might impact the way we treat our son's autism, and I hope it does the same for you and perhaps your doctor as well. What I'm certain of is that this "grand theory" needs to be heavily debated, and I hope by putting it in the public realm I help move it along that path. (I'm indebted to an anonymous scientist who runs a website called Vaccine Papers, where many of these insights came from. I will quote VP throughout this piece, referring to VP as "VP." I highly recommend you read the totality of his website, where the explanations are far more scientific than what you will read here.)

Take 2

Best of the Web: White Helmets denied entry into US again, Hollywood dreams over

White Helmets graphic 'war-porn'
"A valid travel document is required for travel to the United States," a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security told the Associated Press when asked for a comment on the findings. According to internal Trump administration correspondence seen by The Associated Press, the Department of Homeland Security decided to block Khateeb." ~Fox News

"A Syrian cinematographer up for an Academy Award Sunday night has been reportedly barred from entering the U.S. over the finding of "derogatory information" - a vague term that can mean anything from a simple passport irregularity to terror connections.

Khaled Khateeb, 21, who worked on the Netflix documentary "White Helmets," was scheduled to arrive in California on Saturday.

He was issued a visa to attend the awards show, however the Associated Press' internal U.S. government correspondence reported that Turkish authorities detained him this week."


Best of the Web: Google blacklists Natural News, removes 140,000 pages from its index

big brother
Big Brother is watching you
This is a guest piece by Mike Adams from Natural News (not us, Health Nut News!)

Late last week, I, Mike Adams, received a direct threat that warned if I did not take steps to destroy Alex Jones and InfoWars, I would be targeted for destruction in a campaign of smears, censorship and defamation.

Instead of giving in to the enemy, I refused to take the bait and went public with details of the threat, warning everyone in the new media that sinister forces were now being pursued to undermine and silence every anti-establishment (and pro-Trump) voice on the internet.

True to form, today the entire Natural News website has been blacklisted by Google, entirely without warning. This is just one of many censorship events that have all taken place over the last few days:

Comment: The war on humanity is being ramped up and escalated to a fever pitch. For yet another example see this slick anti-Trump/anti-Putin video that, as of 2/24/17, and entitled 'Pros and cons of closer relations with Russia' - is linked right to Yahoo's portal page under hack corporate "journalist" Katie Couric's picture. The linked page includes a blurb that presents itself as objective. See how many blatant and egregious lies you can count in the video.
As President Trump continues to signal that he'd like to have closer ties with Russia, Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric takes a look at the pros and cons of changing that relationship.


Best of the Web: Putin visits the FSB and outlines how a deal with Trump can be made

Whilst US President Donald Trump battles the US intelligence community and the US elite, the foreign leader he most wants to deal with - Russia's President Putin - has been addressing the senior staff of the organisation he once headed, Russia's counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence agency, the FSB.

Whilst it is all too tempting to contrast President Putin's complete control of his government and intelligence services with President Trump's struggle to achieve mastery over his own, that temptation should be resisted. President Putin did not always have the undisputed mastery of his government and intelligence services that he has now. Only in 2003, following the arrest of the once all-powerful oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and the subsequent expulsion from the government of individuals like former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov and former Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov who were beholden to Khodorkovsky and the other oligarchs, did President Putin achieve the undisputed control of the Russian government and intelligence services that he has now.

The US and Russian political systems differ profoundly from each other, and the parallel between President Putin's struggle with the oligarchs and President Trump's current struggle with the US elite should not be pressed too far. Nonetheless it does show one important fact which those frustrated by some of President Trump's recent actions need to bear in mind: mere possession of the office of President in any political system does not automatically translate into control of the government. A President who really wants to become master of his government - as opposed to being a mere cypher for his bureaucracy - has to fight to achieve it.


Best of the Web: Interview with DHS insider: 'It's spy versus spy'

Trump and Netanyahu
VL has been fortunate enough to work with some awesome people! We have loyal and awakened followers who help bring us information, and we also have trusted insiders, whistleblowers and leakers who trust us enough to give us information, too.

Today, we have an exclusive interview with a special DHS insider who has answered some critical questions we have on PizzaGate. Our insider prefers to call it PedoGate and what he told us blew our minds!

We are so fortunate that members of the Intel community like our work and feel they can trust us. We have been trying to get to the bottom of PizzaGate for months and the answers we got from our DHS insider stunned and shocked us. Here we go!


Best of the Web: State Secrets: Sibel Edmonds reveals 'The Untouchables'

sibel edmonds state secrets
© Sibel Edmonds
Newsbud presents major new revelations by former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds, known as the most classified and gagged person in US history, takes on the US Congress and the culprit media in one of the most significant and longest ongoing political/criminal cover-ups involving the FBI, a notorious political mob in Chicago, a well-known elected official and her convicted criminal spouse. Further, she renews her public call for joint testimony under oath before the US Congress. Do not miss this in-depth exposé shedding light on just how notoriously corrupt criminals are given immunity and untouchable status, not only by the US government, but also by the Deep-State collaborators- the US media.


Cloud Lightning

Best of the Web: Pepe Escobar: Flynn Resignation - The Swamp Strikes Back

michael flynn
The tawdry Michael Flynn soap opera boils down to the CIA hemorrhaging leaks to the company town newspaper, leading to the desired endgame: a resounding victory for hardcore neocon/neoliberalcon US Deep State factions in one particular battle. But the war is not over; in fact it's just beginning.

Even before Flynn's fall, Russian analysts had been avidly discussing whether President Trump is the new Viktor Yanukovych — who failed to stop a color revolution at his doorstep. The Made in USA color revolution by the axis of Deep State neocons, Democratic neoliberalcons and corporate media will be pursued, relentlessly, 24/7. But more than Yanukovych, Trump might actually be remixing Little Helmsman Deng Xiaoping: "crossing the river while feeling the stones". Rather, crossing the swamp while feeling the crocs.

Flynn out may be interpreted as a Trump tactical retreat. After all Flynn may be back — in the shade, much as Roger Stone. If current deputy national security advisor K T McFarland gets the top job - which is what powerful Trump backers are aiming at - the shadowplay Kissinger balance of power, in its 21st century remix, is even strengthened; after all McFarland is a Kissinger asset.