Best of the Web:


Best of the Web: Graham Hancock: Why Science Should Cherish Its Rebels - The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis Is Anything But Dead

hancock carlson
© Santha FaliaGraham Hancock with catastrophist theorist Randall Carlson at Dry Falls -- a fossilised waterfall of enormous size cut by the waters of Bretz's flood and left as we see it now when the flood had run its course.
There is fierce disagreement amongst mainstream scientists - a disagreement that also divides alternative researchers - around what happened to the Earth, and to humanity, in the closing millennia of the last Ice Age between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago. Marked by intense cold, global floods and extinctions of animal species, this 1200-year interval is known to geologists as the Younger Dryas. Many of the leading investigators are convinced the agent of the mysterious earth changes, and of the extinctions, was a comet that the struck the North American ice cap with globally cataclysmic effects. But their "Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis" is still regarded as controversial by others who have sought, more than once in the scientific literature, to declare it "disproved" only to be confronted by compelling new evidence that further strengthens the case. In this article, Graham Hancock shows how scientists consistently suppress and marginalise new knowledge that conflicts with established positions and argues that a paradigm shift is underway - a shift that will require us to reconsider everything we've been taught about the peopling of the Americas and about the very origins of civilization.
In March 2017 the National Geographic Society and the Smithsonian Institution, those bastions of scientific orthodoxy, highlighted the remarkable achievements of two scientific rebels, one retired and the other deceased, confessing that multiple injustices had been done to both and that the "toxic" way in which they had been treated by their professional colleagues had "poisoned" scientific progress.

In the case of The Smithsonian the focus was on Canadian archaeologist Jacques Cinq-Mars, ostracised in the 1990's because his excavations at Bluefish Caves in the Yukon "directly challenged mainstream thinking" with evidence that the peopling of the Americas had begun many thousands of years earlier than had previously been thought.1

We will have more to say about the case of Dr Cinq-Mars in the second half of this article.

Comment: Loyal SOTT readers will hardly be surprised at this summary of the latest YDB research. After all, we've been covering the issue of historical comet bombardments since before the YDB impact hypothesis. But it's great to see it all collected here and brought up to date. And speaking of paradigm shifts, here's another one that is quite relevant to the topics discussed, particularly on the nature of comets and climate change: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection, by Pierre Lescaudron with Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

Cardboard Box

Best of the Web: Getting Assange: The Untold Story

julian assange
Julian Assange has been vindicated because the Swedish case against him was corrupt. The prosecutor, Marianne Ny, obstructed justice and should be prosecuted. Her obsession with Assange not only embarrassed her colleagues and the judiciary but exposed the Swedish state's collusion with the United States in its crimes of war and "rendition".

Had Assange not sought refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, he would have been on his way to the kind of American torture pit Chelsea Manning had to endure.

This prospect was obscured by the grim farce played out in Sweden.
"It's a laughing stock," said James Catlin, one of Assange's Australian lawyers. "It is as if they make it up as they go along".
It may have seemed that way, but there was always serious purpose. In 2008, a secret Pentagon document prepared by the "Cyber Counterintelligence Assessments Branch" foretold a detailed plan to discredit WikiLeaks and smear Assange personally.

The "mission" was to destroy the "trust" that was WikiLeaks' "centre of gravity". This would be achieved with threats of "exposure [and] criminal prosecution". Silencing and criminalizing such an unpredictable source of truth-telling was the aim.

2 + 2 = 4

Best of the Web: No-Brainers and "Conspiracy Theories": Seth Rich, Craig Murray and the Narratives of the National Security State

Clinton Rich
Why is it a "conspiracy theory" to think that a disgruntled Democratic National Committee staffer gave WikiLeaks the DNC emails, but not a conspiracy theory to think the emails were provided by Russia?


Which is the more likely scenario: That a frustrated employee leaked damaging emails to embarrass his bosses or a that foreign government hacked DNC computers for some still-unknown reason?

That's a no-brainer, isn't it?

Former-DNC employee, Seth Rich, not only had access to the emails, but also a motive. He was pissed about the way the Clinton crowd was "sandbagging" Bernie Sanders. In contrast, there's neither evidence nor motive connecting Russia to the emails. On top of that, WikiLeaks founder, Julien Assange (a man of impeccable integrity) has repeatedly denied that Russia gave him the emails which suggests the government investigation is completely misdirected. The logical course of action, would be to pursue the leads that are most likely to bear fruit, not those that originate from one's own political bias. But, of course, logic has nothing to do with the current investigation, it's all about politics and geopolitics.

Comment: As the author correctly states in regards to the Seth Rich murder,"any information that challenges the government version of events, could actually change the course of history". Which is why the truth of this story is absolutely incendiary and must be kept suppressed, obscured and quashed - at any cost - by those who would have Russia (and most of the rest of the world) under the thumb of US imperial control.

All the more reason to get the facts of this matter out and exposed.

No Entry

Best of the Web: Not interested in truth: U.S. rejects Putin's offer to share transcript of contentious Trump-Lavrov meeting

Putin Lawrow
US rejects and ridicules unprecedented Russian offer though it offers the one opportunity of ascertaining beyond all doubt what actually happened at the meeting between Trump and Lavrov.

The US political and media establishment has rejected and even ridiculed President Putin's offer to Congress of the transcripts of the meeting in the Oval Office between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US President Donald Trump.

The prevailing response to the offer is that it was not intended seriously. The tone was set by BBC journalist who speaking on British television claimed that in making the offer Putin was having, and was just trolling the US, and that there is "no possibility" of the US accepting a transcript written on "Kremlin notepaper".

This is to misrepresent what was a perfectly serious offer despite the humorous tone with which Putin spoke.


Best of the Web: Professor Steven Cohen: Assault on Trump presidency by intelligence agencies is greatest ever threat to national security

cohen carlson fox
Steven Cohen, Professor of Russian studies at Princeton and NYU (an obvious Russian spy) was besides himself tonight, in sheer disbelief over the witch hunt of gigantic nothing-burgers that are being used to assault the Presidency of Donald Trump.

He declared, "today, I would say (the greatest threat to national security) is this assault on President Trump. Let's be clear what he's being accused of is treason. This has never happened in America, that we had a Russian agent in the White House. Cohen believes Flynn did nothing wrong by talking to the Russian ambassador, describing it as 'his job' to do so.

He then illuminated the indelible fact that there is a 4th branch of government, the intelligence community, who have been meddling in American foreign affairs, obstructing the other 3 branches of government.
"In 2016, President Obama worked out a deal with Russian President Putin for military cooperation in Syria. He said he was gonna share intelligence with Russia, just like Trump and the Russians were supposed to do the other day. Our department of defense said it wouldn't share intelligence. And a few days later, they killed Syrian soldiers, violating the agreement, and that was the end of that. So, we can ask, who is making our foreign policy in Washington today?"
Professor Cohen added, "you and I have to ask a subversive question, are there really three branches of government, or is there a 4th branch of government? These intel services. What we know, as a fact, is that Obama tried, not very hard but he tried for a military alliance with Putin, in Syria, against terrorism and it was sabotaged by the department of defense and its allies in the intelligence services."



Best of the Web: Political assassination? Law enforcement sources claim murdered staffer Seth Rich leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks, investigation being blocked

seth rich
Mr Rich's family offered a reward for any information leading to how and why he was shot in the back after a night of heavy drinking at Lou's City Bar
For the past several months, Democrats have based their "Resist 45" movement on unsubstantiated assertions that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russian intelligence officials to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election thereby 'stealing' the White House from Hillary Clinton. Day after day we've all suffered through one anonymously sourced, "shock" story after another from the New York Times and/or The Washington Post with new allegations of the 'wrongdoing'.

But, new evidence surfacing in the Seth Rich murder investigation may just quash the "Russian hacking" conspiracy theory. According to a new report from Fox News, it was former DNC staffer Seth Rich who supplied 44,000 DNC emails to WikiLeaks and not some random Russian cyber terrorist, as we've all been led to believe.

Comment: Wheeler also told Fox News:
"The police department nor the FBI have been forthcoming," said Wheeler. "They haven't been cooperating at all. I believe that the answer to solving his death lies on that computer, which I believe is either at the police department or either at the FBI. I have been told both."

When we asked Wheeler if his sources have told him there is information that links Rich to Wikileaks, he said, "Absolutely. Yeah. That's confirmed."

Wheeler also told us, "I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, 'Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can't share any information with you.' Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don't think it comes from the chief's office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor's office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out [Tuesday].
Convenient timing on this one, coming during the Comey hysteria and the Trump-told-Russia-secrets FakeNews stream. An ace up the sleeve?

Bad Guys

Best of the Web: Memory Loss & Terror Bombing: How America Justifies Its Acts of Evil

mainstream propaganda
Some years ago, a newspaper article credited a European visitor with the wry observation that Americans are charming because they have such short memories. When it comes to the nation's wars, however, he was not entirely on target. Americans embrace military histories of the heroic "band of [American] brothers" sort, especially involving World War II. They possess a seemingly boundless appetite for retellings of the Civil War, far and away the country's most devastating conflict where American war deaths are concerned.

Certain traumatic historical moments such as "the Alamo" and "Pearl Harbor" have become code words -- almost mnemonic devices -- for reinforcing the remembrance of American victimization at the hands of nefarious antagonists. Thomas Jefferson and his peers actually established the baseline for this in the nation's founding document, the Declaration of Independence, which enshrines recollection of "the merciless Indian Savages" -- a self-righteous demonization that turned out to be boilerplate for a succession of later perceived enemies. "September 11th" has taken its place in this deep-seated invocation of violated innocence, with an intensity bordering on hysteria.

Such "victim consciousness" is not, of course, peculiar to Americans. In Japan after World War II, this phrase -- higaisha ishiki in Japanese -- became central to leftwing criticism of conservatives who fixated on their country's war dead and seemed incapable of acknowledging how grievously Imperial Japan had victimized others, millions of Chinese and hundreds of thousands of Koreans foremost among them. When present-day Japanese cabinet members visit Yasukuni Shrine, where the emperor's deceased soldiers and sailors are venerated, they are stoking victim consciousness and roundly criticized for doing so by the outside world, including the U.S. media.

Comment: Further reading: How the US Empire was made in North Korea

Gold Seal

Best of the Web: Pepe Escobar: French Election of Emmanuel "Clinton" - Revolt of the Western Elites

macron hollande
© AFP PHOTO / POOL / PHILIPPE WOJAZEROutgoing French President Francois Hollande (R) looks at President-elect Emmanuel Macron (L) as they stand at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe during a ceremony marking the 72nd anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany during World War II on May 8, 2017 in Paris
So in the end the West was saved by the election of Emmanuel Macron as President of France: relief in Brussels, a buoyant eurozone, rallies in Asian markets.

That was always a no-brainer. After all, Macron was endorsed by the EU, Goddess of the Market, and Barack Obama. And he was fully backed by the French ruling class.

This was a referendum on the EU - and the EU, in its current set-up, won.

Cyberwar had to be part of the picture. No one knows where the MacronLeaks came from - a last minute, massive online dump of Macron campaign hacked emails. WikiLeaks certified the documents it had time to review as legitimate.

That did not stop the Macron galaxy from immediately blaming it on Russia. Le Monde, a once-great paper now owned by three influential Macron backers, faithfully mirrored his campaign's denunciation of RT and Sputnik, information technology attacks and, in general, the interference of Russia in the elections.


Best of the Web: These five countries have historically been the aggressor - NOT Russia

US A-bomb nuclear explosion
Here are some crimes against humanity committed by the 'civilized west'.

Angela Merkel's recent visit to Russia where the German Chancellor met with President Putin and attempted to lecture Russia, is emblematic of the hypocrisy of historically aggressive nations lecturing a Russian state whose many wars have been limited to defending itself against invasions.

Russian territory of course expanded over the centuries, but Russia never had the overseas and outwardly aggressive empires of the following countries.

Furthermore, Russia never committed the crimes against humanity that the following five nations did.


Best of the Web: What the warhawks and presstitute corporate media will never tell you about North Korea

North Korea missile
© Sputnik / Illiya Pitalev

There is a great deal of propaganda and deliberate misinformation about North Korea, which the public should know.

While neocons, a cheering corporate media, and Deep State, rush to war with North Korea, information is the ultimate weapon.

For example, did you know that North Korea, China, and India, are the only three nations who have committed to a "no nuclear first" policy? They have pledged never to use nuclear weapons "first", but of course reserve the right to use them if attacked.

How many times has the US threatened to use nuclear weapons against North Korea?

Do you know that North Korea has repeatedly asked the US to engage in bilateral talks, to cool off the ever-escalating tension? The offer was flatly rejected by both Obama and Trump.

Can you resolve differences within your family without dialog? No dialogue, no peace. Why won't the US talk to North Korea??

Comment: Why the US should accept China's proposal for direct talks with North Korea