Heavy rainfall flooded Klaipėda
© Vilius Veiss, Diana BudrienėHeavy rainfall flooded Klaipėda
Exceptionally heavy rain on Tuesday evening submerged the streets of Klaipėda under water, making some of them difficult to navigate.

Videos shared by the residents of Lithuania's third biggest city on the Baltic coast show the bravest drivers trying to negotiate streets that have turned into rivers. On Mogiliovo Street, for example, cars were half-submerged in water.

The situation was no better on other streets in the port city.

"It's almost apocalyptic," is what people in Klaipėda are saying on social media after the downpour.

At around 18:00, the city's water workers hit the streets, trying to fix Klaipėda's most problematic streets.

Justina Kazragytė, spokeswoman for the municipal waterworks company Klaipėdos Vanduo, said that the southern part of the port city was the hardest hit by the downpour on Tuesday.

"The southern part of Klaipėda received a large amount of rainfall, which could not be absorbed immediately. We received reports from residents and in response to these reports, we removed the deposits from the grates of the surface sewage collection system so that the water could be absorbed more quickly," said Kazragytė.

According to her, no faults were recorded in the company's installations and the residents will not experience any long-term inconvenience.