© National GeographicAn artist's impression of the star named VVV-WIT-08 being eclipsed
Scientists suggest whatever eclipsed the star was many times larger and had a hard edge. Something huge and opaque caused a star in our galaxy to dim, and astronomers are struggling to explain the phenomenon.
Stars may twinkle, but they don't just vanish โ so when a distant, giant star pulled a disappearing act for about 200 days, it took astronomers by surprise.
Now, roughly a decade later, astronomers have sifted through a variety of possible explanations โ and they still have
no idea what's responsible for blotting out nearly all of the star's light.
Described in a new study in the
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, some of the theories still on the table rely on as-yet unobserved phenomena, such as a dark disk of material orbiting a nearby black hole, or undiscovered, dust-enshrouded companion stars. But over 17 years of observations, the star has only gone dark once, in 2012, making it more difficult for teams to nail down a plausible culprit.
It's clear that whatever object eclipsed the distant star is huge โ much bigger than the star itself. It also appeared to be completely opaque, blocking much of the starlight entirely, and it seemed to have a hard edge.
"The degree of drop in brightness is really impressive," says
Emily Levesque of the University of Washington, who studies massive stars and wasn't involved in the observations. "It'll be cool to see more observations of this star, of whatever caused this, and to piece together how something like this happened."
Giant stars acting strangeThe galaxy is full of weirdly behaving stars, many of which naturally fluctuate in brightness. One of these variable stars, named Betelgeuse,
dramatically dimmed in 2019, sparking speculation that it might be about to explode. (It did not.) Instead, the red supergiant at Orion's shoulder
returned to its normal brightness, and astronomers are now
attributing its fainting spell to a cool spot in its southern hemisphere and a puff of dust.
Perhaps even more famously, in 2015, astronomers caught a star
flickering so oddly that some scientists considered the possibility its light was being
blocked by an orbiting alien megastructure. The allure of alien technologies launched the star โ now known as Tabby's Star โ into the limelight for years, but observations in 2018 revealed that the culprit was nothing more than
This star that winked out for the first half of 2012 is similarly intriguing.
"It's unusual for a star to dim in brightness by this much and for this long, and it immediately caught my eye as something unusual," says study author
Leigh Smith, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge.
Smith spotted the odd eclipse while he was sifting through data from the
VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea, or VVV, survey. This project, which draws its name from the Latin for "milky way," monitors the southern sky for variable stars in the galaxy's disk.
The observation earned the star a special designation: WIT, or "What is this?," an acronym that astronomers with the VVV project use to categorize curious objects. The star became known as VVV-WIT-08, and the team flagged it for follow-up work. Based on early observations, they estimated that the star was at least 25,000 light-years away in the direction of the galactic bulge, and that it was an eight-billion-year-old giant some 100 times larger than our sun, but smoldering at cooler temperatures.
During the first half of 2012, the star almost completely disappeared, losing 97 percent of its brightness. Data suggested that whatever had caused such a precipitous plunge was opaque, uniformly obscuring all visible and infrared wavelengths of light throughout the entire eclipse."That's very hard to understand," says
Jason Wright of Pennsylvania State University, who wasn't involved in the observations. "It's something bigger than the star that's completely opaque, and there aren't many things that do that."
Follow-up investigations used data from the European Space Agency's
Gaia spacecraft and a ground-based survey called
OGLE to glean more information about the star. But as those observations piled up, so did the questions. It became tougher to pin down the star's precise size and distance, and its motion through space looked peculiar โ VVV-WIT-08 appeared to almost be traveling fast enough to escape from the Milky Way.
"It's well above anything you would expect in this direction," Smith says. "So there's something not quite right here, there's something wrong with our assumptions."
An elusive explanationPerplexed by the star's unusual characteristics, Smith and his colleagues began trying to explain the phenomenon. They considered changes in brightness that originate from pulsations or spasms within the star itself โ behavior that is quite common, but which doesn't occur to a dramatic degree in stars like VVV-WIT-08. The scientists also ruled out the idea that the eclipse could be explained by a chance alignment with a dark foreground object closer to Earth that just happened to get in the way, such as a dusty, dim star.
"We'd need a huge number of these dark floating objects," Smith says. "That's a pretty unlikely scenario โ we should have seen many more of this kind of thing nearby."
Wright and others think it's more likely that whatever occluded VVV-WIT-08 is gravitationally bound to the star. And if that's true, the authors say, perhaps the best explanation involves a huge, dusty debris disk swirling around an orbiting companion star. Systems like this already exist, notably
Epsilon Aurigae, where a supergiant star is partially eclipsed by a giant, dust-enshrouded companion
every 27 years.
But dust filters light, allowing longer, redder wavelengths to pass through โ which is not what these observations show. And debris disks usually taper off rather than having hard stops, although Wright points out that small moonlets
mow gaps into Saturn's rings that have neat, tidy edges.
© NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space ScienceThe wavemaker moon, Daphnis, is featured in this view, taken as NASA's Cassini spacecraft made one of its ring-grazing passes over the outer edges of Saturn's rings on Jan. 16, 2017.
It's also not clear what kind of companion object could be in orbit with VV-WIT-08. The team considered a handful of possibilities, including main sequence stars and dense stellar corpses such as white dwarfs, but the disks that normally form around those stars don't fully explain the observations.
Another potential explanation is an orbiting black hole surrounded by a dark, dense debris ring โ something that astronomers think should exist, but have never observed before. It's also possible that the obscuring dust is being stripped from the star by an orbiting companion, but that wouldn't fully explain the observations.
Still, Levesque says that focusing on dust in the system makes sense, given that astronomers expect giant, evolving stars to shed material that ends up in orbit โ even if those systems don't look quite like this one.
"It's nicely not too bizarre; it's the sort of thing that you would expect," she says. "But dust does not look this neat, and it would certainly imply something very unusual about how that dust is distributed."
And while it might be tempting to wonder whether some type of extraterrestrial megastructure could have flown in front of the star, Wright says that hypothesis isn't ripe for serious consideration yet.
"It's premature at this point," he says. "There's so much about this star that we don't know."
Reader Comments
This is a placemarker.
Put here by I, BK on this day
111521 1321 us of a placemaker has been placed and the time is now 122....oh how time moves....get with the game and better ideas have arisen from the horizon and they will amplify because they are better - duh....ha, ha. BK - in humility. Tis now 123
Peace is easy.
1. I just listened to the start a few seconds ago, so that was the last time.
2. Last time before that was on a cassette tape if memory serves - I know for a fact it won't no 8-track!
In my home in Buffalo, my mother, she met my Dad at the University of Rochester, and she graduated with an advanced degree in music, things were always happening cause there were a bunch of us kids. The piano was always playing in my home and as a kid that music filled my ears with wonder and it was ongoing. It still is. On occasion though, being I was a kid in Buffalo, we would go out into the neighborhood to interact with the other kids hanging around. So many good times when I was a kid, I can't capture in just one comment that is a reply to yours RC.
What was I talking about?
ha, ha...
So, you say but was it really 5 months.....the algorithm needs to be programmed to make a choice on when a month has passed - does it not?
So, you gave a clue, and you said it was on the 18th, so I'll take you for your word, and begs the question what it just about 5 months or was it just about 6? Hard to know without checking the evidence that is publicly available, but which I haven't checked and I probably won't cause it doesn't really matter to me on this thread, but why not - hell yeah. I plant a tree and I call the tree a flag. Happy to be here and I'll be back if I can. The time now is 111621 1223 est us of the time it is now...
this is the 1st and only edit, but literally upon the second when clicked "add reply" the time changed to 1224.....seemed as such to me as 1224 it remains as I post this. As for 543, that probably makes sense being you across the ocean parzival, but still an embrace is an embrace and once one embraces another there is no taking that back....tis now 1225. Now 1226. Final edit.
Sure, if you want to commit the category error fallacy and/or the bait and switch fallacy.
At what point in this experiment did the bacterium (protozoa) cease to be a bacterium and become something else, like, I dunno, an amoeba (eukaryote with a nucleus). Run this experiment for 10 billion years and you'll still only have a bacterium, albeit highly specialised to survive a toxic environment, in the dish.
"Every creature shall reproduce according to their kind." God (Genesis 1)
Who knows, maybe it has considering it's over 25,000 light years away.
Makes me wonder how many stars we see that aren't there anymore.
Flashback US envoy admits role in Aldo Moro killing
Aldo Moro, the former Italian prime minister, who was seized at gunpoint by the Red Brigades in 1978 An American envoy has claimed that he played a critical role in the fate of Aldo Moro, the...RC
Flashback US envoy admits role in Aldo Moro killing
Aldo Moro, the former Italian prime minister, who was seized at gunpoint by the Red Brigades in 1978 An American envoy has claimed that he played a critical role in the fate of Aldo Moro, the...RC
Stay safe
(And now, on edit, I see that you've, below, already commented that great quote. I guess I should expect no less from great minds. )
I'm still left wondering why we do not notice any change in velocity as the Earth goes through the "tightest" part of its elliptical orbit each year, so it's intriguing to read that the "sun orbiting another star" theory has a 24,000 year elliptical orbit, the Sun reaching it's peak velocity every 12,000 years ... and similarly its slowest velocity every 6,000 years between those peak ones
So going back to the Solar-Heinrich Bond Cycle - [Link] (Same SO video but at the point he talks about it)
The SHBC may be caused by the 3,000 and 6,000 year sub-harmonics of the Sun's 12,000 year cycle, but maybe that cycle and those sub-harmonics are down to the Sun's position in relation to the other star that it orbits around every 24,000 years
oops the sun just sent out a Kill Shot after Ben's post above... [Link]
As re: 'high mountain hiker lightning stories' (or such) Boy do I have one!
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) uses drones that fly into clouds and deliver an electric shock to "cajole them" into producing precipitation amid dangerous heat waves regularly surpassing triple digits.
According to Daily Mail, UAE's National Center of Meteorology (NCM) is flying drones equipped with electric-charge emission instruments that deliver an electric charge to air molecules, which generally encourage precipitation.
Operation Popeye and weather modification as a weapon of war - [Link] (PDF)
Experimenting with weather modifications in the USA started in 1946
Carry the torch nephew.
Think of life like ripening fine wine this way: you all have a lot of knowledge and wisdom due to accumulating more learning experiences over time. Combined =/=. Rather, x^3+?=gestalt (one of my favorite/favourite words meaning more than the sum of the parts).
Something I well remember was how ~ 8-9/1980 around here was even more sunburning than ever before, even for Florida. I was actually wearing gloves to protect the backs of my hands, it was so vicious.. I seem to recall looking it up previously and seeing some solar confirmation of that nastier than normal time.
Good links!
Ask Ex Pat In Chile (EPIC*) about that!!!
Ben did well with that suspenseful hold at the end. I was worried that he was about to say that their 'climate forcing' (woebal glorming) position was legit. Glad to see he dissected them instead.
*I'd guess that he never planned that given his name any more than I planned RC, but there it is. I do love it: 'EPIC", dude.
Fires, Jetstream manipulation, Dust storms carrying fungi, EMP's.
"If electrical characteristics of life are vastly more important (though perhaps not specifically causal) than commonly believed, then the questions emerges: What higher astrophysical causes shape this process? How is this affected by the earthโs oscillating electrical/magnetic fields? How are those oscillating fields affected by the larger environment of the solar systemโs electro-magnetic fields? How are those in turn shaped by the broader electromagnetic properties of the galaxy, or super-cluster of galaxies which the Milky Way is but a part?
These questions and more are posed in Dr. Clarageโs videos..."
e.g. earthโs oscillating electrical/magnetic fields have a supraliminal effect on us
1952 Black Lightning, album: [Link]
- Black Lightining Live [Link] (Check that out at 2:45!)
PLUS, Beeswing (same album) [Link] (quasi live? I dunno)
NOTE! He used to hold an annual guitar seminar in upstate NY and I'd hoped to go to the 2020 version which (no surprises) got cancelled due to C-1984 hysteria.
If y'all can find if it's up this year, PLEASE let me know!!! I just tried but had no luck.
Meanwhile, I DID find out . . .he's on tour!
Miami: [Link] It just jumped to some harmony singing with him (and his ex? I dunno) [Link] AHH! 'The Best Songs Of The Last 1000 Years' [Link]
From that last link. I can't understand a word, but I detect he's speaking to me in Gaelic: [Link]
Earth orbits the Sun ever 365 days, Mars orbits the Sun every 687 days
Makes me wonder if any of those CMEs that miss the Earth ever hit other planets, such as Mars
Can we expect that all of those Mars rovers will suddenly go quite one day?
Finally, anything going through space has surely been super EMF hardened.
I wasn't sure whether extra distance would mean a weaker effect, or the would be the expected result as the CME "cones" out
I'm not sure whether you are suggesting lack of atmosphere would be a good thing, I assume it means that Mars would be more vulnerable.
I'm a bit confused, CMEs take between 1 and 5 days to reach Earth, whereas the photons in "sunlight" only take 8 minutes. Why do CMEs move so slowly
As re the 'coning' - I love it. Excellent explicative term!
Planetwide seems to be of less importance to the issue of whether some solar eruption could cause problems there, which to me seems to go to this issue of emf hardening of every thing that goes into space.
I did mean to be facetious, but apparently not As of today, Voyager I has been in space for 43 years, 10 months and 30 days .. if only we had the same technology today
22 years ago left Eureka, CA.
Have liked, commented and added to watch later!
... and finally it is working
A constant onslaught of climate catastrophes are wreaking havoc on the planetโs life support systems. From crop harvests to fisheries, to livestock, food production is rapidly declining around the world. What core climate disrupting factor continues to be denied by all official sources? No matter how dark the wider horizon gets, the stock market continues to hit new record highs. Why isnโt this fact a glaring red flag for first world populations? Global governments know they can no longer support and sustain ever expanding populations, what response should we logically expect from these controllers? Where does CV-19 fit into this equation? How much longer do we have until primary links begin to break in the chain of our current reality? All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. -Dane Wigington
*RC: What collapse? ยฏ|_(ใ)_/ยฏ 'Bovine farts anyone?'
It's just 45 minutes long and covers a lot of diverse points
Lemuria (the sunken land mass from Madagascar to Sri Lanka and Australia)
Out of Africa fallacy / Into Africa possibilities
Evolution / Darwin fallacy
Expanding Earth - Oil secretion by Earth / Crushed dinosaurs fallacy
LIDAR imaging (Arial imaging used to discover ancient sites)
Ancient aborigines
He also mentions an interesting theory about human consciousness and it's transmission into the solar system / universe. The Sun absorbs our conscious thoughts and directs them back at us. A mass consciousness desiring destruction will redirect asteroids
I've texted that to all of my surf dawgs. I said something like, 'Turn the audio off. If he made that video up, show me the original satellite videos and make fun of his amateurish modifications.
Since I don't expect that, I do expect them to rapidly delete, instead, him.'
SOTTFOLK! WATCH THAT! I've gone off surfing. Pulse reports - if any - will be provided later as it would take about a day to get here (normally. As re what happens when an energy burst like that happens in the middle of a Hurricane, I don't know what such might result in - maybe we'll have a SW bound tsunami.)
I literally said 'please ignore what he says and explain to me WTF is that?' 'If it's faked, that's easily proved. If it's a common thing then there must be thousands of other similar hurricane sat. videos showing the same thing.
Response? Crickets. (which, to me means, "I'm off to get my triple jab.') Sad.
I really regret not acquiring that without the commentary. That visual is UNPRECEDENTED and if it's faked, that's also easy to prove. The conflation of that audio really sucks. If that guy really cares about truth, he should have placed that video out there without the commentary, and then a replay WITH the commentary - but there's no $ in that. Sad but true.
*The hurricane stories I have... STAB.
โThe masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.โ โ Gustave Le Bon
And need another seven astronauts.
Ben has to close his online shop because of egregious taxes being passed on to Colorado internet businesses.
Ps, Was it you who recommended Third-Eye Spies? Interesting and love how (although I'm as usual at 2x) its tempo is increasing at the end. [Link]
As re woeble glorming, AA generally calls it cows farting or such.
Masks that track human CO2 emissions with numbers run through an algorithm that determines whether they live or die based on their work for the combine vs their carbon footprint.
Animanarchy: You can't see my house from ogle satellite because I've got over 40 trees greater than 40 feet tall (including two monsters - the largest is a sand live oak ~70ft high, 130 ft. spread, >20 foot diameter (takes over three folks to wrap their arms around it) 275-400 yrs old.) (It covers my house completely, 2/3'ds of neighbors, and goes across the street and shades the neighbors yards. I want my O2 credit!
a runner! Oopsanother Stand fan. His 'touched by God' part doesn't only remind me of the Vegas ending but also when the guy comes to kill Stu.RC
At most it reminds me of countless film tropes where I'd be screaming at the screen and say 'Hit the brakes!' once he's on the roof etc. (I've known two silly angry females who've hopped onto vehicles like that to their deaths.)
For us, the rear view mirror meant one thing and not good and far more real than any Terminator.
I watched it once from ex-cop turned UFC fighter Forrest Griffin's book Be Ready When the Shit Goes Down (funny apocalypse survival guide, some good info).
If someone identifies with 'The Kid', don't get in the same car with them.
Now if they're the Mississippi Kid, that might be different. [Link]
Anima: Nope. I actually live under General Grant. (WHAT A TREE! I LOVE SEQUOIAS! )
Thanks. You're right on that. Good eyes.
I've gotta admit that I've got a touch of Larry in me also - except I've never panicked with a firearm. (Nor would I be so stupid to try to cross that bridge tunnel whatever without beau coup free flashlights and batteries.) [Link] Plus, I generally hit what I aim at. (I've always had a crush on her - Laura San Giancomo or such is her name* - she was cute on some NYC TV series.
*Wow - almost got it right.
Got it playing right now and this [Link] well, I've got an A1 looks just like that.
Yep, re infra: and to quote the Thin Red Line, we've 'lived in the Golden Age'; wouldn't trade it for any other time in history I'm aware of.
As re your video link: I've never seen nor heard of it before. Anything to do with LS? Hottie no doubt. I love her wiseass attitude in that show. (It was around that time that I broke up with GF X and completely stopped watching TV.)
twothree were when I didn't have a gun. (Two growing up in Cocoa and one around age 35 in Orlando.) No fun!!! STAB!The rest are where I had a gun and wasn't scared - you just get focused. (I know that surfing has helped me with that. Surfers who panic when they get in trouble don't surf very long and if they try, they don't live very long. No brag, just fact. As I type that I realize it's a HUGE winnowing effect - cuts the chaff one might say and most never drown; they just quit - but EVERY surfer has multiple near drowning (and in Florida, incredibly scary 'friendly, curious big shark meetings up close and personal). I guess that it's part of that great cost benefit analysis that is life.
I've had a gun where the other asswipes were recklessly threatening me with a gun ('brandishing' - but not pointing it at me) jeez . . .
three? four more? where they never knew that I could have instantly put them down and was merely waiting for them to go away (including an attempted carjacking outside of Atlanta at up > 110 MPH in my bad ass fixed up Ford Mystic SVT Cobra [Link] - and my GF was driving! Us two vs. three 'hoods' or 'thugs' as they're PC called. But again, I've learned to not panic / get scared in such.All told there's only been a couple? 2-3 times that the scumbags ever even saw that I had a pistol and could have put them down. (Another time with an AR - STAB!) One time, I drove through my nice neighborhood into a home invasion robbery and the scumbag was shooting directly over my car (that same Mystic) at a neighbor (he reminds me of you) and I had my 9mm out before he even started shooting, but I wasn't scared - just aware and dealing with things by rote.
The scariest were those where I didn't have a gun. This is all truly 'see the autobiography' (STAB) stuff. The worst result (where I won vs. TWO armed pigs who broke into my office) well, I won the gunfight but STAB. (The pigs and the system STILL do hate me about that. STAB!)
And you thought "Road Warrior" was dystopian. How about Australia now?
Remember this classic scene?RC
I dunno how to see the autobiography.
Shooting pool and rifles is quite similar, actually.
*Granted, that's over the top, because I've yet to had to do so (but boy, my friend, it HAS been close (within less than 5 seconds ~ 4 times; within about 2 second two times; within 1/8th second one time.
I did NOT desire nor plan nor hope for such to happen. (Also, there's an important caveat to all this from my wise uncle that really plays a role here.)
As re the AB, the more I comment on it here, the more likely it will be concluded and then available to SOTTites.
He's one lane away from me to the right and my windows are open and he glares at me, and that don't mean shit to me for by that time, I already had my P226 in right paw - so there's me looking at him and opens his door and shows off his MAC-10 whilst trying to ensure that no one else stuck in traffic could see it. (He was swinging it from his left hand out the driver's door for my 'benefit.). He was about 20 feet from me. , that window was open, and I don't miss from 20 feet baby! I EASILY could have put two in his face (and probably acquired a MAC-10 too)
He never knew - never saw - I turned out of traffic (delaying me I'd guess about 5 minutes) and he probably thought he 'won' it and surely never knew that his life was in my hands that whole time.
Read my last just above re the Miami dweeb with a MAC-10 (I wrote it for you) and then sleep friend.
Personally I never even saw an illegal firearm and haven't played video games in time. Anyway back to the Stones, thanks RC. I don't actually know much of their stuff.
Sorry about that. (Another one I have from when I was unarmed and scared and hilarious ending - I was about to get slaughtered by two brothers* who each had 9mm's and then -
'Where's a cop when you need one?' Well, it had to happen! It was fucking hilarious! (I again wasn't 'scared' - I was in full about to haul ass survival mode - and stared the bastards down because they couldn't see the cops riding up on them from behind . . Puts a smile on my face.
I literally intentionally began GLARING back at them to make them focus on me rather than the sound of the approaching cops on bicycles behind them - but then, as the sparks were flying from the sides of the pedals as the cops' bikes skidded sideways, they turned at the noise - both were going to draw but they had guns in their faces - I WISH I had a video of that.
I guess I've kept a few guardian angels busy.
*and their dates
Unlike so many kids who get great when they're still kids (names omitted) he never let it go to his head. A total class act kid.
* [Link]
Anima, (infra) All because he hid the booze. That's not the way I wish to go out.
It is amazing how much folks bleed, eh? Hang tough and take good care of yourself!
There was a party (I'd guess 250 people which here was HUGE! As always, outdoors near a home.) where absolutely ever Cocoan worth the title attended (blacks and whites didn't socialize then - so I guess I should say every white Cocoan but what the fuck ever) was there - not 2 miles from where I type this.
(A total STAB situation cut down to nothing) but my brother and I who were OD'g (on PCP) like everyone there* and we were the second car on the scene. He'd been tripping hard and drove right through a stop sigh. Bloody mess - dead as fuck; and we were not feeling too good from the PCP ( Crystal T / 'THC' which it was stupidly called) which, whenever anyone takes too much ALWAYS makes them think that they're about to die; and there we were stopped and staring at that - and it wasn't like there was anything anyone could do. NOT a fond memory.
Take care of yourself son, you deserve it.
*Supplied by SWIM.
My best recommendation would be the same as AA's: get away from the cities. (The stories I have of being let go by local cops are great.) Frankly, there's not only better people in such places but also better ladies.
I think I previously posted the following:
Weird Al - Amish Paradise
Apparently Vanilla Ice went Amish.
(That site IS THE great link for such for the guy has NO commercials - I love his trick on how he names his stuff LiKe tHi s: [Link] - sure, you have to suffer through an initial commercial, but usually that's it. (I remember when there were NONE) but this whole album for one 5 second commercial is worth it.
Is that how Americans communicate? Wave of a firearm? Too easy. Up here we have to light a fire, find a wet blanket, check the wind direction....
Meanwhile, everyone's guns were safe at home hidden in the closet. Almost NO pistols. Until I was 18? I'd only fired one pistol one time.
We had full bore bad race riots - deadly shit - and NO ONE would have even ever thought to have brought a gun; we KNEW what the fucking things did! (That applied equally to both races. If someone would have shown up with a gun, his own guys would have kicked his ass.) I guess common sense was more common back then.
It's a scarier than they've been kind of one too.
(I actually forgot the name - just refound it. [Link] )
*That is all such a STAB story, it's incredible. Driving (like Uneasy Rider) and flying (like Midnight Express - U.S.) across the country. Started 74 (I was 15) all the way through 82 or so.
At least I appreciated it and always had these individual freedom principles so nigh innately implanted, that I never even had a single guilt trip about it.
*That is all such a STAB story, it's incredible. Driving (like Uneasy Rider) and flying (like Midnight Express - U.S.) across the country. Started 74 (I was 15) all the way through 82 or so. First interstae trip like that was mid 70's. (EVERYTHING was coming in here - and the connex we had!..)
I ended all that by 82 or so.
You'll get an aldo nova notice in a second.
when I grow up, I want to be like you!
this is what I have learned here.. it is covenant to my most recent helper, cut them slack if they are on the right path..
I saw a video of a con ed power fire in NYC? Wondered if maybe it was related to that first missing CME impact but I ain't gonna try to assess anything .
Dane Wigington's geoengineerinwatch on gootube you can find here: [Link]
The ThunderboltsProject on gootube you can find here: [Link]
Mike Morales vids on gootube @ Above Ground World News here: [Link]
Veritasium vids you can find on gootube here: [Link]
Dog v. kitten. Total dogfusion. [Link]
My superstitious side always waits to hear his 'eyes open, no fear' - probably because I fear he's going to someday, say 'eyes open, be scared to death.' (If he ever does that, I'd drop him like a good habit.)
"They" have been pumping so much money into this refusal to recognise electromagnetism that it now seems like a concerted effort on "Their" part to hobble human discoveries.
"They" are not human.
Maybe it's the first galaxy observed that is in some electromagnetic void
Baybars - Even with dark matter their calculations fall apart, hence the "discovery" of dark energy
I'm pretty confident that he , when asked on where to be and not to be, said that one of the latter was the E coast of SA.
They have taken it so much to the truly (and usually overused) 'next level'* that it's beyond merely impressive (and if I was still competing would be depressing as hell.) Here's the final's highlights. [Link]
*For but one of countless examples, check the 360 air that Medina lands on the roof of the falling roof, through to the floor and onward. A machine.
I am aware of the whole concept of concurrent invention and have witnessed it many times on inventions and ideas that I put on my 'get around to it" list. I am also aware that when I put a word on here without proper IP (intellectual property) protection, it's instantly public domain.
That said, I see that the 'United Spot' guy is calling C-1984 'cooties' and I''ve gotta say that I've still never seen an earlier such designation for it than my 'Death Jab For Cooties" which of course is the nature of viral things.
Your thoughts?
As re Trestles, I was a 'known' local "owner" of that spot from 1981 - 84, and would have folks come up to me and say, 'That's you! (There were few 'surfing celebrities' in those days - probably only 18 guys in the world could make a living by competing - and it was a lot more like those corny surf movies from the 50s and 60s, "Man! It's Sea Dog! He owns trestles! " etc. and that was even in Florida.
Would have been cool in the 70's and 80's to own a surf hang out shop/coffee stop, night time beer joint I would think!
I sometimes think I should have.
Great link! I've bookmarked it. Thanks!
I do like his pro gun stuff. There's a lot of him shooting at an active gun range. Here's a short one. [Link] (Damn, he was slow in picking up that semiauto shotgun.) Oh well - everyone's a critic.
There's one where the bullets were flying from in front of my car at a guy hiding behind it, with the scumbag right there in my headlights 3 feet in front of my car and he never knew how close he came to dying. He blew through 10 rounds and wanted to come and 'put a cap' in MY ass just because I saw what was happening. STAB! He would have died quick, I'm pretty damn certain. Likewise another asshole who tried to subtlely scare me with a fucking MAC-10, not to mention . . . done. Lots more. (THAT guy was as good as dead at MY decision, and he too never knew it.)
"A new report of a massive ozone layer hole, ocean dead zones, collapsing fishing industries, rapidly declining crops, dwindling supply chains and societal lockdowns, when will the masses recognize how the puzzle pieces fit together? How should we expect those in power to respond? Will the constant stream of corporate media propaganda be successful at keeping the population's epidemic of normalcy bias alive till the last possible moment? Or will rapidly rising challenges finally trigger the long overdue societal awakening? All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer." -Dane Wigington
Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary: [Link]
Thank Parzival! (I loved the fact that - at about 1:52 - when he noted hemispheric differences etc. . . and I said (and this is from shit I learned as a kid) 'well that's because the southern is almost all ocean.'
"Independent researcher, Stuart Talbott, deconstructs the standard model of gravitational collapse and mass accretion to create stars over eons of timeโversusโthe EU model of the electromagnetic phenomenon called the Z-pinch, also known as the Bennett pinch, as the force governing the rapid formation of stars.
Hannes Alfvรฉn, who predicted stars form by Z-pinches along vast networks of filaments, like beads on a string, wrote... โimportant fields of research, including the formation of stars, are based on a neglect of Bennettโs discovery...present-day students in astrophysics hear nothing about it.โ
Alfvรฉnโs statement about students unfamiliar with the concept of electric currents in space is as true today as it was decades ago. Nevertheless, science is an ongoing endeavor, and by its intrinsic nature makes accurate the prediction that inevitably, 'the truth will out.'
Meanwhile, Once Upon A Time In The West is great stuff. Intro scene: [Link]
Song: [Link]
I'm playing them at the same time and wonder if it might be like the Wizard of Oz and Dark Side Of The Moon.
A few days ago someone asked me something like "When do you go off at the bit again?" or similar. And just earlier that day, I felt some weird shit, from experience I'd guess solar/geological related effects. I mentioned then, you'd probably see the effects in a few days (if at all).
I wonder...but hey, I got no idea what a "Heinrich event" is.
(I think, though, that a 'Heinrich Event' is kinda like the earth receiving a 'Heimlich Maneuver.' Stay back, if you can, from all expulsions. )
Wikipedia defines the event as causing the icebergs' melting to release vast quantities of fresh water added to the North Atlantic. "Such inputs of cold and fresh water may well have altered the density-driven, thermohaline circulation patterns of the ocean, and often coincide with indications of global climate fluctuations."
Are humans uniquely stupid?
Here's the link to that CME (coz I figure it might be difficult to click on a phone): [Link]
So, that is clearly affecting earth too and it doesn't seem to me the sun is letting up much. Also, the effects on those graphs, are basically "muted" because "reasons" (other than observational failures).
The best example of chemtrails I've seen was a plane turning off the spray when doing u-turns at the perimeter of a grid it was making which turned into a hazy cloud.
I once shot through a right angle hinge/corner shape (with a built in 90 degree angle) made of 1" thick pig iron. Also, I hit it at a 45 degree angle, and the 55 grain went through both sections at 45 degree angles, in and out like butter. No remnant discernable angular displacement at all - a hot paperclip through butter straight.
Come to think of it I've heard of the cotton candy/fluff stuff on the ground after chemtrails in some video (maybe The Dimming again) and noticed some of the gaps in the trails that RC mentioned.
The plane I saw making the grid seemed low compared to all the others I've seen spraying, I'd guess about low cloud level. Other than that it was a clear sky, maybe a cloud here or there in the distance, this was ~a decade ago and I don't remember the whole panorama. It was also near where lived, just a handful of farm fields away, with the edge of the grid above me and the road when I was walking to town, and the bulk of it over my down-the-road neighbours' who I knew and their neighbour's
organic* hay fields.*I guess not after that. I went to elementary school with two brothers who were my neighbours and a guy who was one of my best friends in school who I sent some messages back and forth with a little while ago in which I asked him if he knew anything about chemtrails because he's working on jet and shuttle engines now (for Magellan Aerospace) and all he said was that "no one really talks about it" and that maybe they were cropspraying or spraying for mosquitos. I told him it was too high up for either, they don't spray for mosquitos around here and if they did it wouldn't be that one area and he knows my old neighbours, who I've done haybailing for, and they don't spray anything; their hay and cow farming operation is organic. I figured he should have known this, minus maybe the organic part, so I wonder if he knows more about chemtrails than he let on.
Turning in someone for a violent crime AIN'T narcing. Snitching on someone for a personal knife (or a fucking Uzi) IS!
I got pig iron!
Shotgun I'm looking seriously at: Benelli M4 Tactical 5+1 3" 12 GA 18.5" [Link]
Serbia's president blasts world's 'thunderous silence' over 'occupation' of northern Kosovo as tensions in breakaway region soar
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says foreign partners are turning a blind eye to a security crackdown in Serb-majority areas of Kosovo, where the breakaway region's forces have brought...As re that Benelli, he's shooting slugs but I've gotta guess that they're not full sized slugs because I've read that they kick like a mule. Sure, a semiauto eats up a bit of that, but that lightweight stock increases perceived recoil and probably offsets it.
I personally think a magazine fed .410 or 20 would probably be better - and they are made.
As re gauge, I guess that would depend on recoil. Wouldn't want to get hit with a slug, but if one is wearing a tactical vest that would be way better than getting hit with a 5.56 which will go right through most of them. Hell, I remember some scumbag in Miami whose 'hunting rifle' went through a cop's vest and killed him. What was it? A fucking 30-30, Win 1894. (I had to look it up - typical BFM.)
"Supply chains are rapidly breaking down along with the remaining life support systems of the planet. In the skies above the ongoing climate intervention operations continue to wreak havoc on populations. Through it all, the scripted mainstream media mass distraction has been successful at diverting the public's attention from the rapidly darkening horizon. What actions are power structures taking in their ever more desperate attempt to maintain total hegemonic control? All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer." -Dane Wigington
Jesus reminds me; " ...You who have been unmerciful to yourself do not remember your Father's Love. And looking without mercy upon your brothers, you do not remember how much you love Him. Yet it is forever true. In shining peace within you is the perfect purity in which you were created. Fear not to look upon the lovely truth in you. Look through the cloud of guilt that dims your vision, and look past darkness to the holy place where you will see the light. The altar to your Father is as pure as He Who raised it to Himself. Nothing can keep from you what Christ would have you see. His Will is like His Father's, and He offers mercy to every child of God, as He would have you do.
Release from guilt as you would be released. There is no other way to look within and see the light of love, shining as steadily and as surely as God Himself has always loved His Son. And as His Son loves Him. There is no fear in love, for love is guiltless. You who have always loved your Father can have no fear, for any reason, to look within and see your holiness. You cannot be as you believed you were. Your guilt is without reason because it is not in the Mind of God, where you are. And this is reason, which the Holy Spirit would restore to you. He would remove only illusions. All else He would have you see. And in Christ's vision He would show you the perfect purity that is forever within God's Son.
You cannot enter into real relationships with any of God's Sons unless you love them all and equally. Love is not special. If you single out part of the Sonship for your love, you are imposing guilt on all your relationships and making them unreal. You can love only as God loves. Seek not to love unlike Him, for there is no love apart from His. Until you recognize that this is true, you will have no idea what love is like. No one who condemns a brother can see himself as guiltless and in the peace of God. If he is guiltless and in peace and sees it not, he is delusional, and has not looked upon himself. To him I say:
Behold the Son of God, and look upon his purity and be still. In quiet look upon his holiness, and offer thanks unto his Father that no guilt has ever touched him.
No illusion that you have ever held against him has touched his innocence in any way. His shining purity, wholly untouched by guilt and wholly loving, is bright within you. Let us look upon him together and love him. For in love of him is your guiltlessness. But look upon yourself, and gladness and appreciation for what you see will banish guilt forever. I thank You, Father, for the purity of Your most holy Son, whom You have created guiltless forever.
Like you, my faith and my belief are centered on what I treasure. The difference is that I love only what God loves with me, and because of this I treasure you beyond the value that you set on yourself, even unto the worth that God has placed upon you. I love all that He created, and all my faith and my belief I offer unto it. My faith in you is as strong as all the love I give my Father. My trust in you is without limit, and without the fear that you will hear me not. I thank the Father for your loveliness, and for the many gifts that you will let me offer to the Kingdom in honor of its wholeness that is of God.
Praise be to you who make the Father One with His Own Son. Alone we are all lowly, but together we shine with brightness so intense that none of us alone can even think of it. Before the glorious radiance of the Kingdom guilt melts away, and transformed into kindness will never more be what it was. Every reaction you experience will be so purified that it is fitting as a hymn of praise unto your Father. See only praise of Him in what He has created, for He will never cease His praise of you. United in this praise we stand before the gates of Heaven where we will surely enter in our sinlessness. God loves you. Could I, then, lack faith in you and love Him perfectly?
Forgetfulness and sleep and even death become the ego's best advice for dealing with the perceived and harsh intrusion of guilt on peace. Yet no one sees himself in conflict and ravaged by a cruel war unless he believes that both opponents in the war are real. Believing this he must escape, for such a war would surely end his peace of mind, and so destroy him. Yet if he could but realize the war is between real and unreal powers, he could look upon himself and see his freedom. No one finds himself ravaged and torn in endless battles if he himself perceives them as wholly without meaning.
God would not have His Son embattled, and so His Son's imagined "enemy" is totally unreal. You are but trying to escape a bitter war from which you have escaped. The war is gone. For you have heard the hymn of freedom rising unto Heaven. Gladness and joy belong to God for your release, because you made it not. Yet as you made not freedom, so you made not a war that could endanger freedom. Nothing destructive ever was or will be. The war, the guilt, the past are gone as one into the unreality from which they came..." -ACIM T-13.X.9-14; T-13.XI.1-2. [Link] [Link] Jesus elaborates further on how to deal with mind's guilt here: [Link]
To reiterate and as Jesus says; "God loves you. Could I, then, lack faith in you and love Him perfectly?"
I am but a simple man...
my own belief in god has to do with the simple perfection of our existence. .. this is something that I cannot deny. I was denied the gift of faith sir.
I consider the fact that I exist.. to be a wondrous thing... my own belief is not based on revealed texts.. while it may not be apparent,... I do believe that we are on the same page.
the correct definition is 'potential difference'
this does not have to do with electricity..
So in answer to my question from the other page about why Indigenous People don't eat Sushi, it is because "Sushi shits her pants."
I took the tea because why not? I want to taste it and who knows if it'll be useful to anyone.
Good all-nighter scavenging.
Animanarchy Yeah. I hear it works great. In no time at all you'll be singing, 'Que Serra Serra."
Spellcheck sienna
What is Serra? Gotta listen to flamingo or something there? Then get back to you.
P.s. gotta listen and leave though, my opinion forthcoming in 1.5 hours or so.
BTW, around here, when one says 'Pandora's Box', they say, "What? A new titty bar?".
I do love ladies. This world would be terrible without them.
But I don't think that Morales or Wiggington fear being shut down like Ben does. Why? Because if YT classifies them (with their lesser audiences) as 'C.T.', YT is afraid that people will pay more attention to M & W.
I LOVE how DW just quotes, with approval, poor slandered Machiavelli!
Been watching a few videos on the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye, originally mentioned as an additional chapter to the later (1957) release of Fulcanelli's " The Mystery of the Cathedrals"
The cross is about 400 years old and is meant to warn about a double catastrophe, one being a 400 year Sun cycle
In the English pronunciation of Hendaye the H is silent, so it is said as per "End Day"
Danish language - [Link]
You saying I've been vaxed? I ain't got polyclots.
Oops. nevermind.
No matter what, play their stupid game. You know how to. (I've done it for 50 years.) It doesn't help the cause if you stick to whatever and cause yourself problems. You know what I mean.
The other question is whether the 400 year cycle would always be bad or sometimes have a beneficial effect?
777BC - First Olympics
377BC - Alexandra the Great (356BC to 323BC) ... is there a reason he conquered so much territory in just 12 short years
23AD - Founding of Christianity, a spiritual awakening?
1223AD - a bit early but is there something they are not telling us about the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages (Great famine followed by the Black Death) ... basically the whole of the 14th century was FUBAR
Not. As you know, we felines stay super cool.
Baby it's gonna' get a whole lot colder outside...
Interview with RFK Jr and Dr Zach Bush. Very informative about how the contamination in the air, soil. water and food is destroying our innate immunity. It is terrain not germ theory. It is how polio and every other pandemic has been caused. Vaccines are never the cure.
"...Retired professor of Electrical Engineering and Author, Donald E. Scott, PhD, details the real results of IBEX and how it's discoveries have opened another set of new ideas about the shape of our cosmosโand how it is inherently electrical in nature..."
These surface features first emerged nearer the top of each hemisphere and over time increased with each rotatation and began to sink down to the equator in both hemispheres.
With each rotatation they became increasingly more potent and the class of flares they generated has steadily increased likewise, predominantly B-class flares at present with a growing trend of C-flares and the odd M-class flare in the last 2 rotatations.
Interestingly they are quieter when Earth facing, they kick off as they cross the western limb of the Sun and seemed to become energised whilst transiting the farside of our Sun.
This movement towards the equator stop last rotatation and they are now heading back towards the poles, there was a reduction in activity in the Northern hemisphere but as of yesterday this has now returned.
This change in direction of magnetically driven activity could indicate that solar cycle 25 has already reached it half way point and that cycle 25 will be as anticipated a very short lived cycle, something that does not bode well for us on Earth.
Sun-Cardiac Connection . . . etc. [Link]
I used to find the site informative, addressing many issues in an easy to understand format, the topics covered are varied but the presenter keeps an open mind and focuses on the science.
The format of the site is open in that it introduces concepts without ramming them down your throat and trying to convince you.
So cardiac association with CME's, animal navigation via magnetic influences and NASA up to it old tricks of cutting data links when things get interesting.
The first two are covered by the belief that we live in an Electric Universe, and not some kind of fusion driven environment.
Earth's magnetic field's continue to weaken and are heading to become a quarter less effective in a few years time, this poses problems here on Earth, there's already a massive increase in received solar radiation here on Earth, bad for anything out in the daylight.
Earth's weather is effected by magnetic field movement, hence the deterioration and increase in violent weather systems
The human heart is electrically driven via the Vagus nerve, any disturbance in the electromagnetic field's on Earth has the potential to disturb this balanced and sensitive process.
Navigation is effected, the renaming of many runways at airports around the world clearly demonstrates that magnetic North is shifting and this effects animals navigation too.
And yes NASA do cut links when things get interesting, I have many sites at my disposal to deal with these occasions.
OK, I'm going to say it. The more I've learned, the more I realize how little I know. I am open to this (if true) and am not denigrating etc. Sure, y'all can leave it as a silly/fun joke reply - and I'm cool with that too. Here it is:
Did you and EW get here on the same space ship? (Even if both of you reply with yes, I'm still going to walk away uncertain of course - but that will likewise apply if y'all both deny it. All I know is ... etc.)
What are y'all's thoughts on these UFO's on the moon going from light into shadow etc.? [Link]
Further down we do see white objects, I assume those are casting the shadow. Maybe someone can calculate the altitude and speed of the objects, presumably the crater can be identified and its size / depth estimated
I mentioned Crrow777 before - he's got some good playlists on UFOs crossing the Moon - [Link]
I retired early and spend a lot of my time Earthwatching.
I bought a Meade LX90 telescope along time ago, still use it but for all its power and clear insight of the lunar surface, I've never witnessed any Alien's, spaceships, or come to think of it, NASA landing crafts.
Now on saying that, I have a library of pictures I've taken of unusual light's/ craft in the sky that cannot be explained, so my mind is very much open to the suggestion of Alien's.
As re quasi-aliens ('Qualiens' I call them) I'm down with the concept that it's a valid theory that we were actually planted here, etc. Time will tell, at least in this dimension. *Launch controller back there is feeling like Kevin Spacey's character in Glengarry Glenn Ross here. [Link]
Have you heard of Ingo Swann? He wrote a really good book 'Penetration'. Here it is.
Also, Ringmakers of Saturn by Bergrun is another book worth reading.
On a plus note, in searching for that name, I just came across some archives for him called the 'Jim Marrs Collection' [Link] . Looks good (and free. He was a good man. RIP
So, I strike out at two and two on my SOTT alien-quest, eh? Oh well.
As I recall, you're in the UK? I think. Me? I'm here at my namesake in Florida.
First few paragraphs: RC
Unfortunately, I live in the Satanic Canada. Florida seems to be a better place in your country; you are lucky, for now. If the satanic cabal succeeds in the assassination of the governor of Florida then the shit will hit the fan even in your state. I hope it's not gonna happen, hopefully he is watching his back.
More feline fun at KLR: [Link] I do like this classic. Fish Withdrawals. [Link]
Now I'm feeling like this lizard. [Link] Incoming! (That's a good scene from We Were Soldiers (here's the full scene: [Link] ) which pays homage to The Thin Red Line's GREAT scene where they almost become 'friendly fire fodder'.* )
*I've tried to find that TTL scene before with no luck. The available scene starts after the called in artillery has already almost, but doesn't, kill the intrepid bunker attackers. If Ogle still had real search capabilities, I could quickly have concluded that it was or was not available. However, even with this search marked as 'verbatim' I got over "254 results (0.35 seconds." In days up to around 2012, I would have been told 'no results'. Typical for those scum and it bugs me how most folks STILL think 'oh, that's just a glitch'. (If I point out that when there was less on the net back when I could do Boolean searches, they say I'm misremembering. (Or, here's something gross I've never seen: Hacksaw Ridge: Big fun at Okinawa. [Link] )
All surfers around here have felt like that when scrambling up the beach and lightning is hitting everywhere. The worst was one time I was caught out in a huge open cow pasture a few years ago. (I was filming the wildlife ) and a quicker than typical Florida rapid fire thunder and rainstorm with lots of lightning showed up. (Just like the types that took down Led Zep at Tampa in 77 and a few others such at least one of the Orlando Rock Super Bowl concerts. Others I'm sure.)
Anyway, in that big old field, there was one big oak tree with nothing but open field else around me for a long ways and I was "taking the shade" there, (which the storm, taking full advantage of me, tiptoed up from the far side whilst I was enjoying the 'cool' shade which was like 95 F and 98% humidity, no wind at all for a pleasant shady rest with a H.I. of only about 115 or such. Had to be like >120 F in the sun.) When I first heard the thunder, it was already on me. I decided I would be safer going out into the field, avoiding the patties, and lying down in the lowest spot I could find. I called a friend right then before it hit and told him where I was and what I was doing and that if I didn't call him back within X time to send an ambulance there.**
Such situations sure seem to feel like those scenes. Big pucker factor there but not as bad as in a war..
As re We Were Soldiers and the predecessor battle of Dien Bin Phu which opens the film, I once read in military history (back when it was good before it got bought out by the PC Globalists. I think that might have also involved purchase of Popular Mechanics for nephew Chertoff's 'debunking' of 9/11/2001 article, etc.) that at DBP the French general was in air conditioning in Saigon the whole time while Giap (a true hero) was in the tunnels bunkers, etc. and right there. Since 11/22/63, our country has been taken over by evil. The final downslide began on 3/30/81. (That also seems like a # that the bastards would pick. threes and ones and sevens and nines. etc. "81 has an exact square root in 9." and it's also divisible by 3 & 27, etc.) Somewhere they called it a 'composite' number which seems to be one up from a prime or such.
I think this was the guy in Saigon during DBP: Of course a that's a typical T.F. result.
*I like that.
**Of course, Murphy intervened and a lightning bolt struck so close that it tingled my belly and feet! Thus, it also fritzed that cell phone. Being a good friend, he called them to send an ambulance, but of course instead they sent the pigs.
A firefight erupted because they hated me for the
color of my skinlength of my hair, but there was only one survivor so they had no way to figure out who that dangerous dude was. (As if. All it would take is for them to look at what cell phones were active in that particular area at that time. They illegally do that shit hourly. I'm still floored how people don't know that. Also, if the pigs really wanted to solve crimes like that, they could, but they generally only illegally access the cell data to bust people for pot, lockdown violations, 1/6/21, etc.)RC
SOTTites: Whenever I write up such like this (and I've gotta guess this would apply to all SOTTites when they reply to someone but broach a topic or story like this), please never feel like you're invading some conversation or such. This IS a public forum after all. If I have something confidential to chat with P or anyone about, we can get each others' emails etc.
color of my skinlength of my hair"The anti-racists would say that they are two different things, people can't change their skin colour
The freedom lover would say "why the * should I conform"
On the other hand if I don't like your hair or that you aren't wearing a tie, or face diaper, I can be as horrid to you as I like
As re that A Basin story (and others) they're true, and while I'm great at lying - my job demands it - I no longer do so except as a part of that. (OTOH, In my sowing times? I was a dog. . . . but "I got better." (MP - HG)
(Makes me think of this: SOTTites: EW's a witch!!! (A cute one, granted. ) Burn her!!! [Link]
I've bookmarked them. Thanks!
End of summer last year they stuck the chopstick up my nose at the psyche ward. Later on I moved a strong magnet around my head in the hope of frying any potential nanotech.
I've previously commented on how SOTTfolk are informed, erudite, etc., and disproportionately artists, musicians, party animals, and yes, even lawyers. But, I just now realized that despite us being (relatively) upstanding members of society, there's another experience we've disproportionately shared. (At least the guys.) Jail. Likewise I'm also confident I ain't the only one whom the locals (local PD/sheriffs et al.) just never liked much at all and that despite the fact I never tried to get on their nerves etc. A.F.'s just don't like those whose souls seem to them to be freer.
I found it funny making home brew, the guards not caring when they saw me drinking it in the morning before going to court and getting time served. A few times I guess they knew I was getting half drunk basically weekly, but also a few times in the A&D (Admittance and Discharge - front of the jail, the booking area) a few guards introduced to me to newer guards saying that I am one of their most cooperative prisoners. I have given some police and sone guards attitude when they deserved it though. I have respect for some. A sergeant arranged for me to rent the room I currently reside in.
How to go to a Promise to Appear court date with booze or what have you that woudn't be allowed. Leave the metal bottles in your bag when it goes through the metal detector. What's in those? Tea. They open up the bag and there is a tea tag hanging out of each, so oh, ok. And that's a lot of NatGeo magazines, yeah, borrowing them from the drip-in over there because I have to sit in the crowded boring purgatory waiting room half the day to get cleared for accidentally missing a probation appointment.
One thing I will cover in the AB is all of the good guy cop stories I have - and that's a LOT of them. (Of course, those types which I still refer to as swine, etc., never will believe that. That's just typical authoritarian follower CD at work there.
I've had beyond good cause to get into the faces of some of them, but I've never stopped calling them 'sir'. Learned that shit early. Why argue about that? The pig will still get worse no matter and you'd just end up in jail with a swollen head.
Now this is ingenious: That reminds me of a month or two ago. My ~ 35YO nephew asked me 'Is that a beer?"
RC: Yep.
N: Well what is that you have in?
RC: An old dark green 16 oz bottle of olive oil.
N (he long ago learned about me and what not. He's a great kid.) : So, I guess there's a reason.
I then explained about how Florida's drinking laws (and other states too I'd guess) are based upon 1) the aroma of alcoholic beverages (which I keep mouthwash in the car at the ready - spit it on the floor when I'd get pulled over though it's been nigh 15 years now) OR 2) ANY container that EVER held alcohol, no matter whether it now does or not. Thus, I NEVER have half drank beers in my car UNLESS it's in something like that. Also, conversely, there's a similar presumption (I would argue) that a bottle that facially is NOT anything that normally would have alcohol in it still does not. So long as that bottle is sealed tightly, the odds of it ever getting into evidence after a stop are below 15%.
Since then, he's driving around with olive oil bottles too.
A question: what did you make the home brew with? OJ? I dunno. (I'm slow on drinking the stuff and it eventually starts getting some fizz and alcohol going etc.) Do you add yeast? Malt? I dunno. Thanks.
When my convictions had anything to do with alcohol I'd always request no stipulations regarding it because it would be sietting me up for a breach and I'm usualy responsible enough. I really was almost sober by then and even though my Legal Aid lawyer was a dumptruck I couldn't help but hold in a laugh while looking serious (nodded to the judge solemnly when he called me sober*). She said it would be impossible to give ne alcohol restrictions - probably smelled it on me.
Fib some more? Why not! (That goes out the window of course when one is dealing with malum in se crimes, but then it should go back to what our constitution provides and no more.)
Brew: normally OJ, yeah, the only real juice in jails I've been in, albeit concentrated OJ, other than when we get canned pineapple (I'd put canned fruit and the juice in too, pieces of oranges, apple, whatever, even potato), sometimes I used apple juice if I didn't have enough OJ (it had sucralose so it was a last resort) and some bagel* for yeast I saved to dry to a crouton and then ground some up, like a tablespoon or two's worth, and plenty of sugar so it would be converted to alcohol. I'd make the brews in canteen pop bottles, leaving the cap on slightly loose so excess CO2 could escape but regular air couldn't really get in. I liked to acrew the cap right for maybe half an hour prior to consumption to increase the carbonation saturation for more satiation - I enjoy the bubbly fizz. Sometimes with the cap on at the proper tightness it sounded like scifi lasers - "pew pew pew."
*the bagels we got worked the best for sources of yeast for our starters. I tried different grain products with yeast but a lot of then were too salty which inhibited fermentation process (sometimes entirely) and propagation of the yeast. Usually lettinng them sit for a week, or my record, 11 days (that was nice strong wine before sober court I mentioned) or maybe a bit more. I'm really a simple amateur brewer. I made some on the outs with baker's yeast but not much.
โ Rumi
Parzival: Hard to beat great musicians on strings - guitars and violin good combo. I donโt get Monty Python especially when it comes to burning witches - I am pretty sure I would have been or ... still could be. :
Animanarchy: very resourceful cooking up a brew. I have not had a drink for 28 years but you will still be handy to have around when food shortages demand improvisation. Brewing might really become popular then.
I always liked this final line from Kubrick's Barry Lyndon: RC
Yup, it would be wise for everyone to have a bottle or two handy when the diarrhea hits the fan. I have a bottle of special hard liquor from Czech Republic 'Becherovka' saved, it is my favorite drink that I have been saving for that special occasion of what's coming next.
Cheers everyone!
In fact our comedians are going to be very important in helping people get through (over or past) this. We are the fortunate; we have had time to assimilate and expand our knowledge and understanding. Imagine what it is going to be like for some of our brothers and sisters who finally wake up and have a very short time to come up to speed with all the lies of the last 100 years or so.
Of course covid has been a great way to stop comedians doing what they do best - telling the truth - and censorship is trying to keep the lid on anything that is contrary to the official narrative. But God bless comedians. Bring it on.
I no longer drink anything but water, but I was raised in a pub and have already had more than my fair share, but hey singing works for me.
Loperamide is the only OTC opiate one can buy. It doesn't get one high but simply slows down bowel motility.*
*Similarly, any and all opiates can do that/cause constipation, but I still can't recommend taking heroin** along.
**One of the few drugs that SWIM's never taken.
why would you think that nano-tech would not be magnetically shielded?
addendum, what you posted was beyond my limits for a mere fool. you ma'am, have earned my ire.
is there a difference between atmospheric pressure and barometric pressure?
Canary Islands Volcano Ejects Dangerous "Lava Bombs" Weighing Half A Ton [Link]
Mother Earth ๐ is as always just going through the motion's, it's just unfortunate ๐ that this shit it's happening on our shift.
Parzival, I sure am enjoying the view, I try to just watch the world go by, but not be a part of it. One thing that is going to be hard watching is the mass exodus of souls who will soon expire and they won't even know what hit them.
Made me wonder why a CME takes 3 to 4 days to reach Earth and whether there is any scientific basis for the claimed speed of a CME or whether it is just a claimed speed to align with their assigned scale I couldn't make much sense out of the Alfven wave information
Dependent on the class of flare emission vary significantly. X-class flares can hit Earth within an hour as a consequence of there composition, as we've recently experienced.
Whilst B+M -class flares are less energetic and can exceed the speed of the back ground Solar winds causing shock waves.
It is commonly know that a low grade flare can take up to 4 days to arrive at Earth.
The equation can be rearranged to solve for the mass of the Sun, M, by canceling the mass of the Earth, m, from both sides, and the orbital radius of the Earth, r. This leaves:
M = (v * v) * r) / G
The value for G is 6.67 ร 10^-11 N m2/kg2 (where N is Newtons)
The orbital radius of the Earth around the Sun, r, is 1.5 ร 10^8 km
The Earth's velocity = 2ฯr / T = 107,588 km/h
Why are the mass of the Sun, the distance to Earth and the Universal Gravitational Constant the only factors that determine the orbit speed of Earth?
The Gravitational Constant (G) is the same in all solar systems, regardless of the size of their star(s) .... which means G cannot take into account the speed of the solar wind that is specific to our solar system
There's a lot going on at this moment in time in our back yard ( the solar system ) and this is posing NASA with endless problems.
To give reason to things they adopt models as a means of explaining the structure and mechanisms that operate within the solar system, problems is, models only last so long before new observations put there validity into question.
So, yes NASA makes mistakes, there human but are all mistakes accidents or a means of controlling what they know or observed ?
The positions, orbit speeds and masses of all objects in the solar system are based on very basic Newtonian laws. There is no allowance for factors such as a solar wind or an Electric Universe as all those NASA missions have "proven" that their models are set in stone
I tend to think that a secretive organisation, formed from groups of occult followers and Nazis, and all of whose achievements have been performed "off Earth" and only evidenced by sophisticated CGI and glossy cartoons, is probably deliberately lying to me
Mistakes are acts which build experience. Everyone makes mistakes.
As for stating "that their models are set in stone", it only demonstrates your ignorance towards the subject your posting on.
Cosmology is a dogma set in the stone of big G
Nasa are forever having to reevaluate their understanding of the cosmos and their "Models" are constantly under review.
Basic science isn't involved here, so their ability to perform basic tasks remains the same, it's what results of as a consequence of their investigations that puts the cat amongst the pigeons and then makes them have to question their current understanding/ models.
Why else would they bother going to all that expense, time and energy if they knew everything about anything?
Gareth Samuel: The Filaments of Our Neighborhood | Thunderbolts [Link]
Gravitational constant They seem to have a problem with the mythical Big G without factoring anything else such as solar winds, electrical effects, magnetic filaments etc.
"The iconic image of astronomyโa giant rock hurtles through space and crashes violently into a planet. However, laboratory experiments into electrical discharge have reproduced common planetary surface features which defy conventional meteor impact theory. In 1994, when comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 approached Jupiter, and when Comet Siding Spring approached Mars in 2014, the observed actual interactions between comet and planet were completely unexpected and baffled mainstream science."
In history, he's probably the guy I would have most liked to have met. Wonderfully open mind.
e.g. "THE SIZE OF THE CRATER LEFT BY THE TIANJIN EXPLOSION IS UNBELIEVABLE" (but no size given) The Deep Impact "Rod from God" seems to have very similar properties that one sees at Tianjin, just slightly larger which would be expected as a LEO attack would likely to be from an lower altitude/distance of around 500 miles
LEO attack? The only types I know of are the Rodney King ones.
(I would the ladies had a similar name for me, but I don't want to brag. )
I monitor our Earth ๐ , our Sun โ๏ธ, our solar system ๐ช and beyond ๐ on a daily basis. In fact about 6 times in every 24 hours, I don't necessarily need SO as I have my own data to work from.
Interestingly, I've been hacked into, had my data robbed, erased and devises rendered useless, why? Because I know too much.
Around here, it's almost always done by the FBI's liaison company down to and with local law enforcement. Called something (I'm blanking on the beginning part of that made up word for those evil folks) got it. Infragard dot org. They do all of the stalking shit also. See Karen Stewart, NSA Tallahassee Florida.
Here's S0's list of videos page: [Link]
Growing up in the 60's and 70's was a dream and full of truly adventurous moments, minds it was tough too, the 50's well, tin baths in front of the fire and an outdoor toilet to share are now fondly remembered but having little food or electricity wasn't.
Meanwhile, my niblings (nephews & nieces) are hoping that their kids like won't be worse, though it's almost certainly the case. (The only way I see for that to even possibly change is if some benevolent aliens come down and take away our
'leaders'controllers and their authoritarian followers; thus, I'm skeptical as hell.)R.C.
Technology has taken away the need to explore, seek, find and grow and a natural pace, instead they thrust technologies at babies whilst in their pram.
Then when a child's mind is tender the Sickos fill them with images and concepts that would have been banned years ago.
Unfortunately they'll be no returning to the innocent days of yesterday, instead humanity is now staring down the barrel of a gun called Hell.
BTW, they did not need to have been banned. They were always there but properly deemed repulsive so that they could never get 'legs' and one would have to seek them out rather than them being thrust in everyone's face. John Stuart Mill discussed this rightful power of social persuasion very well in On Liberty.
Maybe we are seeing the same thing with Australia, by the time the Chinese invade the locals will be desperate for anyone to come and "save" them from the depots in charge
Silly typo joke: Well, seeing that the Chinese are so mercantile, I could see their despots placing depots in charge. But who would guard the depots? Queit custodians or whatever it is.
Anyway, you must have missed the news that the government is going to make local Amazon depots responsible for regions. They will be sole source of any items that local population
needsis allowedTalking about the sun ... this latest After Skool vid with the brilliant Dr Zach Bush explains how the sun is reflected in us and around us as we share our love. Beautiful.
You might like this: RFK Jr and Dr Zach Bush. It is great to see them paired up; what could these two achieve together?
I should put this first but I'm on edit time and . . . whatever. I simply LOVE these statements from you for they are so . . . 'Joyly'. RC
Oh, BTW, that launch went straight up and everyone I've spoken to who saw it commented on that and was surprised. They almost NEVER do that.
I believe my soul attracts everything I need to learn and grow and change (if I want to) and that includes my relatives and so they are a blessing (if I want them to be).
Even though it looks like we lost the battle, we still cannot give up no matter what happens.
This lends itself to a more rounded understanding as your efforts into exploring give one a more personal and meaningfully insight, as against someone spoon feeding you information that can be too advanced and result In confusion.
I'm an enthusiast, and if you aren't happy with the posts I place here in this section, I suggest you take your 'limited' projections & mosey somewhere else.
I have to break all mine down in to sub divisions and then sub sub divisions and on.
I'm retired and when I say I'm an Earthwatcher, I mean it.
Whilst I'll dabble in the distraction of politics, my passion is knowing everything that is happening on Earth, our Solar System and beyond. After years of observing, one almost becomes a seer, predicting happenings as against witnessing them.
I'm not here to piss on your bonfire, I do however have a legitimate right to contribute posts , although mine are not emotionally driven.
So when the dust has settled, we'll all hopefully get on as one happy family.
Regards Winternights3.
Well worth a watch, the previous interview with Farrell (re Mars) was removed by both YouTube and Vimeo, with YT citing the reason as " impersonating a historical event " !!!!
Makes one wonder, if there was a war between Earth, Mars and Tiamat that resulted in Tiamat being destroyed and Mars depopulated, and there are other civilizations in our solar system (e.g. on Saturn), how would the rest of the solar system treat Earth?
Would we be quarantined and subjected to regular resets (every 400 years) to prevent us from advancing?
I've never understood why a religion would come up with something like "original sin" - but maybe we are being guilt tripped for the destruction of two planets?
Will they kill people who don't buy into a new alien god - They killed people who refused to become Christian, they killed Catholics who didn't believe in the new Church of England
Would they reserve Earth for the elite and ship us proles off to prison colonies on Mars - They shipped people to the other side of the world to uninhabited , newly discovered Australia, for little more than stealing a bread roll
So, the point is, why waste your time thinking about aliens if you don't even understand your own selves? That is a fair question and that is why I think the narrative is fixing to change - it will be swift.
Peace is easy,
Can Earth's population ever understand itself if it has total amnesia about its history and its past actions
I'm very comfortable with knowing myself, no sure if your comment was personal or generic, it's the people who are running the show that I worry about
So, best I can tell, you and I concur on most things, so I'm asking you in an online funky goofy sort of crazy new way of thinking as to whether you want to be my online friend or not. I understand both ways. No sweat of my back.
It's not really amnesia - just a fake narrative that we are spoon fed by people who know otherwise
As I mentioned above, I am very sceptical re space and aliens - UFO's seem real, but are they interdimensional, interstellar, solar system based or from land masses beyond "Earth"
What I believe isn't relevant - it's what "they" believe and how it motives them, how it impacts on their plans and actions
Our reality is given to us in 425 lines black and white low definition - it allows for far lower production values - I like to dig around and see if I can find the 1080p High Def version of the truth
I'm tired of being skeptical of this or that cause it is irrelevant now....I'm ready for times to get better. Of course some heads will need to hang first I reckon for the sake of justice and I'm good with that. I hope you are as well.
Are they dying off? ... maybe they now have a life expectancy of 160 years ... maybe that's the buzz about Antarctica, a retirement land of all the 80 year old psychopaths to go and spend the last 80 years of their lives in absolute luxury
Would that be enough for Buzz Aldrin to freak out and tweet โWe Are All In Danger. It Is Evil Itselfโ - [Link]
ya know the swiftness of that or ....do u not?
So swift you are now no longer.
"turn the circus off or at least know you're watching one"
I have witnessed the development of cold air masses in both hemispheres yet governments seem not to have been so advised, maybe it didn't fit in with their distorted agenda's.
What ever their excuses, theirs bugger all they can do about it, but try spin more lies in their Web called Global warming.
Space Sights, Solar Wind, Vacuum Catastrophe .....
your cake fell! crikey!
*How about this one from 11/16/2021.
Asteroid-driven showers might be more common than previously thought
Every day, thousands of small rocks โ dust grain- to pebble-sized โ cross paths with Earth's atmosphere and burn up. More organized collisions, known as meteor showers, are visible to us when the...As regards that article, I've been lucky enough without trying to see two different bolides which were cool and I dare say I've told you that before. They are SO much more there than what one sees even in good meteor showers. Magnitudes brighter. Meanwhile, Cheylabinsk, THAT was a meteorite. I recall that they pulled it out of the lake. I wonder where it is.
BidenPooper ... We want to get to the record number of comments on an articleFYI
And how the hell does a cat have canines?
I suppose the modern versions would be "Low in the version number" and "never check the OS of a gifted IPhone"
BTW, EVERYONE! Please don't reply here. We need to move this discussion to here:
Asteroid-driven showers might be more common than previously thought
Every day, thousands of small rocks โ dust grain- to pebble-sized โ cross paths with Earth's atmosphere and burn up. More organized collisions, known as meteor showers, are visible to us when the...RC