Emma González
© Noam Galai/WireImage
On Monday, students from the pro-gun control March for Our Lives protest are expected to announce plans to go on a 20-state summer bus tour. Vocal Parkland High School survivors and anti-gun activists, such as group leaders David Hogg and Emma González, will be headlining the 75-stop tour.

The bus tour, called "March for Our Lives: Road to Change," will include meetings with victims and survivors of shootings and focus on the promotion of more gun control legislation and registering fellow youths to vote, reports Axios.

Hogg, 18, promoted the bus tour during an interview with the outlet on Saturday. "I'm glad I'm getting my diploma and not my death certificate," he said. The recent Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School grad will take a year off before entering college.

Fellow prominent Parkland anti-gun activist Emma González will also be a key bus tour leader. "If you don't support this ... it'll look like you're going against kids," said González, unintentionally giving away the Left's motive for their shameless exploitation of the teens. The 18-year-old is off to New College of Florida in Sarasota next semester

The tour is set to launch on Friday, June 15 in Chicago, at a Peace March led by St. Sabina Academy students, reports Axios. The students will then make 50 more stops across the country, including to Texas and South Carolina, and a have a "simultaneous" Florida tour that will make over 25 stops within the state, "visiting every congressional district."

In a news release from March for Our Lives, the organization said students are calling for "universal, comprehensive background checks; creating a searchable database for gun owners; funding the Centers for Disease Control to research gun violence;" and "banning high-capacity magazines and semi-automatic assault rifles."