North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
© ReutersNorth Korean leader Kim Jong Un eagerly looks at a rocket warhead tip after a simulated test of atmospheric re-entry of a ballistic missile
Japanese people are bracing themselves for nuclear attack with chilling advise on what to do if Kim Jong-un presses the red button.

For the first time since North Korea began a series of nuke tests, people in Japan are being issued with terrifying instruction on how to deal with nuclear war.

A downloadable pamphlet is now available on the island nation's civil defense website.

Called "Protecting Ourselves against Armed Attacks and Terrorism," it outlines emergency measures in the event North Korean missiles are fired at the country.

It bears similarities to the creepy Protect and Survive documents issued in Britain and Northern Ireland during the early 1980's following the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.

Like the UK's booklet it give top-tips on how to avoid being fried and radiated.

It urges people to take shelter indoors behind thick walls to avoid blast injuries but also radiation.

Underground shopping malls would be an ideal place to take cover, it advises.

Japan prepares for nuclear fallout
A page from the English version of the civil defense manual

Japan nuke defense manual
Already anti-missile batteries have begun appearing in parks in Tokyo, which is expected to be a primary target.

© Kyodo News StillsJapanese Air Self-Defense Force members set up Patriot Advanced Capability-3 surface-to-air guided interceptors in Tokyo
Japan's Defense Ministry's Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency is also mulling whether powerful lasers could defending against missile attacks.

But North Korea has said it would "saturate" its enemies with missiles so that at least a few would get through any defenses.

© ReutersGeneral view of the city of Hiroshima showing damage wrought by the atomic bomb
Japan is the only country to have suffered nuclear war after the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last days of World War 2.

Hiroshima victim
© Associated PressA nuclear bomb victim lies in quarantine on the island of Ninoshima next to Hiroshima
This killed 250,000 with many more dying of cancer because of radiation.

Meanwhile in the UK, it has emerged that the Government will warn people of an impending nuclear strike by text message.