A few days ago, Germany was astonished by the news of arson in the Reichstag. Fires were set in more than twenty places in the building. It was almost completely destroyed. The ringleader is the head of the Communist faction in the Reichstag, Representative Torgler.Streicher continues:
At the same time the press brought another unsettling report. In the basement of the "Karl Liebknecht Building" [the Communist Party Headquarters]:and hidden tunnels were discovered. Material that encouraged civil war was found. Detailed plans to murder both individuals and groups of Germans citizens were found. The bloody uprising was supposed to begin throughout Germany in the immediate future. There was to be murder and arson in cities and villages.secret passages
These news items had a strong effect throughout Germany. The indifferent citizen who had not wanted to see the enormous danger of Bolshevism looked in horror toward Berlin. He too realized now that Germany faced a terrible threat. The burning Reichstag building was the signal that brought every German to his senses.
The National Socialists, however, were not surprised. They saw it coming. They had long recognized the danger of Bolshevist world criminality. They had long predicted that what everyone now could see. They had warned the German people about it in a hundred thousand meetings, they had called them to battle against it in thousands of mass meetings. They organized a mass movement of millions against it.And on he goes with the usual nonsense. Of course, the Reichstag was destroyed 82 years ago, in February 1933. Streicher, of course, pounced on the news with propagandistic zeal. Here's how one of his writers described his newspaper, Der Stürmer:
The German people has woken up. It has risen up. It wants to fight against Bolshevist criminality. It demands its destruction, its defeat, its extermination.
But the German people do not know who isThey do not know the cause of this terrible uprising, this criminal murderous arson. The German people will fight in vain against this plague, against this poison, if they fail to recognize the scoundrels who mix the poison and spread the plague.guilty
It is not difficult to find the true cause of Marxist-Bolshevist world criminality. It is as clear as the light of day, and one need only open one's eyes to know the truth.
The truth is that both parties that want civil war, that hate the fatherland and that recognize only an "Internationale," were founded byThe Jew Karl Marx, who gave his name to the movement, wrote the program. The Jews LaSalle (Wolfson), Kautsky, Bernstein, Dr. Hilferding, Dr. Moses, Rosa Luxemburg, Liebknecht, Münzenberg and others led and still lead the SPD [Socialist Party] and KPD [Communist Party].Jews
The truth is that the leaders and rabble rousers and fomenters of the November Revolution of 9 November 1918 were a clique ofHaase, Mühsam, Toller, Eisner, Levien, Neurath, etc., all belonged to the Jewish people.Jews
The truth is that the Marxist movement is in reality aThe goal of the movement is to make the confused, roused masses into an enormousJewish movementThis army would be used and exploited to reach the great goal of Jewry,army of Jewish slavesJewish world domination
The Stürmer today is read throughout the world. There is no nation on earth that has not heard of it. Wherever the sun shines, everywhere, the Stürmer is loved, feared, and hated.No doubt Streicher and his ilk fiercely defended their democratic right to "freedom of speech", just as numerous racist, hateful rags do the same today. Well, good for them. But that doesn't change the fact that they're odious, racist psychopaths who get their jollies insulting and demonizing minority groups instead of the maniacs in power.
The Stürmer is a paper of the people. Its language is simple. Its sentences clear. Its words have one meaning. Its tone is rough. It has to be! The Stürmer is not a "Sunday paper." The Stürmer battles for the truth. One does not fight with kid gloves. And the truth is not smooth and oily. It is rough and hard.
The Stürmer is not a paper to read for amusement. He who reads it only for news and sensation has not yet understood it. The Stürmer is much more. It is a way of education in National Socialist thinking. It is a guide to the solution of the Jewish Question. A ringing alarm for those who have fallen asleep. Thunder for the hard of hearing. A compelling voice for all humanity. A fearsome accuser of Pan-Jewry.
But that's all old news, right? Even though it has been four score and two years since that incident, recent events in Europe point to the Reichstag having been metaphorically burned again.
Don't see what I'm getting at? Let's update Streicher's vitriol for a modern audience, and leave in the same staccato formatting style Der Stürmer used, giving over whole paragraphs to certain keywords:
A few days ago, France was astonished by the news of terror attacks in Paris. Hostages were taken in numerous places and 17 people were killed. The ringleader is the head of al-Qaeda in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki.Yep, didn't you hear? That's what Muslims really want: a world caliphate ruled by Sharia law. They want to convert the world, and kill or enslave those who will not submit. And not just in predominantly Muslim countries! The mad rant Fox News has been on since 9/11 - that 'extremist Muslims' living in Europe and elsewhere in the West have already, de facto, created 'no-go zones ruled by Sharia law' as a prelude to taking over in the West too - is gaining increasing traction with Western masses. Just read the news:
The Israeli press has bought unsettling reports in its recent siege of Gaza. In the basements of mosques, schools, hospitals, and private homes:secret passagesand hidden tunnels were discovered leading into Israel. Material that encouraged jihad was found. Detailed plans to murder both individuals and groups of Israeli citizens were uncovered by IDF personnel. The bloody uprising was supposed to begin throughout Israel in the immediate future. There was to be murder and arson in cities and villages.
These news items had a strong effect throughout France and Europe. The indifferent citizen who had not wanted to see the enormous danger of Islamic terrorism looked in horror toward Paris He too realized now that France faced a terrible threat. The attacks on Charlie Hebdo were the signal that brought every French citizen to his senses.
The Anglo-Zionist establishment, however, were not surprised. They saw it coming:
They had long recognized the danger of Islamic world terrorism. They had long predicted that what everyone now could see. They had warned the French people about it in a hundred thousand ways, they had called them to battle against it in thousands of speeches, op-eds, and rallies. They organized a mass movement of millions against it:
The French people has woken up. It has risen up. It wants to fight against Muslim terrorism. It demands its destruction, its defeat, its extermination.
But the French people do know who isguiltyThey know the cause of this terrible uprising, these criminal murderous terrorists. The French people will fight in vain against this plague, against this poison, if they fail to recognize the scoundrels who mix the poison and spread the plague.
Because it is not difficult to find the true cause of global terrorism. It is as clear as the light of day, and one need only open one's eyes to know the truth
The truth is that all terror groups that want chaos and destruction, that hate the countries in which they find themselves and that recognize only Sharia law, areMuslimsThe Muslim Osama bin Laden, who led the global terrorist network al-Qaeda, wrote the program. The Muslims Anwar al-Awlaki, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and others led and still lead al-Qaeda (in Yemen, Iraq, and elsewhere) and Daesh (ISIS/ISIL/IS).
The truth is that the leaders and radicalizers and terrorists of the attacks on September 11, 2001 were a clique ofMuslims
The truth is that the al-Qaeda movement is in reality aMuslim movement
The goal of the movement is to make the confused, roused masses into an enormousarmy of Muslim slavesThis army would be used and exploited to reach the great goal of Islam,Muslim world domination
The ISIS map of the world: Militants outline chilling five-year plan for global domination as they declare formation of caliphate
ISIS has formally declared the establishment of a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast stretches of the Middle East that have fallen under its control, and has outlined a vision to expand into Europe.Caliphate: Islamic World's 'Dream Come True'
The announcement was described as the 'most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11'.
Upon declaring a caliphate, the Sunni militants - whose brutality in attempting to establish control in Iraq and Syria has been branded too extreme even by Al Qaeda - demanded allegiance from Muslims around the world.
The so-called Islamic State became the first caliphate in nearly 100 years. When al-Bagdadi made his announcement, other Islamist groups, like al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, condemned it.ISIS Say Only a Matter of Time Before Europe Is Conquered; Plan 'Largest Religious Cleansing Campaign' in History
Regardless of the internal competition, the caliphate would be a dream come true in the Islamic world.
"This dream holds together some kind of feeling that under the caliphate there is going to be a wonderful Islamic world," professor Moshe Sharon, an expert on Islam, told CBN News. "There's going to be unity of all the Muslims. There's going to be a world power that could not be matched by anything."
Sharon said Jerusalem is the prize and world domination their goal.
"The major aim of the caliphate is to rule the world, and this can be done under the leadership of one caliph whom he himself only can declare a holy war, a jihad," he said.
A spokesman for ISIS has claimed in an interview that it's only a matter of time before the jihadists expand and conquer Europe. He also defended the terror group's practices of mass enslavement and beheadings, and said that it plans to carry out "the largest religious cleansing campaign" in history, which will include the killing of hundreds of millions of people.The Reichstag has been set alight. The arsonist has confessed. He has been executed for his crimes. Now all Europe knows why it must follow the will of its leaders.
"No, we will conquer Europe one day. It is not a question of if we will conquer Europe, just a matter of when that will happen. But it is certain. ... For us, there is no such thing as borders. There are only front lines," the spokesman, identified only as a German ISIS fighter, told journalist Juergen Todenhoefer in an article for CNN.
"Our expansion will be perpetual. ... And the Europeans need to know that when we come, it will not be in a nice way. It will be with our weapons. And those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed."
Thanks Harrison for connecting the dots for all to see. It is so important that the ugly and psychopathic agenda is exposed for what it is. To realize that their agenda was never terminated and that only went underground - literally - and now continues quite openly for those with eyes to see.
It is vital that everyone does all they can to share this information as far and wide as possible. To help people realize what is actually going on here, and that everyone will be affected. Last time the majority of people didn't see the deception they were unwittingly caught up in, or had the usual cognitive dissonance. Thus they were totally complicit in the nefarious plans and brutal genocide and human suffering.
Let us not let this happen again. It is already happening - how many people will just watch and do nothing? Imagine, if you can, the horrendous world and oppression with no right to life or choice and much much worse if their plans succeed. What future? None because life as we know it will disappear complete. So step up to the plate and 'DO' whatever you can NOW or be complicit in choosing the legacy left for future generations on our dear planet. The alternative does not bear thinking about.