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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Bottled water: A surprising tale of waste and greed

Plastic water bottle
© Brave Heart / FickrWhat’s in the plastic of your water bottle?
Approximately 30 billion bottles of bottled water are sold worldwide each year. It ranks near the top of the list of the greatest marketing scams perpetrated on the public. How is it that people were duped into paying premium prices for something that flows abundantly from the earth or at least from municipal water supplies? Is bottled water any better than tap? Who benefits, who suffers and what are the environmental consequences of this strange love affair with bottled water?

Running Time: 01:35:32

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Britain's Secret Wars: Interview with T.J. Coles

British Foreign Office minister Kim Howells posing with the Colombian High Mountain Battalion death squad.
The British government is not a force for peace or democracy. The reality is much darker: British foreign policy supports war, conflict and oppression around the world. Unbeknownst to the broad population, the Shadow State sponsors a 'new world order' that allies Britain with America's quest for global power - what the Pentagon calls 'Full Spectrum Dominance'. In his brand new book, Britain's Secret Wars, T. J. Coles documents how British operatives have interfered in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran and Yemen with the aim of deposing unwanted regimes. In doing so, they have helped create extensive terrorist networks across the Middle East, reviving previously-failing Jihadist groups such as ISIL, which has now transformed into an international terror franchise.

In addition to waging clandestine wars in the Middle East, the secret services have used the military to run drugs by proxy in Colombia, train death squads in Bangladesh, and support instability in Ukraine, where NATO's strategic encroachment on Russia is drawing the world closer to terminal nuclear confrontation. Coles unearths Britain's involvement in the recent ethnic cleansing of Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan government, the invasion of Somalia by Somali and Ethiopian warlords, and Indonesia's atrocities in Papua. He also exposes the extensive use of drones for murder and intimidation across the Middle East and elsewhere.

T. J. Coles studies the philosophy of neurology and cognition at the University of Plymouth, UK. He is director of the Plymouth Institute for Peace Research (PIPR), editor and co-author of Voices for Peace and author of The New Atheism Hoax. His political writings have appeared in the New Statesman, Lobster, Peace Review and Z Magazine. He is also a columnist with Axis of Logic and in 2013 was shortlisted for the Martha Gellhorn Prize for journalism.

Tune in this Sunday for Behind the Headlines' interview with Coles about his new book and the truth about British foreign policy.

Running Time: 02:19:10

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: ‌Get the lead out: Detoxifying heavy metals

Nuclear testing, dental fillings, vaccines, anti-perspirants, beauty products and environmental pollutants are just a few of the sources of heavy metal contamination in our modern world. Heavy metal contamination has been linked to numerous mental and physical health problems yet the need for periodic detoxification is maligned by mainstream medicine and deemed unnecessary.

Today on the Health and Wellness Show we covered heavy metal toxicity, its causes, effects and how to detox naturally and safely. Stay tuned at the end of the show for Zoya's Pet Health Segment!

(Note: Due to technical difficulties, the audio cut in and out for the first 10 minutes or so of the show.)

Running Time: 01:29:26

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: A Time for Warriors: Interview with Stefan Verstappen

In his last article 'Historical Cycles; are we doomed to repeat the past?', Stefan Verstappen made the case that our society is going into what is known as the Chaos Stage of history.No one can deny that the state of our civilization is deteriorating.In his latest article 'A Time for Warriors' he describes the horrific situation we are facing. (Not for the squeamish.)But there is hope.

According to the theory of historical cycles, the next stage is a new golden age, appropriately named 'The Warrior Age'. But what does it mean to be a 'warrior'? Who can be a warrior? Is a warrior non-violent? Why is becoming a warrior the first step to changing society?

To learn the answers to these questions and what we can all do to prepare for and create a better world, listen this episode of 'The Truth Perspective' on the SOTT Radio Network with hosts Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Joe Quinn, Niall Bradley and Harrison Koehli, and their special guest Stefan H. Verstappen.

Stefan has over thirty-five years' experience in the martial arts including five years spent in East Asia. In 1985 he traveled to throughout Asia and studied martial arts in Hong Kong, Taipei Thailand, Korea, and mainland China. Verstappen is the author of 8 books including The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, Blind Zen, and The Art of Urban Survival.Website:, Video.

After our talk with Stefan, we continued the discussion of spiritual warfare, and discussed the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting.

Running Time: 02:13:16

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: ‌Trauma from your Mama: The DNA -- Stress connection

Genetic Code DNA
© Getty Images/
Did you inherit trauma through the DNA inherited from your parents and grandparents? Did their view of the world influence your life before you were even born? Unresolved childhood trauma has been implicated in cancer, heart disease and other health problems. Are we victims of our genes or does the environment count in more ways than we realize?

Today on the Health and Wellness show we discussed the topic of Intergenerational Trauma, genes, epigenetics and stress. (Note: due to some technical problems, the audio cut in and out at numerous times throughout the show.)

Running Time: 00:48:13

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: What is the real meaning of spirituality?

spirit release
From monotheism to ancient mystery traditions to new age 'spirituality', there is a plethora of religious or 'spiritual' beliefs available that claim to offer the real path to 'god'. But have any of them done so? Are modern human beings any more morally or spiritually evolved than their ancestors at any other time in history? What is the real meaning of spirituality and what is the nature of true human evolution?

On this episode of the Truth Perspective, we discussed what is perhaps the most often asked question: what is the meaning of life? Is real spirituality based on rules and doctrines, or something else? And if we aren't really practicing spirituality, how do we do so? At the end of the show we also had some brief comments about the recent shooting in Orlando.

Running Time: 01:56:38

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Fast-inating Information About Fasting

© Roberto A Sanchez/Getty Images
Today on the Health and Wellness show we'll be covering the topic of fasting. Is fasting just a religious ritual or does it have beneficial effects on the body? Can you gain longevity, improve your immune system, and even supercharge your brain by fasting? We'll discuss the issue and review research around the subject. As always Zoya will be joining us with the Pet Health Segment where the topic will be...leeches!

Tune into the Health and Wellness show weekly on Fridays at 10am EST on the SOTT Radio Network!

Running Time: 01:06:51

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: ‌NATO goes ballistic over Russia's growing influence

NATO war games in the Baltics, the ubiquitous and hysterical cries of "Russian aggression" and potential Russian invasions, now culminating in the decision to place NATO missiles in Poland and Romania. The anti-Russian information war is running at full steam, tensions are rising, and the new Cold War mentality is spreading.

The latest geopolitical events have caused many in the alternative media to write about the threat of a full-blown war between NATO and the Russian Federation: Robert Parry, Paul Craig Roberts, Pepe Escobar, The Saker, Dmitry Orlov, Stephen Lendman, William Engdahl, Eric Zuesse, and more. So what's the deal? Is humanity facing a M.A.D. scenario? Will Russia invade or attack a European nation? Will NATO throw the first punch? In short, will there be a 'hot war' with Russia? And is there the potential for it to go nuclear? Join us today on Behind the Headlines as we look at what people are saying, sifting out the realities from the hype.

Running Time: 01:52:48

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: What is Applied Kinesiology and what can it do for you?

applied kinesiology muscle testing
An AK practitioner muscle testing a patient
Today on the Health and Wellness Show we will dive into the field of Applied Kinesiology commonly referred to as muscle testing, a technique that taps into the circuitry of the human Biocomputer. Joining our discussion today will be Foxx sharing background information and personal experience with Applied Kinesiology and how an experienced practitioner can establish a dialog with the body, accessing it's innate "circuitry" and information field, to help determine imbalances and find corrections for those imbalances.

Zoya's Pet health segment will address Applied Kinesiology for animals. Join us for another informative show!

Running Time: 01:56:59

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: EgyptAir mystery, chaos in Syria, Saudi press blames U.S. for 9/11

On May 19,
EgyptAir Flight 804
EgyptAir Flight 804 vanishes on May 19, 2016
disappeared from radar over the Mediterranean Sea. Since then, the world has been treated to a barrage of contradictory statements. Was wreckage found or not? When? Was there evidence of an explosion or not? What really happened? On May 17, the U.S. Senate passed the JASTA bill, which could allow 9/11 victim families to sue Saudi Arabia for involvement in 9/11. This comes after months of media hype concerning the infamous 28 pages from the Joint Inquiry report on 9/11 and calling for their declassification. Was Saudi Arabia really responsible? Or is the truth more complex?

Also in the news: a leaked phone call exposes the coup in Brazil, the new ceasefire in Syria exposes American perfidy, Turkey spirals down the toilet of dictatorship, and the Israeli government takes a hard turn to the right (if that's even possible!). This latest episode of Behind the Headlines discussed these developing stories, plus a 'Police State Round-up' of recent police brutality in the US.

Running Time: 01:57:47

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