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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Decoding the American Minds: The Deep History of America's Culture Wars

american nations
The United States is a big country, but its population is anything but homogenous. For its entire history the people of its various regions have clashed over everything from politics and economics, to religion and cultural norms. But why? Today on MindMatters we discuss Colin Woodard's book American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America, inspired by the earlier work of David Hackett Fischer. The current cultural landscape of North America traces back to its beginnings: the first settlers of its numerous colonies and their eventual spread west across the continent. From the Tidewater gentry and Puritan Yankees, the Spanish mestizo in the south and French in the north, the Dutch in New York and the Quakers in the Midlands, to the plantation slavers of the Deep South and clannish warriors of Greater Appalachia, the Left Coast and the Far West - the cultural template of each region was set by their respective 'founding fathers', and those trends have continued to the present day.

Tune in for a look at the fascinating, bloody, and often courageous history of North America, with all its twists and turns. This isn't the history your boring high-school teacher taught you!

Running Time: 01:13:59

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health #33 - Society Is Degenerating

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de·​gen·​er·​ate - to sink into a low intellectual or moral state.

Witnessing the current state of society and comparing it to even a decade ago, one can't help but notice a clear degenerative path, seemingly toward disintegration. Things that would seem deplorable in the past now seem to be becoming more and more acceptable, even normal.

Aborted fetuses sold off organ by organ like car parts, sick and twisted sexual fetishes being collectively celebrated, cannibalism suggested as a solution to climate change, girls as young a eleven legally allowed to go topless in Colorado - it seems there's no end to this collective slide into perversion and depravity.

Join us for this episode of Objective:Health, where we talk about degeneracy - humanity's increasingly low intellectual and moral state.

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And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 01:01:32

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health #32 - ITN - Fast Food Makes You Blind | Woman Cries Crystals | 5G Rebellion

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Welcome to another installment of 'In the News' (ITN), where your humble hosts at Objective:Health take a look at the headlines in health that are getting traction.

On this show we talk about a UK teen who ate nothing but processed food until he went deaf and blind! Also in the UK, students at a posh school are coming home hungry as the school enforces a vegetarian diet for all.

We also talk about an Armenian woman who cries solid crystals, Canadian teens swearing off having babies until the government 'does something' about climate change and the Swiss rally to prevent widespread implementation of 5G networks (God bless the Swiss!) and more.

Join us for a rousing discussion, and let us know what you think in the comments!

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:

And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 01:08:42

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Origins of the Power Elite: Inequality and "The 1%"

According to Walter Scheidel in The Great Leveler, the only ways to equalize the distribution of wealth effectively have involved violence on a massive scale: famine, war, state collapse, revolution. But how did things get so inequal in the first place? Today on MindMatters we discuss the first chapter of Scheidel's book, which provides an overview of the history of inequality. From chimps and hunter-gatherers to the first farmers and the emergence of classes of elites, there has always been - and arguably always will be - inequality. But certain circumstances and practices have made things perhaps more extreme than they need to be. Especially since the advent of agriculture and the possibility of surplus production, elite classes of thieves and thugs (otherwise known as governments) have greatly exacerbated wealth inequality, and created new means accruing even more wealth and power to themselves. Join us today as we begin our discussion of inequality: is it good or bad, or both? And if it's inescapable, what can be done about its negative consequences?

Running Time: 01:15:12

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: The MacGyver of Hannibal Lecters? The Strange Case of Israel Keyes

israel keyes
After being taken into police custody, interviewed and studied, FBI profilers called him the most terrifying subject they had ever encountered. With an 'efficiency' and preternatural cunning that was unusual among even the most well known serial killers, Israel Keyes brought this monstrous modus operandi to a whole new level of planning and malevolence. What did Keyes have in common with the well documented cases of psychopaths who murdered people for their own gratification and who came before him? And what set him apart? Who did he kill, and why? What was his "grand plan" - and what can the story of Israel Keyes tell us about what is perhaps a "newer breed" of serial killer that seeks to wreak havoc on the lives and souls of innocents? Join us this week on MindMatters as we come to terms with this case study in pure evil, and remind ourselves that monsters do, indeed, live among us.

Running Time: 01:13:37

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health: #31 - The Vaping Crisis - They're Coming For Your Vapes!

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Across the US, hundreds of people have come down with a severe and mysterious respiratory illness that seems to be linked to vaping the act of inhaling vapor produced by a vaporizer or electronic cigarette which has surged in popularity in recent years. The FDA announced a criminal probe into vaping as the number of reported cases of lung illnesses linked to the practice rose to 530. Some states and cities have already banned flavoured vape products, with Trump talking about a nation wide ban.

But are the bans necessary? Researchers have yet to figure out what about vaping is causing these issues. Vaping has been around for over a decade, yet only now are people coming down with this condition. Is this reactionary nanny-state solution really warranted?

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we dig deep into this latest panic gripping the US.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:

And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here

Running Time: 45:17

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: America Before: Comets, Catastrophes, Mounds and Mythology

hancock graham before america
© SOTT / atlas-v7x
Around 12,800 years ago, North America suffered a massive cataclysm of cometary bombardment, alternately burning and freezing much of the continent. Not much survived. But what of what came before? In his latest book, Before America, Graham Hancock provides a journalistic account of the latest research into the pre-Columbian history of the Americas - North and South. Hancock catalogues the academic back-and-forths, the controversies and intellectual battles, and the widening acceptance that there was a lot more going on in the Americas back then than researchers had previously thought possible. Archaeology, genetics, mounds and henges, myths and migrations - it's a story that is only beginning to emerge after years of bad theories dominating the various fields.

On today's MindMatters we review Hancock's book, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and tying in some of his speculations with Witzel's work on world mythology, covered on previous episodes of MindMatters.

Running Time: 01:03:20

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: The Meaning of the World's Mythologies

In our previous show on Witzel's book Origins of the World's Mythologies, we learned that the vast majority of world mythologies share the same narrative structure or overall storyline. But what does it mean, and why has it endured for so long, among so many peoples? Today we look at the final chapter of Witzel's book, where he ties it all together, along with our own expansions on his ideas. With reference to psychology (including Jordan Peterson and Kazimierz Dabrowski), generational history (the so-called "fourth turning"), and a hint at a future discussion: the history of earth's encounters with cataclysm-causing cometary encounters.

Running Time: 01:03:18

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health #30 - Gene Tech - What the Heck!?

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Welcome to GMO 2.0, a new generation of genetic modification that promises even more than the previous GM technologies. Scientists using the "second generation" of genetic manipulation technology have used gene-editing to alter the DNA of breed of cattle so that they supposedly do not grow horns. At around the same time another group of scientists claim to have injected human cells into monkeys to create chimeras, who they say have increased intelligence. Earlier this year a group of Chinese researchers claimed to have deliberately gene-edited monkey clones with a mental disturbance.

Most will remember the Chinese scientist last year who shocked the world claiming to have genetically modified human embryos to be immune to HIV infection. What was shocking was not the science, which many experts claimed was underwhelming and sloppy, but the simple fact that he had undertaken this endeavor under the radar.

Few people realized then, but this incident has brought it home, that all this is taking place almost entirely without any serious health and safety regulation, nor have the ethical implications been fully explored. GMO 2.0 makes the process of genetic modification much simpler and, as a result, much more in reach for those with less training and understanding. It really seems like we're on the precipice of home genetic modification kits, designer babies and all the other horror stories science fiction has been warning us of for decades.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we discuss the implications of this new gene tech. Do we really want to be on this train?

And stay tuned for Zoya's Pet Health Segment as she tells us all about the ups and downs of pet hedgehogs.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:

And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here

Running Time: 01:08:29

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: T.C. Lethbridge And The Psi-Science Of The Pendulum

Do we have access to a 'superconscious' part of our minds - that can become, under certain conditions, and with much observation, more or less conscious, or at the very least, made use of? Are there technologies which can, like a psi-powered geiger counter, help us to find things in our environments - and perhaps even assist us to navigate life - from other levels of awareness? Not content to retire as honorary Keeper of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities at the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, T.C. Lethbridge devoted the latter part of his life towards answering these questions, and searching for the answers to questions that materialists aren't even aware of.

On this week's MindMatters, we discuss Lethbridge's last and most famous book, The Power of the Pendulum, and take a look at Lethbridge's experience using the pendulum, his thoughts about human perception, as well as his well-informed opinion of orthodox science and the ideas that seek to limit the very types of explorations into mind that he devoted many years to uncovering.

Running Time: 01:01:46

Download: MP3 — 56.6 MB