SOTT Focus:

Cow Skull

SOTT Focus: Flat Daddies and Bronze Poo - Something Is Rotten In The State Of America

When attempting to take the pulse of a nation, look no further than popular culture, family and politics, they say. Well, a quick look at these areas of American life gives a diagnosis of either clinically insane or clinically dead.

Light Sabers

SOTT Focus: Talking Peace, Planning War


Did you know that in the past 8 weeks, 200 Palestinians, most of them unarmed civilians and many of them children, have been mercilessly gunned-down by the forces of the state of Israel? Are you aware that almost every day at least one Palestinian civilian is murdered in cold blood by the state of Israel? Did you know that the US government whole-heartedly supports and finances this systematic slaughter? Did you know that the 1,300 Lebanese civilians that were murdered in Israel's turkey shoot in Lebanon last month would still be alive today if it were not for the financial and military assistance that the US government gives to Israel?


SOTT Focus: Wing TV interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk: Psychopaths rule our world

Political Ponerology
Laura Knight-Jadczyk is interviewed by Lisa Guilliani from Wing TV. The discussion is on Political Ponerology, the nature of evil, and psychopaths.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Signs of the Economic Apocalypse - Update

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In October 2005, the editors of Signs of the Times sat down with John, a director of a Euro-zone bank, to discuss the state of the global economy. Ten months later, we follow up with John on what has developed. Is it possible that the control sought by the pathocrats over the rest of humanity can be achieved without bringing down the entire house of cards? What is propping up the illusory value of the US dollar? Does the doubling of the price of oil have anything to do with it? And, most of all, what can you do to protect yourself and those you love?

Running Time: 01:01:29

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SOTT Focus: Faking Palestinian Resistance

I'm pretty sure no one was as unsurprised as I when two Fox news employees were kidnapped in Gaza 10 days ago, 'coincidentally' right after the Israeli-Hizb'allah 'ceasefire'. Israel and America's dog and pony terror show must go on after all, and 'ceasefire' is a dangerous word when your goal is perpetual war. Use the word "ceasefire", and before you can say "nuke Iran" the damn bleeding heart pinko commies are talking about "Middle East peace".

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: In Search of the Miraculous Part 2

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George Gurdjieff had two aims: 1) to investigate from all sides, and to understand, the exact significance and purpose of the life of man, and 2) to discover, at all costs, some manner or means for destroying in people the predilection for suggestibility which causes them to fall easily under the influence of "mass hypnosis." We continue our discussion of this fundamental aspect of his work, its arising in a time of war and revolution, and discuss the parallels found in the teaching of Don Juan Mateus as recounted by Carlos Casteneda. Laura Knight-Jadczyk looks at the concept of the "petty tyrant", again an idea that comes from a period of war, the Spanish conquest of Mexico, and we see how it is applicable today. We, too, face a world of petty tyrants, the global pathocracy. How can the teachings of Gurdjieff and Don Juan help us today?

Running Time: 00:49:08

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SOTT Focus: Thank God For Non-Ricochet Bullets

Let me give you a little scenario to ponder:

An innocent man who offers no suggestion that he is a threat in any way, is murdered on a London train with 7 point blank shots to the head of the victim over a 30 second interval by an UK police officer with Scotland Yard's elite CO19 gun squad.

In a sane world, what should happen to this officer? Reprimand? Dismissal? Jail time?

Think again:


SOTT Focus: When Contemplating the War On Terror - Beware of 'Baby Bombers'

Such was the extent of the negative exposure that the British government received from reports that mothers at UK airports were being forced to taste and dump their baby milk to prove they are not "terrorists", the British government has today invented an utterly racist and xenophobic "explanation" for these obvious fascist policies.


SOTT Focus: My Mother Will Never Dance Again...

Last week , (Aug 7th) the SOTT Team sat down to watch Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land, which I highly recommend to anyone who thinks that there is any semblance of honest and factual news reporting by the Zionist controlled media in the U.S.

What I didn't know was that, as I was watching this documentary, my 85 year old mother, in the U.S., was having a massive stroke - what is called a CVA. I learned about it after I had gone up to get ready for bed. It was late, and the phone rang... the call you always know will come when you have an aged parent, but you never believe that today will be the day.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: In Search of the Miraculous

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Where did the teaching of George Gurdjieff come from? What were his aims? Laura Knight-Jadczyk discusses some clues left by Gurdjieff in his book "Life is Real Only Then, When 'I Am'". Gurdjieff's first aim had been "to investigate from all sides, and to understand, the exact significance and purpose of the life of man." To that was added a second, an aim that still has great relevance for today: "[to] discover, at all costs, some manner or means for destroying in people the predilection for suggestibility which causes them to fall easily under the influence of 'mass hypnosis.'"

Running Time: 00:47:32

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