SOTT Focus:

War Whore

SOTT Focus: Ponerology 101: Rising to the Top

Morrissey and Genoways
Kevin Morrissey (right) committed suicide after the workplace bullying of Ted Genoways (left).
Last year, I wrote about corporate psychopaths and the "five-phase" process they use to maneuver their way into positions of influence and affluence. Heck, I might as well add "effluents" to that list. After all, an interaction with a psychopath will leave the same taste in your mouth and may just end up killing you. Plus, it rhymes. Take the example of Kevin Morrissey, managing editor for the Virginia Quarterly Review, who was driven to suicide after repeated harassment and belittlement by his boss, Ted Genoways.

Morrissey's plight is a perennial one, and it gets right to the heart of ponerology. Criminal psychopaths get drunk, get in fights, lead lives of serial criminality, and when they kill people, they tend to use weapons, or any convenient object that happens to be laying around. Successful psychopaths, on the other hand, lead relatively "normal" lives. They don't break the law (at least overtly) and can come across as ideal and highly successful citizens. But whether it's after years of pushing boundaries, tearing down a person's will to live with soul-eating mind-torture, or the "collateral damage" caused by the toxic chemicals their corporations release simply because they just don't care and can make a quick buck, successful psychopaths kill too. The main difference is, they kill a lot more, and they get away with it.

But it's not just the corporate bigwigs and Tucker Max-esque "boyfriends". As we've seen, a look at the machinations of political groups like the Soviets and the Nazis with the same perspective is quite revealing. Psychopaths gaining access and prominence in political groups use the same five-phase process as the those studied by Babiak. And not only does the five-phase process occur within the cutthroat dynamics of "power politics", it also occurs as the group as a whole strives for and achieves political domination. Or, to add a little color to counter that somewhat academic exposition: scum rises to the top. It's how it gets there that is interesting, and those early stages are the most elusive and poorly studied. Until Lobaczewski wrote his book, that is.


SOTT Focus: Perception Management: How 'acceptable levels' of radiation are adjusted to make us think everything is A-OK

I've been amazed by the actions of official agencies to the unfolding radiation crisis at Fukushima. Watching the news reports from official channels in the aftermath of the disaster, I started asking myself several questions: Why has there been such a poor reaction from the World Health Organization? Why is the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) playing down the radiation threat? Why are some news pundits around the world actually trying to claim that radiation is 'not that bad' for human health? So I made an effort to answer these questions for myself. What I discovered was that there is no point in relying on data and reports provided by the various institutional exponents of nuclear energy "safety" and here's why:

The main goal for the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) is to propagate atomic energy. This is stated clearly in paragraph 2 of the IAEA statute:
"The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world."
Moreover, many UN agencies are subordinate to the IAEA. This particularly applies to the World Health Organization (WHO). On the strength of an agreement signed on 28 May 1959 (WHA 12-40), the IAEA can veto any research carried by WHO which would be in opposition to implementation of paragraph 2 of the IAEA statute. One statement in this agreement reads:
"It is recognized by the World Health Organization that the International Atomic Energy Agency has the primary responsibility for encouraging, assisting and coordinating research on, and development and practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful uses throughout the world without prejudice to the right of the World Health Organization to concern itself with promoting, developing, assisting, and coordinating international health work, including research, in all its aspects."
So it's easy to assess the relative value of reports about the effects of nuclear disasters published by the pro-nuclear institutions, including the famous 2005 report on Chernobyl (a favorite reference for pro-atomic lobbyists). In short, in the interest of "encouraging, assisting and coordinating research on, and development and practical application of, atomic energy" such reports are very probably biased and tend to downplay the extent of the radiation danger to people.


SOTT Focus: Fallout Around the Breakfast Table

At our house, some of the best discussions take place at the breakfast table. You see, we eat our biggest meal of the day in the morning which is according to the dietary protocols we have researched, experimented, and consider to be optimal for human health. We eat a selection of meats - bacon, home-made pork and turkey sausage patties, hamburgers, fried ham, etc - with buckwheat cakes and lettuce available for those who want to make sandwiches. Often we include other vegetables and deep fried (in duck fat) sweet potatoes. It all takes about an hour to prepare for 10 to 15 people (depending on how many guests are in residence) and naturally, such a robust start to the day invites robust thinking and conversation. These Breakfast Table Talks range from politics to religion to history to physics and usually are kicked off by discussions of current events or whatever any individual happens to be reading at the time. We've been told by some guests who are professional academics that our breakfast table talk is the equivalent of post-grad lectures in any of the given topics we may cover. We just consider it normal conversation.

Around the breakfast table this morning, the discussion was rather somber for several reasons. The first reason is the death of our neighbor two days ago. Yesterday evening, we spent an hour with the bereaved husband and son, sitting in the bedroom with "Francesca" (a pseudonym) laid out in her burial clothes on the bed. We already knew the story of their 56 years together and the circumstances that led to her death at 74, but we listened again with fascination as "Jean-Luc" re-told the tale; it's hard not to be fascinated when the subject of discussion is laid out there in front of you looking to all the world like she might open her eyes at any moment and join in the conversation.

Eye 2

SOTT Focus: Devils In Disguise

Comment: The following account is a heartfelt, personal, and dramatic illustration of psychopathy at work in a "normal" family situation. Many people will be able to identify with much, or even all of, this story and know from miserable but invaluable experience how just one solitary psychopath can victimize so many others, co-opt the legal and social systems and set up the primary victim to be the one with the problem. Vida's story of survival clearly reveals the insidiousness of psychopathy on the interpersonal level, and should leave us all with food for thought about the damage that can be wrought by more powerful psychopaths in positions of authority.

"It's in your head - it has always been all in your head! Simon is a good man!" But even if a thousand people believe and voice a lie and rise to defend the predator, it still remains a lie. And yes, such confrontations take their toll both emotionally and physically, and Simon keeps count and gloats as his carefully trained cohorts score points by inflicting pain. In fact, Simon planned the psychological confusion, anxiety, stress and grief which ensued every time my children, friends and family attacked me. Tears ran, motivation dwindled, and insomnia set in; soon, a wide range of symptoms were warning me that chronic conditions would result if I didn't deal with issues.

Hence, I was forced to face my demons and ask the difficult questions: How could my older children forget who I am and what I stand for? How can nurturing relationships suddenly become toxic? How could law enforcement professionals be duped? It took me years to understand what obscure and brutal forces altered my life, relationships, and circumstances. I had to question and investigate my deepest held beliefs, as I believed in the inherent good in all people. This was, without a doubt, the most damaging fallacy of my upbringing. Now, I understand that psychopaths delight in inflicting hurt and harm; it is their sport to seek out easy prey.

As I searched for the truth, information came to me in the form of books that explained and validated my inner knowledge and gut feelings. Dr Robert Hare, claims that with at least 2 million psychopaths in North America, virtually everyone will fall victim to a predator sometime during their life (Without Conscience p.2). Kevin Hogan and James Speakman explain techniques of Covert Persuasion, and, Amy J.L. Baker wrote Breaking the Ties that Bind which relates how children can be programmed and conditioned to act as child soldiers against a targeted parent. Psychopaths seem to thoroughly understand these strategies; perhaps they are innate. Therefore, be warned: the predator will choose you at your lowest ebb, then he/she will sense what you need and provide it. He or she will use mind manipulation strategies in the form of sublimations, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and other rhetorical devices. Your own morals and values will be used to control you and hold you captive. Once ensnared and entrapped, the psychopath will feed off you causing irreversible harm and devastation; you will never be the same again. This is the story of my misadventure.


SOTT Focus: "Wayseer Manifesto" - Selling Freedom or Selling Psychopathy?

Wayseer Video
Is the Wayseer Manifesto a promotional tool for psychopathy?
When we think of propaganda, we usually associate it with political messages. The thoroughly negative meaning of the term comes to us via the Nazis, whose slogans poisoned a whole nation. But it didn't end with fall of overtly overt fascist regimes post-WWII, of course. Political propaganda appeals to the emotions by attempting to implant suggestions which bypass the intellect. People eventually get wise to it, so the propaganda just becomes slicker.

Normally, spiritual propaganda and lies are going to fool only those who truly need fooling so that they learn an important some point. That is, it satisfies a superficial emotional craving in those left so disappointed with politics. Such people are hovering on the threshold of understanding a deeper reality, but a lifetime of painful experiences within a system governed by pathology have left them unprepared for the soul-sweet traps sprung for them by the very system from which they wish to free themselves. Nothing can help them except a direct experience with self-destructive behavior.

But sometimes a piece of spiritual propaganda is so slick and clever and uses the discoveries of the billion-dollar research engines of the ad industry and psychological warfare bureaus to produce something capable of sucking in just about anyone with any semblance of an ego.

Now, some of us have spent a good portion of our lives keeping an eye on these kinds of things. We can spot a manipulation a mile away. The 'Wayseer' video is, in my opinion, one such manipulation. And rather than let it pass without comment in the hope that it would simply die the death of so many other noxious 'New Age' fads, I figured it was worth the time and energy to point out the problems.

As the saying goes, "The only thing Evil needs to succeed is for good people to do nothing."

Please note...

I'm not trying to change your mind. If you like being manipulated by pseudo-scientific catch-phrases and a catchy tune that tells you "you're special!" then that's your choice. But don't forget that, in order to truly choose, you need as much data as possible about any given subject. The main reason I have chosen to write on this topic therefore is to provide that extra data and to address the imbalance in the 'playing field' of the information war for your mind.

What follows is a transcript of the 'Wayseer' video with my comments interspersed.


SOTT Focus: Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes by J.M. McCanney

Planet-X Comets and Earth Changes Cover
© press

Planet-X, Comets & Earth Changes
by James M. McCanney
Minneapolis, MN: press, 2007 (first published in 2002)
182 pp.

A new model of the Universe

A scientific revolution in the theories of the nature of comets, solar system formation and astronomical phenomena in general is long overdue. For example, the impossibilities and contradictions inherent in the "dirty snowball comet model" and the "nebular collapse" theory of the origin of the solar system are legion. The theories fall short of explaining observed phenomena, but you'll never hear the scientists promoting them admit as much. Unfortunately, it seems that in all their mental excavations, the mass-produced scientists of our time have dug themselves into a trench of dreary proportions, carried along by the inertial stream of their cherished professors' naïve opinions. In fact, they can't even tell how deep they are in it, or that their theories are as woefully outdated as the mastodon fossils of which they catch passing glimpses. And thanks to James McCanney's work over the last thirty-odd years, they find themselves plunged, in the words of Mullah Nasr Eddin, "into the deepest galoshes that have ever been worn on sweaty feet."

James McCanney is something of a maverick in the scientific community. Having taught physics and mathematics at Cornell University, he was ousted because of pressure put on University authorities by professors in the astronomy department who didn't like what he was publishing. In that sense, academia is a tad like life in the Mob: "You can't say these things. If you do, we'll ruin you." But while McCanney may have suffered the fate of any scientist who attempts to go against the grain, his theories continue to hold up, predicting newly observed phenomena without having to resort to the "creeping crud" of widely accepted, bogus theories (McCanney's term for the shameless "revision" of old theories to account for unexpected observations).


SOTT Focus: Detoxify or Die: Natural Radiation Protection Therapies for Coping With the Fallout of the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown

Foot-dragging in recognizing obvious problems and the resultant delays in preventing exposure and mitigating the effects lies at the door of nuclear power advocates more interested in preserving the status quo than in helping millions of innocent people who are suffering through no fault of their own. - Nesterenko, A. V., Nesterenko, V. B. and Yablokov, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment.
© AP/NTVSmoke ascends from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant's Unit 3 on Monday 14 after a second hydrogen explosion.
We have had conflicting reports from mainstream news sources regarding the nuclear emergency in Fukushima, Japan. Some say that it is not nearly as bad as the Chernobyl catastrophe, others say that it will be much worse than Chernobyl. What are we to make of this? Who can we trust?

With the current state of affairs, I think it is reasonable enough to expect and prepare for the worst, hope for the best and take what comes. It is with this state of mind that I set out to review the available literature about accessible and alternative therapies in case of nuclear disasters as well as data about the Chernobyl catastrophe. What I found was shocking enough but know that there is also well-documented essential knowledge that can protect you and your loved ones.

This article includes an overview of the publication Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment which appeared in Annals of the New York Academy (2009). The authors - Alexey V. Nesterenko (Institute of Radiation Safety (BELRAD), Belarus) and Alexey V. Yablokov (Russian Academy of Sciences) along with Vassily B. Nesterenko - synthesized information from several thousand cited scientific papers and other materials, including successful and widely available natural therapies that worked. There are also other numerous studies about alternative effective treatments in case of radiation. It will give you a clear idea of what to expect and what you can do in case of a nuclear disaster in Japan.

This is a matter that concerns all of us as no country in the world is capable of providing complete protection from radiation for those living in affected areas and from eating locally grown foods that are contaminated with radiation.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: The Dot Connector - The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction

The latest issue of's new print publication - The Dot Connector Magazine - features an in-depth analysis of the truth about human history, cyclical catastrophes and the edge of the abyss on which we all now sit. If you value your own future and that of your children, this information is of vital importance.

Light Saber

SOTT Focus: DMSO: The Antidote for Radiation Poisoning

Comment: Due to the nuclear alert in Japan and its likelihood to affect the United States and other parts of the world, we decided to carry this article published in The Dot Connector Magazine issue #12.

First, a little bit of background.

Radiation produces free-radicals ("inflammatory molecules") that damage cells that make up tissues such as organs, glands, muscles, and bones. Besides causing the cells to age more quickly they also become distorted, or mutated, creating cancers such as leukemia, anemia, birth defects, and other diseases.

Sulfur has a long history of use as an antidote for acute exposure to radioactive material. DMSO is the classical sulfur compound. A Japanese study showed that even low concentrations of DMSO had radio-protective effects through the facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair, providing protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels in the whole body.

Remember that boosting your body's detox capabilities and overall anti-oxidants levels is a key to survive in these stressful times. Being on a detox diet is crucial to regain health in a toxic environment. Our extensive experience and research shows that those on a no grain/low carb (no gluten) and non dairy diet fare MUCH better.

We'll be publishing more material on detoxification, so stay tuned. For more information on how to protect yourself from nuclear radiation, see:

Treatments for Nuclear Contamination

Iodine Treatments for Radiation Exposure - Radioprotective

DMSO is an effective pain killer, blocking nerve conduction fibers that produce pain.

It reduces inflammation and swelling by reducing inflammatory chemicals. It improves blood supply to an area of injury by dilating blood vessels and increasing delivery of oxygen and by reducing blood platelet stickiness. It stimulates healing, which is a key to its usefulness in any condition.

It is among the most potent free radical scavengers known to man, if not the most potent one.


SOTT Focus: Gabriela Segura, M.D.: Detoxing After the Gulf Oil Disaster

On 3/11/11,'s Gabriela Segura, M.D. was a special guest on WVP Radio show 'Gulf Blue Plague' with host Michael Edward. Dr. Segura's article "The Day the Water Died: Detoxing After the Gulf Oil Spill" brought attention to how mainstream Western medicine doesn't recognize diseases caused by environmental toxicity. Dr. Segura is a heart surgeon with extensive experience and interest in alternative health, research, psychology and the human condition. Her internet sites are at and

Also on the show was Jessica, a brilliant student and aspiring saxophonist from Grand Isle, Louisiana, who spoke about her and her classmates' experiences and health challenges living directly on the Gulf.