Sott Editors
Sott.netThu, 30 Dec 2010 04:54 UTC

© TruTV
Jesse Ventura's TV show
Conspiracy Theory is turning out to be hard-hitting stuff for the US mainstream media. His latest episode touches on the nuts and bolts of the scale of BP's ecocide in the Gulf of Mexico - the toxicity, the coverup, the questions about deliberate sabotage of the
Deepwater rig, comparisons with Katrina, etc. It even brings up Obama's possible background as a CIA asset, interviews Gulf community leader Kindra Arnesen, talks about depopulation/evacuation programs to relocate the entire population of the Gulf Coast. It
even brings up the
fact that the Gulf Loop current became severed from the Gulf Stream and how this would contribute to a global "mini ice age".
It is perhaps unsurprising then to see "conspiracy insider" Alex Jones being planted next to Jesse because that is a sure sign that his vectoring is planned.
For more background and information on Jones' role in hystericizing and derailing the truth of issues and events as they come to public light, check out our extensive forum discussions
here and
here as well as the following articles:
Alex Jones and the Scholars for 911 Truth: The Parable of the Shepherd
Did Paranoid Right-Wing Media Fuel the Pittsburgh Cop Killer's Rage?
Celestial Esoteric Stuff and The Socio-Political Nitty Gritty
Alex Jones: The Pied Piper of Extremism Who Brands "Truth-Seeking" as Mental Illness
Pro-Zionist Alex Jones Banishes Mike Rivero
Give one example of where Jones is selling disinfo -ie spouting information that is factually inaccurate. He promotes and supports Jesse Ventura and sells his book on his website. How is that disinfo?
SOTT in this instance is selling disinfo in my opinion. SOTT only has a its own theory and no hard facts to back it up.
SOTT has continually misquoted Jones. He never said "truth seeking was a mental illness" nor did his radio show fuel the pittsburgh cop killers rage. The cop killer was on the Prisonplant forum criticizing Jones. Imagine if there were people saying SOTT editorials critcizing Israel were fueling Hamas and Hezbollah terrorism? ... What a joke.
SOTT has never taken a section of Jones 22 hr weekly Radio show nor any of his films and dissected them showing factually inaccurate work. Instead SOTT brings no facts to the situation only conjecture. What is really annoying is that this line of thinking infers that Jesse Ventura is not his own man. It's as if he is incapable of seeing through supposed Jones disinfo. Ventura is an intelligent man who would spot a liar in the same way Webster Tarpley would.
The SOTT fixation with Jones borders paranoia. I've yet to see any criticism of Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck etc etc on this site. Jones is insignificant by comparison to those names.
Maybe Jesse Ventura has an audience on TrueTV because it has got great promotion on the Alex Jones show. Now SOTT shows up late to the party criticizing one of the main promoters. Shoddy journalism in my opinion.