As noted in the recent article Flu Crisis Hits Cancer Surgery: Britain Teeters on the Brink of an Epidemic, the flu seems to be hitting Brits pretty hard this winter. So much so that they are now short on inpatient hospital beds in some facilities. The article states that the British health care system is at near epidemic level with the flu:
So far this winter nine children and 18 adults are confirmed to have died from the virus, although in reality this number is expected to be much higher.In another article, Swine flu kills 10 in Britain; sparks fear of another pandemic in 2011, the ghost of the Swine Flu virus is resurrected as the cause of this recent spike in flu-like illness.
One intensive care doctor described the outbreak as the worst he had seen in two decades. Dr Ian Jenkins, former president of the Paediatric Intensive Care Society, who works at Bristol Children's Hospital, said: 'I've not seen this much flu in more than 20 years.'
While the article starts out with the words, "It's back!", we have some doubt that this soon-to-be flu epidemic is solely the result of this virus. Let's not forget that virus experts stated from the early days of the so-called global Swine Flu pandemic that the Swine Flu virus went global before health authorities could do anything about it. In other words, everybody has experienced this virus to some extent by now, and the results have been somewhat blasé compared to the dire predictions of dead millions initially made by the WHO.
While the spike in flu cases in Britain is very real, the purported Swine Flu virus as the cause is likely another example of medical propaganda run amok. But if this recent epidemic in Britain isn't the result of a measly virus, then what is?
Message in a bottle
It seems awfully coincidental that this epidemic pops up at the time of both record snow and low temperatures in Britain and northern Europe. The record low temperatures and the deluge of snow have brought much of Britain to a near standstill in terms of travel as well as shut down many businesses -- and winter isn't even half over! Could the harsh weather have something to do with this recent flu epidemic, and if so, how?
While it may be off the radar screen for many, since the hustlers at BP and their friends in the media have pushed the problem of a mere 5 million barrels of oil under the proverbial rug, this oil has certainly had a devastating effect on life in the Gulf of Mexico and the surrounding areas. After dumping 800,000 gallons of the dispersant Corexit to keep the oil "out of sight and out of mind", BP has certainly tried their best to cover up their little assault on mother nature. While much of this oil now sits underwater in massive plumes slowly washing onshore at nearby beaches in a slow parade of death and poison, some of these millions of barrels of oil have inevitably made their way beyond the Gulf of Mexico into the Atlantic Ocean. Could something as far away as a little spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico be the cause of what ails sneezing and feverish Britons this year?
Back in July a team of researchers from the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawaii released a computer simulated animation showing that the oil droplets released from the Gulf would move all the way north to Georgia and past the Carolinas by October of 2010. Since we're already approaching 2011, just how much further have the oil droplets from this spill progressed into the Atlantic? Have the currents already taken this oil up to northern Europe, and if so, could the toxins from this oil already be present in the European weather systems?
If there is any doubt as to how fast objects in the North Atlantic current travel northward, this article from back in October describes how a "message in a bottle" set forth from Florida made its way to Ireland in roughly 16 months:
The bottle was placed in the Atlantic Ocean near Cape Canaveral, Florida. In 16 months, it floated at least 3,720 miles along the Gulf Stream, a powerful ocean current that pushes northeast from the East Coast of the United States all the way to Europe.
If a relatively large object such as a glass bottle takes such little time to travel from Florida to Europe, just how fast can we expect micron-sized oil droplets to travel a similar distance? Most likely, they are already present in the North Atlantic waters that gestate the weather systems for most of western Europe.
There are already signs that the North Atlantic Current, the current that carries warm air northward and gives Europe much of it's temperate climate has been switched off. While it's debatable how much this has to do with oil droplets in the Atlantic waters and other climate factors, it is possible that this oil floating on the surface, disrupting the normal ocean surface temperatures, has brought weather in Europe to a tipping point in what Polish meteorologists are calling the "coldest winter in last 1000 years". If this trend continues Europe could find itself in the midst of a sudden glacial rebound: a new ice age. At that point nobody in Northern Europe will have to worry about the flu anymore.
Toxic overload
Given the likely chance that crude oil is floating in the north Atlantic waters, is it possible that toxins present in this oil are already making their way into the air and weather systems experienced by Europe? Could this be the cause, or at the very least a contributing factor, to the near flu epidemic in Britain this winter? The timing and coincidence is uncanny.
As noted in the introductory article, the solution to this flu epidemic is obviously the deadly Swine Flu vaccine! But if this new 'injection' of toxicity by BP into the Atlantic waters is the actual culprit behind all this illness, this vaccine -- which already contains dozens of known toxins -- would likely exacerbate the flu problem.
In an article from WOAI San Antonio News that speaks of a mysterious flu-like illness plaguing Gulf cleanup workers known as "TILT," or Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance, a doctor from the University of Texas Health Science Center states that:
"What makes [TILT] challenging is that patients show up with non-specific symptoms. Headaches, fatigue, problems with memory and concentration, upset stomach"In other words doctors have a difficult time distinguishing TILT from the typical flu. But toxins be damned, it's got to be the Swine Flu virus as the cause of all this sickness, right!?
Thankfully, for those who don't believe all that Swine Flu virus and vaccine rubbish, there are real solutions out there to help us eliminate toxins we've accumulated over a lifetime, as well as any new ones present in our ever-changing world. A little over two years ago SOTT released a podcast titled Toxic World, Toxic Bodies containing much valuable information on how individuals can detoxify. This information is just as relevant then as it was today.
More recently, Gabriela Segura, M.D. at the Health Matrix has published an article titled The Day the Water Died: Detoxing after the Gulf Oil Spill outlining the toxic damage done to the Gulf as well as specific ways one can detoxify from BP's unique brand of toxicity. Britons might want to read up on this as well, since the illness they face may be similar in origin to what the Gulf residents face.
why is the board of bp not facing the firing squad right now.
what is up with us apathetic , pathetic people that we take this act
of killing the planet whilst wondering about the big sales.
we deserve to be killed.
we are too stupid to stay alive.