SOTT Focus:

Che Guevara

SOTT Focus: Ukraine on verge of collapse as Kiev forces capitulate: U.S. 'catapults the propaganda' with another desperate 'Russian invasion' ploy

A new country is born: Novorossiya has won its war of independence from Ukraine
Remember when August was considered a 'slow-news month'? Neither do we! Hot on the heels of last week's failed attempt to smear the Russian humanitarian aid convoy as a 'Russian invasion of Ukraine', US-led hysteria reached fever-pitch yesterday when blanket media coverage once again shrieked 'Russian invasion of Ukraine!' Citing 'US intel' about Russian troop movements and Porky-shenko's alleged claim that Russian military had crossed into Ukraine, the US government called - via puppet state Lithuania - an emergency UN Security Council meeting to discuss the "thousands of Russian troops crossing into Ukraine". "10,000" Russian troops in a full-scale ground invasion became "1,000" Russian troops, which became grainy satellite images of dubious quality, which became USA's UN lobbyist for perpetual war, Samantha Power, posting tweets from the UNSC meeting that amounted to 'Russia is a poopy-head'.

The timing reflects the extent to which Kiev has lost military control of the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, now called Novorossiya, to say nothing of political influence over the people living there. As a result of this consolidating of the 'reality on the ground', the peace talks between Russia, the EU and other Eurasian partners in Minsk this week, and the upcoming EU Summit in Brussels and NATO's Summit in Cardiff next week, this latest volley of propaganda fired at Russia by the US empire-builders is a sign of their desperation to prevent the inevitable: rapprochement and back-room deals between the EU and Russia.

Aleksandr Zakharchenko
On August 7, Aleksandr Zakharchenko was made Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic, replacing Alexander Borodai (now deputy PM). The man who assumed leadership of the Donbass Militia in April, unifying the rag-tag groups of fighters into a single fighting force, Igor Strelkov, has been replaced by Vladimir Kononov. The leadership in Lugansk has experienced a similar shuffling of personnel. Considering Strelkov's reputation in the region, this came as a shock to many, with rumors of his being seriously wounded in battle. (These rumors have been denied by Novorossiyan sources). But if recent events are any judge, the new leadership has signaled a turning point in the war of independence being fought in the Donbass.


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Global Picture - Ukraine, Ferguson, Islamic State, Ebola and Palestine - WTH?

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It has begun, and there can be only one. No, this isn't Highlander, it's global politics at its worst. How does it all fit together? The coup in Ukraine, militarized police shootings in Ferguson, the 'Islamic State' threatening to behead all of Christendom, a looming worldwide Ebola epidemic and Israel is up to its old tricks again with more indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians. To top if all off, there appears to be no doubt that our climate is in the midst of a major 'shift' to something radically different from what we've known to date.

Running Time: 02:05:00

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Quenelle - Golden

SOTT Focus: Western propaganda exposed as Russian convoy 'invades' Ukraine with humanitarian aid

russian aid convoy
© ANDREY KRONBERG/AFP/GettyRussia's 280-truck aid convoy parks in Russia.
And so the latest propaganda ploy against Russia comes to an abrupt, anti-climatic end. Sick and tired of Kiev's stalling games and Western media war lies, the enormous Russian aid convoy has just returned to Russia after successfully delivering their cargo of food and medical supplies to the besieged population of Lugansk, victims of an ethnic cleansing program whose real nature has been shamelessly twisted by Ukrainian and Western leaders, and the MSM presstitutes acting as government stenographers, calling the convoy's entry into Ukraine an "invasion". It's unclear whether or not Kiev gave its final approval. I'd like to think the Russians just said, "Hell with this, let's roll!"

I recommend reading the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs press release on their decision to just deliver the damn aid and be done with it. Predictably, the Western war-whore press has all but ignored this statement, preferring to parrot psychopathic fantasy and imply that it's in any way factual.

First there's this little gem from NATO sock puppet war lord-in-chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen:
... [NATO] had observed an alarming build-up of Russian ground and air forces in the vicinity of Ukraine.

"We have also seen transfers of large quantities of advanced weapons, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery to separatist groups in eastern Ukraine," Rasmussen said in a statement.

Rasmussen said Russia continued to escalate the crisis in eastern Ukraine and that this could lead to further isolation of Moscow.
If this is true, then please, for Fogh's sake, show us some evidence! The West - the U.S. in particular - has been making similar claims for months, none of them substantiated by anything remotely resembling proof. If such claims were true, the all seeing eye of U.S. intel would have the evidence and it would be easy to distribute. They could provide numerous high-quality satellite photos of the alleged military build-up, not to mention the "large quantities" of weapons entering Ukraine. But they haven't, ergo, there is no evidence, because it never happened. In contrast, when Russia makes claims, they provide real evidence, with satellite data, accurate time stamps, and other verifiable information, as it did in the weeks after the downing of MH17. They even pointed out that the U.S. had one of its satellites positioned to be able to observe what really happened to the flight. Where is that data?

Russia's response to Rasmussen's bullshit was glorious:
"We've stopped paying attention to Mr. Rasmussen's empty talk and his press secretary. There is no point commenting on them. There is no proof there except Twitter," official representative of Russia's Defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov stated.
Who needs facts when there's "social media and common sense"?!


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Untold History of the U.S. - Interview with Peter Kuznick

This week on SOTT Talk Radio we spoke with Peter Kuznick, Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University in Washington, DC. Kuznick received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 1984 and was active in the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements. He is author and co-author of several books on the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of nuclear power, and the Cold War.

Kuznick and Oliver Stone co-authored the 10-part documentary film series and book - The Untold History of the United States - which explores some of the under-reported and darkest parts of American 20th century history using little known documents and newly uncovered archival material.

We explored with Professor Kuznick the creation of the U.S. National Security State during WW2, the real reasons behind the Cold War and the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, and the side-lining of 'the man who would be president', Henry Wallace.

Running Time: 01:55:00

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Mr. Potato

SOTT Focus: What world do you live in? Putin, East Ukraine and the Old World Order

The biggest problem in our world today is that the vast - and I mean vast - majority of people have no - again, I mean no - idea of how the world actually works and has been working for centuries. Let's take Putin's Russia as an example. Most people in the West, including those who are relatively well-informed about the geo-political context, see Putin as a 'dictator', a cold-eyed ex-FSB agent who is running Russia with an iron fist. There is only one reason why anyone can have ever formed this opinion: they are massively ignorant of how the world works. Putin is ex-FSB, and it is he, along with the upper echelons of Russian intelligence, that runs Russia. This is seen as 'anti-democratic' in the West and in those Russian minds infected by Western 'values' and propaganda. Yet US and British intelligence (among others) have been running not only the USA and UK for decades, but, indirectly, much of the rest of the world also.

It's difficult (in a face-palm kind of way) to listen to people, even well-informed educated people and 'experts', opine on global politics when they are clearly ignorant of (or studiously ignore) this most important fact. There is no 'democracy' in this world, and there has not been for, oh... forever. Western populations are so damn dumbed down and dissociated that they actually can't figure out that nothing of any significance changes with a change of government, despite all the evidence before them. In fact, it's worse than that, things do change, but for the worse from the point of view of the average citizen. Who will argue that Western warmongering and the divide between rich and poor has increased dramatically over the past 40 years? How many administrations does that period comprise, about 10? Democrat, Republican, Democrat, Republican... Whoopee frickin' doo. In the UK, it's Conservative, Labour, Conservative, Labour... In both countries, the supposedly 'bleeding-heart lefty' Democrat and Labour governments fronted by Tony Blair and then Obama actually out-warmongered their supposedly traditionally uber-warmongering opposition parties.

How do you explain that? Easy. There is no difference between them because neither of them, as parties or Presidents or Prime Ministers, actually control anything of any significance. Someone else does.

Star of David

SOTT Focus: Genocide in Gaza: Viable Palestinian strategic options in the face of Israeli tactics

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are watching a horde of Indian braves bear down on them in full battle fury. "Looks like we're in trouble, Tonto," says the Lone Ranger to his pal. "What you mean 'we,' white man?" Tonto responds.
The situation in Palestine mirrors very closely the problems faced by Native American Indians from early American settlers. The American settlers came up against, and ultimately annihilated the Native American Indian populations. Of the estimated 15 million Native Americans, nearly all of them were wiped out. According to some estimates, only a few million people in the U.S. today can claim significant heritage from Native American Indians. Those that were not murdered where simply 'bred' out of existence, either by rape or intermarrying with 'white men'.

It's important to note that the eradication of the Native Americans took a very long time, with many successive 'invasions' and land 'confiscations', as well as small wars and rebellions. The specific history of this conflict is well-known, and where it is not, the reader is invited to review extant information on the topic. The comparison between early American settlers and Israeli settlers is striking and disturbing.

We all know how often 'white men' mourn what was done by their ancestors in the 'New World'. It's a list of crimes that many wish could be undone.

Some of the deeds included:
  1. Buffalo hunted to extinction simply to remove a major food source of the Native Americans. While many were also slaughtered during settlement operations, or while making railroads, actual plans to 'starve' Native Americans by killing Buffalo were implemented.
  2. Blankets and supplies intentionally infected with smallpox and 'gifted' to Native Americans, slaughtering whole populations by a slow and painful death. These were not accidents.
  3. Both official and unofficial 'posses' routinely hounded and slaughtered Native Americans, often on the pretext of some crime. White criminals took to disguising their crimes by leaving Native American paraphernalia at the scene or scalping their victims.


SOTT Focus: Dr. Relic's sure-fire no-risk unequivocally-guaranteed method to completely eliminate the pain and stress of quitting smoking!

smokers for Jesus
Jesus hates a quitter
Programming is a powerful thing.

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, right? They know this because their governments tell them so, and everybody knows that our governments only have the best interests of the people at heart, right? (roll eyes here)

With the relentless push towards GMO crops, toxic flouride in the drinking water, mandatory mercury-laden vaccines, chemical pollutants spewing into the atmosphere, herbicides and pesticides sprayed from here to kingdom come, it's a wonder anyone remains alive on planet earth!


SOTT Focus: Face life with Éiriú Eolas, a stress relief program

On a planet gone crazy, there is a stress-relief program that helps you face life. Used by thousands of practitioners world-wide, Éiriú Eolas helps to effectively manage the physiological, emotional, and psychological effects of stress, helps to clear blocked emotions, and helps improve thinking ability.

Try it for yourself. Do it for the people you love. Do it for the future.

Learn more about how to do Éiriú Eolas for free, and what makes it so effective, here.


SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Video Summary - July 2014

Signs of the Times in July 2014

The seventh installment in our monthly series, the following video compiles footage of 'signs of the times' from around the world during July 2014 - 'earth changes', extreme weather and planetary upheaval.

As geo-political events took a crazy turn in July - with Israel launching its most destructive 'war' on Gaza on the Palestinians since the Nakba, agents of the Western Empire blowing Malaysian Airlines MH17 out of the sky to demonize Putin, and Kiev scaling up its massacre of Eastern Ukrainians - the planet reflected this chaos with even more extreme weather.

Numerous meteor fireballs were seen across swathes of the U.S. and Russia; intense electrical storms pounded the U.S. and Europe; enormous quantities of hail were dumped in places used to scorching heat this time of year; 'tornado season' continued its year-round cycle all over the world; devastating landslides killed hundreds in India and China; people and cattle everywhere were killed by lightning; hurricane-force winds left destruction in Southern Russia and Australia; and just about everywhere was inundated with deluges of rain.

Meanwhile, the planet's EM field has dropped significantly in recent months, while the Sun was practically spotless this month, despite the fact we're currently at Solar Max in Sunspot Cycle 24. July was the coldest in U.S. history, despite record-breaking wildfires and drought in the western half of the country. Between the hail, the downpours, the cold and the storms, farmers everywhere are facing severe losses from crop damage.

Inexplicable mass animal die-offs continue, with dead sea creatures washing up on lakeshores and coastlines around the world. More enormous sinkholes appeared, notably three 'crater-holes' in northern Russia and a 100-feet-wide sinkhole in Florida that witnesses say 'exploded up in the air'. Rounding out the month was an unbelievable series of explosions in Taiwan that gouged whole streets and injured hundreds of people.

Tornadoes in Boston, rivers and seas turning blood red, fire falling from the skies, snow in July, lakes appearing in the Sahara overnight... we are definitely NOT not in Kansas anymore!

Not a Youtuber? Watch it on's Vimeo Channel.


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Russia vs USA, Israel vs Palestine - Interview with Finian Cunningham

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This week we took take a closer look at the chaos unfolding in Ukraine and Gaza, placing both conflicts in the wider political context of the modern history of both the Middle East and Russia.

To help us do that, we were joined by Finian Cunningham, an Irish journalist who has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. For nearly 20 years, Finian worked as an editor and writer for major news media organisations, including The Daily Mirror, The Irish Times and The Independent.

Deported from Bahrain in June 2011 because of his critical journalism, in which he highlighted systematic human rights violations by the Bahraini regime forces, Finian is now a columnist on international politics for Press TV and Strategic Culture Foundation.

Running Time: 02:26:00

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