SOTT Focus:

Snakes in Suits

SOTT Focus: U.S. Puppet Masters ask new Iraqi PM to ask the U.S. to bomb Iraq so the U.S. can bomb Syria

abadi kerry
© Brendan Smialowski/Reuters'Thanks for doing what we tell you, Abadi!' 'No problem, Master Kerry!'
Watch the following video from RT, which includes a clip from Secretary of State John Kerry's joint press statement with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal on September 11 in Saudi Arabia. The trip to Saudi Arabia followed Kerry's 'surprise' visit to Baghdad the day before, where newly installed (puppet) Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called for the international community "to act immediately to stop the spread of this cancer [IS/ISIS/ISIL]." Who exactly is Iraq's new prime minister?

Minister of communications in the post-invasion Iraqi government for 2003-2004, Abadi has served in various posts since then, and has been deputy leader of the Islamic Dawa Party since 2007. Prior to returning to Iraq in 2003 he had spent at least the last 25 years in 'voluntary exile' in the UK being groomed by her Majesty's finest for his future role in post Saddam Iraq.

Pay attention to Kerry's words, in response to the Abadi's request for help in dealing with IS.

He says:
"The government of Iraq has invited the United States of America and asked for help. It has asked for help from the United States; it has asked for help from its neighbors, from other countries in the region. And under international law, when a country is invaded and a country invites somebody to come in and help them, we have every right in the world to respond to that request."
Sounds reasonable, right?

Eye 2

SOTT Focus: Preliminary report on the crash of flight MH17 full of holes, just like the plane

Western mainstream media whores are already jumping all over a single sentence in the Preliminary report [on the] Crash involving Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flight MH17, that reads:
Damage observed on the forward fuselage and cockpit section of the aircraft appears to indicate that there were impacts from a large number of high-energy objects from outside the aircraft.
According to paragons of bullshit like the BBC, this "pretty much rules out anything else other than a [BUK] missile".

What the BBC and just about every other mouthpiece of Western anti-Russian propaganda are studiously ignoring is the evidence provided by Russia, which was corroborated by eyewitnesses, that a fighter jet was in close approach to MH17 when it went down. And in case everyone forgot, large caliber bullets are also "high-energy objects".


SOTT Focus: Ukrainian Role Reversal and Russian Freedom and Democracy

The situation in Ukraine may seem complicated, but the origin of what Western governments and media euphemistically call this 'crisis' is very clear.

It wasn't the corruption of former President Yanukovych, it wasn't Putin's "annexing of Crimea", and it wasn't "pro-Russian militias on the orders of Putin" demanding independence. It all started, as with so many other 'crises' around the globe, with Western politicians and bankers deciding that they needed more 'lebensraum'1, and sources of cheap human capital and natural resources, to prop up Western nations' junk economies that have been looted by the same bankers and politicians.

Picture, if you will, the following fictional scenario:

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Who was Georges Gurdjieff? Interview with William Patrick Patterson

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This week on SOTT Talk Radio we spoke with author William Patrick Patterson about the mysterious teachings of Georges Gurdjieff. After many years as a student of The Fourth Way and discovering no answer to the question that had gradually formed in him - what is the 'self' in self-remembering? - Mr. Patterson was called to explore Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism). In doing so, he realized the full significance of the ideas and practices of The Fourth Way and how this sacred and seminal teaching provided not only the necessary foundation, but was applicable on the very highest levels.

Mr. Patterson is the founder/director of The Gurdjieff Studies Program and has led groups, as well as given seminars and talks, throughout the United States for many years. He has written nine books on the teaching and directed, written and narrated the award-winning video trilogy The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and the just-released video Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way: From Selves to Individual Self to The Self. A new video talk has also recently been released:William Patrick Patterson Explores The Life & Teachings of Carlos Castaneda.

His latest book is Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: The Man, The Teaching, His Mission.

Running Time: 01:12:00

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Cloud Lightning

SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Video Summary - August 2014

Signs of the Times in August 2014

While Western leaders plot more Wars of Distraction, Mother Nature unleashed her fury last month in the form of torrential rainfall and devastating landslides across all continents. From the U.S. to Nigeria, from the Balkans to Japan, flash-flooding from cloudbursts turned highways into rivers and mountains into fountains of mud and rock. Three waterspouts appeared off the Swedish coast; six waterspouts - some of them coming ashore - terrified residents in Genoa; and tornadoes AGAIN hit Istanbul and the city of San Cristobal de las Casas in southern Mexico.

Raging wildfires and 'severe drought' alternated with 'monsoons' in western U.S. states. The worst wildfires are burning at the most northerly regions of the planet: Canada and Siberia. More typhoons slammed into Japan and China, dumping several feet of water and forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate their homes. Meanwhile hurricanes in both the Atlantic and Pacific caused coastal damage in California and Hawaii, where the first direct hit from a hurricane in 22 years occurred on the same day as an earthquake.

Remember those 'crater-holes' in Siberia? Something similar appeared in Utah this month, while more sinkholes swallowed more cars, and a 1km-long rift opened up in northern Mexico. The discovery of hundreds of new methane plumes off the Northeastern U.S. coast coincided with researchers reporting a major increase in methane outgassing in the Arctic. As South Africa was hit by its strongest quake in 45 years, Californians moved one step closer to 'the big one', with the state's strongest earthquake for 25 years destroying buildings and injuring 200 people.

As above, so below: up in the skies, spectacular 'jet-lightning' bolts, 'earthquake lights', meteor fireballs and 'UFOs' were caught on camera... stand by for the Signs of the Times in August 2014:

Not a Youtuber? Watch it on's Vimeo Channel:

SOTT Earth Changes Video Summary - August 2014 from on Vimeo.

2 + 2 = 4

SOTT Focus: Global Pathocracy, Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World

NATO summit warmongers watch a flyby...French President Hollande makes a habit of embarrassing the French people.
Two days ago, following French president Hollande's announcement that France would not deliver the Mistral warship that was bought, paid for (and partially built) by Russia, I wrote on my Facebook page:

"Today, I am surfeited with the insanity on this planet. I left the US because of the madness there, Bush invading Iraq; now, the contagion seems to have spread everywhere."

I wasn't just saying that for effect, I was definitely plunged into a black hole of despair at the realization that there really isn't a single leader of any so-called civilized Western country, who has two neurons firing and an ounce of conscience.

Star of David

SOTT Focus: MH17 Who Dunnit? Western Media Silent on the Evidence

Five hours after the crash of MH17, U.S. VP Biden had proclaimed it was "not an accident" and was "blown out of the sky". How did he know?
Within hours of the destruction of Malaysia flight MH17 on July 17th, with the wreckage and bodies still smoldering, western politicians already knew what had happened and who was to blame. This fact alone is highly suspicious and reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks when, within an hour of the first plane hitting the WTC, western politicians and media pundits had already named Osama bin Laden as the likely culprit. On both occasions, were they reading from a pre-prepared script?

Despite what you may have heard, or think you heard, there is no official explanation as to what happened to MH17. If you 'know' that Russia was responsible, then you've fallen victim to the lies and anti-Russian propaganda of the West.


SOTT Focus: Born from the Ashes and Blood or, How FDR, Churchill, and Stalin butchered Poland

Comment: Laura's note: This piece is excerpted from a longer work that I wrote back in 2000 or so. Obviously, my perspectives on a lot of things have changed since then. However, the main point, that Poland was screwed over by all three countries, with FDR being the real sell-out and back-stabber, still stands. I thought it might be useful to remind the Poles of this fact now, at a time when great care should be taken regarding alliances, and on the anniversary of the invasion. Political situations can change dramatically as a people grow and change and acquire governance in accordance with that growth. Russia has changed for the better; the USA has changed for the worse; so too, it seems, has Poland.

At the annual party rally held in Nuremberg in 1935, the Nazis announced new laws which institutionalized many of the racial theories prevalent in Nazi ideology. The laws excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with persons of "German or related blood." These became known as the infamous "Nuremberg Laws."

Many husbands and wives of Jews in Germany were forced to choose between divorce or concentration camps. Hitler would not allow "interracial" marriages and those that chose to remain married were punished by imprisonment in camps where many died. There were also many couples who committed suicide together.

Three years later, at 11: 55 p.m. on November 9, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller sent a telegram from Berlin to all security police stations and units in Germany. The following paragraph is an excerpt from that telegram:
In shortest order, actions against Jews and especially their synagogues will take place in all of Germany. These are not to be interfered with... Preparations are to be made for the arrest of 20-30,000 Jews in the Reich. Primarily propertied Jews are to be selected...
The Terror had begun in earnest.

The Nazis engineered the Kristallnacht attacks so that they would appear to be unplanned and set off by the anger of the German people over the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager.

In two days, over 1,000 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. The pogroms became known as Kristallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass, " for the great quantity of shattered glass from the store windows that littered the streets of Germany.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Israeli Collaborators, Provocateur Rocketeers and Cynical Ceasefires

Did anyone else notice that the 'ceasefire' in Gaza sort of came out of the blue? Pundits put this down to 'war weariness' on both sides, but the precise timeline of events leading up to the ceasefire has me a little perplexed.

On Monday, 18th August, a 72-hour ceasefire was declared as part of the talks in Cairo. The following day, Tuesday, the Israeli delegation left at 4 pm, precisely the time when the IDF would later say that Hamas had fired rockets at Beersheba, thereby "breaking the ceasefire".


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: The 'White Widow' - Western Intel's Phony 'Jihadis' - Interview with Jon Ryman

This week on Sott Talk Radio we spoke Jon Ryman, creator of the excellent short documentary called 'White Widow' - The Samantha Lewthwaite Conspiracy.

The so-called "white widow" grabbed the headlines over a protracted period last year for her alleged leadership of the attack on Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. Samantha Lewthwaite first rose to 'fame' as the alleged 'wife' of alleged London '7/7' tube bomber, Germaine Lindsay, and since then has been a veritable rising star in the phony world of Islamic terrorism, particularly in Africa.

As with so many other supposed 'Muslim terror leaders', the story of Lewthwaite appears to be one large fantasy that reveals disturbing insights into how British, Israeli and US intelligence agencies run the bogus 'war on terror' from behind the scenes.

Running Time: 01:55:00

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