High StrangenessS

Grey Alien

US: The Dulce Base - Fact or Fiction?

Dulce Base - level 12
© UnknownPhoto of alleged Level 12 Dulce Base
Rio Rancho, New Mexico - Norio Hayakawa is a resident of Rio Rancho who believes that wild rumors may not always bring a bad name to a community or hurt it. Sometimes they bring curiosity seekers, and even tourism may flourish. Take, for example, the city of Roswell. And when it comes to the subject of UFOs, Hayakawa believes that there is a much more interesting area in New Mexico than Roswell.

According to Hayakawa, Dulce, New Mexico, a sleepy little town of less than 4000 (inhabited by the Jicarilla Apache nation), has attracted quite a number of UFO and conspiracy buffs ever since rumors surfaced in the mid-80s that a U.S./alien joint biological laboratory and base exists a mile under the town's Archuleta Mesa. "This rumor has become so well known among UFO buffs around the world that anyone doing a Yahoo or Google search on Dulce, New Mexico would find the bulk of over 300,000 search results related to the alleged underground base," Hayakawa said.


US: UFOs near ground level in Texas, North Carolina - new reports

North Carolina ufo
© UnknownIllustration by Nashville, North Carolina, witness - story below.
Three UFO low fly reports over Texas and North Carolina were recently reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

A man and his daughter at Medina Lake near San Antonio on March 25 watched as a silent, semi-circular craft with no lights or windows, hovered just 30 feet off of the ground at a distance of about 100 yards. The craft measured about 12 to 15 feet across, and 5 to 6 feet in height. The object tilted slightly before disappearing.

Four witnesses driving home from a restaurant watched a donut-shaped object at the rooftop level of nearby homes hover at a distance of 600 to 1,000 yards in Driftwood, Texas, on March 14. A peculiar sound from the object seemed to change pitch depending on the brightness of the object.

A man stopped his tractor trailer after observing a hovering object as he was driving east on U.S. Route 64 near the first exit for Nashville, North Carolina, on March 10. He said the object was between 75 and 100 feet off of the ground. He described it as a silent, triangular-shape, 40 to 50 feet wide, with two red lights at the rear and a bright white light in front. It was between 200 and 300 yards away. The object hovered, then moved above a shopping center for 5 to 7 minutes, and then moved away in a southerly direction.


Canada: Vancouver, British Columbia - Two Bright Objects Move Across the Night Sky

Posted: March 26, 2009

Date: March 25, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m.

HBCC UFO Research Note: One of the witnesses also gave me a call on the telephone just after the sighting took place, also as you will read below, sent in a written report.

My husband, who was out on the balcony, called me to come quick, I did.

As I looked westward into a clear starry night, I saw 2 lights similar in appearance to stars, about as bright and as large as Venus in the southern sky and unblinking.

Black Cat

US: Another black panther sighting

Black Panther
© UnknownBlack Panther (this one is a leopard)
For many years there have been rumors of black panthers or black mountain lions being spotted from as far away as Point Reyes National Seashore to Dublin, California.

The majority of the sightings have been in the Las Trampas Regional Wilderness by San Ramon, California.

While mountain lion sightings in this region are common, claims for black panther sightings cause a bit of a stir considering that cats like these in any habitat are extremely rare.

Black Cat

England: Epping Forest - 'Beast of Ongar' spotted again

Another sighting of a big cat has been reported - this time lolling around in a tree in Coopersale.

The latest sighting was made by 12-year old Joe Campling and his cousin, Dean Campling, 11, as they were driven to a friend's house by his mum Kay.

The family, from Mowbrey Gardens in Loughton were waiting to turn on the corner of Epping Road and Coopersale Common shortly before 6pm on Friday March 20 when Joe raised the alarm.

His Mum, Kay Campling said: "He suddenly grabbed my arm and said 'Oh my God', while looking out the window, he was getting really excited and said there was an animal in the tree. But we'd already turned onto the road and I didn't see it."


US: Dulce Base New Mexico Archuleta Mesa Underground Base!

Area map
© Unknown
Dulce, New Mexico, from reported underground bases, to UFO sightings, to Archuleta Mesa sounds, has way too much going on. Dulce, New Mexico has been a spot for UFO sightings since at least the 1970s.

When you add in sightings of "entities" and reports of underground bases, it just leaves the senses to question - why, why so many reports, why so many unanswered questions.

First the UFO reports.


Wales: UFO sightings continue to occur in Wrexham

A second person says she saw a set of strange lights in the sky above Wrexham on Sunday night.

Earlier this week, the Evening Leader revealed how a couple from the Sontley Road area outside Wrexham returned home at about 7.40pm to watch in amazement as five brightly-lit objects soared overhead.

At first, they thought they might have been seeing a helicopter until they realised the objects were completely silent.

The man said: "At first there was just one of them, then another two of these things went over our home, followed by another two.

"As they passed overhead some of them just seemed to vanish into thin air but one or two of them appeared to shoot off at high speed."


England: Another Fenland UFO sighting

Fenland ufo
© UnknownFlashback to an earlier UFO sighting over Fenland.
The question of UFOs in the skies over Wisbech has been raised again this week following yet another suspected sighting by a Citizen reader.

A man, who does not want to be named but lives in the Walsoken area, said he has gone from being a complete sceptic to being open-minded after his experience on Mothering Sunday (March 22) when he spotted a series of 'strange orange lights' in the sky over the Smeeth, Outwell and Emneth area.

The 35-year-old said his mother had drawn attention to the objects as they moved silently across the sky.


US: UFO Orbs With Mothership Photo, Maybe Best Ever! (01/09/09)

Orbs and Mother ship
© Christine Dickey
In one of the most spectacular photographs ever captured on film is the elusive Orb UFO with it's Mother Ship following in concert with it's every move. Five Orb's are seen in the photo below with their Mother Ship in tow in the bright blue light high above.

The photo was taken in Casa Grande, Arizona by the State Director of MUFON for Arizona, Christine Dickey. Christine used a Nikon D 90, 2008 model, Pixels 4288 W X 2848 H, resolution is 72 dpi, bit depth is 24, 35 mm focal length F is 4.5, +3 step exposure bias.

The event date of the photo was 1/15/09 at 9:02 PM.


US: Witness reported UFO activity includes Texas landing

Michigan ufo image
© UnknownLooking Back: See Michigan March 15, 2006 report below.
A disc-shaped craft descended March 22 into a Lorena, Texas field, two witnesses reported, and while they observed the scene through binoculars, they watched as three occupants emerged.

Two UFOs over Oklahoma on March 25 were "strobing" each other. The witness said it appeared as though the two crafts were communicating with each other.

A triangular-shaped UFO the size of an airplane hovered March 18 between 300 and 500 feet off of the ground over Indiana and then slowly moved off.

A Connecticut witness on March 19 watched a low flying triangular-shaped UFO move vertically, then moved directly over the witness. The craft had one white light on each corner, and one small red light at its center.

In Pennsylvania on March 24, a witness watched as a series of bright lights moved across the sky in pairs. When they were directly overhead, the witness did hear what sounded like the "faint rumbling of an engine."

In other UFO news, orange lights over Florida split into two lights on March 17. A circular, disc-like object with a ring of purple lights and four very bright blue lights on its underside was spotted over Texas on March 20. Three quick flashes of light lit up the sky over Jackson, Michigan, on March 22. And a fast moving bright "ice blue/white object the size of a Volkswagen car" was seen over Washington state on March 21.