© Getty ImagesIndustrial, pesticide-dependent agricultural practices in the United States are creating a death trap for the honeybee and threatening the human-bee symbiotic relationship forged over milieu.
When I was teaching at Humboldt State University in northern California 20 years ago, I invited a beekeeper to talk to my students. He said that each time he took his bees to southern California to pollinate other farmers' crops, he would lose a third of his bees to sprays. In 2009, the loss ranges all the way to 60 percent.
Honeybees have been in terrible straits.
A little history explains this tragedy.
For millennia, honeybees lived in symbiotic relationship with societies all over the world.
The Greeks loved them. In the eighth century BCE, the epic poet Hesiod considered them gifts of the gods to just farmers. And in the fourth century of our era, the Greek mathematician Pappos admired their hexagonal cells, crediting them with "geometrical forethought."
Comment: The attention focused on this article is because of the work and intent of the authors' of the paper discussed. The paper basically reduces the Medieval Warm Period to a regional European phenomenon using the old bag of tricks employed by Michael Mann of the infamous hockey-stick graphic (used to eliminate the Medieval warm period and show man-made global warming).
The discussion is rather in depth but it does show how low the man made global warming proponents will go to validate their beliefs.
Climate Audit's discussion has become quite expansive with several articles demonstrating the deceptiveness of the methods used in the paper.
Discussions can be reviewed here:
(Link) (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link)
Additionally the Medieval Warm Period was a world wide climatic event. As IceCap pointed out CO2 Science has setup a database to track research on the medieval Warm period. (Interactive map here java plugin)
The database preface reads: