Michael Hayne, a Comedian and Columnist who has contributed to NY Times Laugh Lines, guest-blogged for Joe Biden, and writes a column for MSNBC.com affiliated Cagle, wasn't joking when he related the information this weekend on the Website Addicting Info.
The news is welcome, particularly as people continue to learn more about Wall Street and New York City and the nature of the people in the upper echelons. Not only have Americans watched the players on Wall Street shove the nation's future into their wallets, but there are more specific reasons that the police are behaving in a corrupt manner, they're being paid off by groups like JPMorgan Chase, which recently donated:
... an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple.-JPMorgan Chase
Comment: There was also a huge fire at a chemical plant in the US today:
US: Texas - Massive chemical plant fire near Dallas
A message from the Universe to the two biggest warmongering countries on the planet, perhaps.