Society's ChildS


Moscow gun rampage killer gets life sentence

© RIA Novosti. Vladimir AstapkovicMoscow Gun Rampage Killer Gets Life Sentence
A Russian court sent to prison for life Monday a man who shot dead six of his colleagues last year.

The court found Dmitry Vinogradov guilty of six counts of murder.

Vinogradov, 30, went into the Moscow office of the pharmaceutical company where he worked as a lawyer on the morning of November 7 and opened fire on his colleagues with two hunting rifles, killing three men and two women and wounding a fourth man who later died in hospital.

Hours before the shooting, Vinogradov, dubbed the "Russian Breivik" by media, posted a rambling message on a social network about his hatred for the human race, stating that the only way to make the world better was to kill as many people as possible.

In his message, Vinogradov wrote: "Evolve! At last become aware of your real meaning and place in this world! Understand that you are aliens here, you are the genetic rubbish which should not be here, the rubbish which appeared by accident, as a result of a mistake in evolution, the rubbish which must be destroyed."

Psychiatric experts confirmed his sanity during the investigation.

Arrow Down

Nearly half of new Harvard students admit to cheating

© The Independent, UK
Nearly half of new students starting at Harvard this year have admitted to cheating in their studies before starting at university.

A tenth of the incoming class have cheated on an exam, while 42 per cent admit to doing homework dishonestly, according to the results of a survey by the university's own newspaper The Harvard Crimson.

Athletic students were most likely to cheat, with 20 per cent confessing to chicanery in tests, compared to nine per cent of those who do not play a varsity sport. Men are twice as likely to have cheated.


American Police State: 107 year old man shot dead by police SWAT team

A stand-off on Saturday left one man dead. S.W.A.T. Officers shot and killed the suspect after a standoff at a Pine Bluff home.

Lt. David Price told channel 7 that when officers arrived at the home they learned that an aggravated assault had occurred against two people. The suspect, Monroe Isadore, who authorities say is 107-year-old old, pointed a weapon at them.

Authorities asked the two victims to leave the home and walked up to the bedroom door where Isadore was supposed to be. When officers identified themselves to the suspect he shot at them through the door but no officer was injured. Police then asked for backup. Police supervisors began negotiating with the suspect as soon as they arrived. Meanwhile, S.W.A.T. was also called out.

Negotiations continued for some time and when S.W.A.T. arrived they were able to insert a camera into the room and confirmed Isadore had a handgun. They released gas into the room, after negotiation proved unsuccessful, in hopes Isadore would surrender peacefully. Once gas was released into the room, the suspect fired at the S.W.A.T. Officers. Shortly after, a S.W.A.T. entry team entered the room and Isadore continued to shoot. Officers fired back, killing him.

Che Guevara

Flashback CNN online poll: 89% of Americans believe there's been a 9/11 cover-up

On Wednesday, November 10th, Anderson Cooper featured Kyle Hence and Jimmy Walter regarding the latter"s TV ad campaign to expose 9/11 truth around WTC 7 and the Pentagon strike. Although Cooper also introduced "official story" apologist Gerald Posner to discredit the ads (with already stale and discredited excuses), viewers were apparently not impressed and 89% of over 10,000 respondents to the show"s online poll still maintain there"s been a government cover-up.', 'On Wednesday, November 10th, Anderson Cooper featured Kyle Hence and Jimmy Walter regarding the latter"s TV ad campaign to expose 9/11 truth on WTC 7 and the Pentagon strike. Although Cooper also introduced "official story" apologist Gerald Posner to discredit the ads (with already stale and discredited excuses), the viewers were apparently not impressed and 89% of respondents to the show"s online poll remain convinced there"s been a government cover-up.

Eye 2

UK: Python bites Swansea woman as she heads home from the pub

A Swansea woman was rushed to hospital after being bitten by a python on her way home from the pub.

Sue Cull was attacked as police were hunting the eight foot snake in Dyfatty.

Sue Cull who was rushed to hospital after being bitten by a python on her way home from the pub
The 47-year-old, from Griffith John Street, took a short cut across the grass near to where she lived when she suddenly felt a stinging sensation on both legs.

Ms Cull believed she had walked through stinging nettles. But when she got home her partner Kay noticed there was blood streaming from both her legs.

Snakes in Suits

The man who made Femen: new film outs Victor Svyatski as the mastermind behind the protest group and abuser of its members

© Olivier Hoslet/EPAA Femen activist is arrested by Belgian police outside the EU council headquarters in Brussels
It's the Ukranian feminist group that embarrassed President Putin. Its activists have staged many protests against sexual and political repression by stripping to their waists in carefully choreographed media stunts.

"Our mission is protest, our weapons are bare breasts," runs their slogan. Now, a new documentary screening at the Venice Film Festival has revealed that Femen was founded and is controlled by a man.

Ukraine is not a Brothel, directed by 28-year-old Australian film-maker Kitty Green, has "outed" Victor Svyatski as the mastermind behind the group. Mr Syvatski is known as a "consultant" to the movement. According to the Femen website, he was badly beaten up by the secret services in Ukraine earlier this summer because of his activities on behalf of the group.

Star of David

The Most Telling Poll of All: Israelis want US, Europe to attack Syria, but against IDF

Two-thirds of respondents to Gal Hadash poll concerned American attack on Syria would lead to Israeli involvement in war.

IDF Drill
© REUTERSIDF SOLDIERS take part in a drill on the Golan Heights, near the Syrian border, yesterday.
The US and European countries should attack Syria, but Israel should not be involved in the assault, two polls in weekend Hebrew newspapers found.

While polls in the US and United Kingdom have found overwhelming opposition to their countries attacking Syria, a Gal Hadash poll published in Israel Hayom found that 66.6 percent of respondents would be in favor of American and European military intervention in Syria.

Only 17% opposed a US/EU strike and 16.4% did not know.

When asked whether they thought such an attack would take place, 72.8% said yes, 15.8% no, and 11.4% did not know.

Asked whether they were concerned that American intervention in Syria would lead to Israeli intervention in the war, 66.8% said yes, 28.7 said no and 4.5% did not know. Regarding what Israeli intervention there would be, 57.4% said limited IDF activity, 14.1% said Syria would attack Israel but the IDF would not respond, 12.9% said there would be all out Middle East war, and 15.6% did not know.

A separate Ma'agar Mohot poll published in Friday's Ma'arivfound that Israelis overwhelmingly oppose an Israeli strike on Syria. If America does not intervene in Israel's northeastern neighbor, 77% of respondents who expressed an opinion said Israel should not get involved militarily, 11% said the IDF should, and 12% said they did not know and other answers.


Hundred thousand attend Syria peace vigil at Vatican

Syria Peace vigil
© AP Photo/Riccardo De LucaPeople hold Syrian flags and signs against a possible attack to Syria, prior to the start of a vigil for peace attended by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013. Tens of thousands of people have answered Pope Francis' call and massed in St. Peter's Square for a 4-hour-long prayer vigil for peace in Syria. It was believed to be one of the first, and certainly the largest popular rally in the West against U.S.-led plans to strike Syria following the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack near Damascus.
Tens of thousands of people filled St. Peter's Square for a four-hour Syria peace vigil late Saturday, answering Pope Francis' call for a grassroots cry for peace that was echoed by Christians and non-Christians alike in Syria and in vigils around the world.

The Vatican estimated about 100,000 took part in the Rome event, making it one of the largest rallies in the West against proposed U.S.-led military action against the Syrian regime following the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack near Damascus.

Francis spent most of the vigil in silent prayer, but during his speech he issued a heartfelt plea for peace, denouncing those who are "captivated by the idols of dominion and power" and destroy God's creation through war.

"This evening, I ask the Lord that we Christians, and our brothers and sisters of other religions and every man and woman of good will, cry out forcefully: Violence and war are never the way to peace!" he said.

"May the noise of weapons cease!" he said. "War always marks the failure of peace, it is always a defeat for humanity."

In Damascus, a few dozen Syrian Christians attended a service in the al-Zaytoun Church, joining Francis' invitation for a global participation in the day of fasting and prayer and to oppose outside military intervention in the conflict.


Stork detained as "winged spy" in Egypt found dead

Stork Spy?
© AP
A stork once detained by Egyptian authorities on suspicion of being a winged spy has been found dead.

Mahmoud Hassib, the head of Egypt's southern protected areas, said Saturday that local residents found the dead bird on an island in the Nile, south of the ancient city of Aswan.

In August, a local resident found the stork in Egypt's Qena governorate, some 450 kilometers (280 miles) southeast of Cairo. Both he and police were suspicious of the European wildlife tracker found on it. Authorities later let the bird go.

However, controversy trails the bird into death. An Egyptian wildlife organization claimed on its Facebook page the bird was "eaten by local villagers." Hassib denied that the bird had been eaten, though he didn't know an exact cause of death.

Heart - Black

370,000 elderly people were abused in UK last year

Elderly people are being routinely ill-treated by carers or relatives, says Lib Dem MP Paul Burstow

UK elderly people
© Paul Doyle / Alamy/Alamy

As many as 370,000 older people have been abused in their own homes by a carer, relative or friend in the last year, according to figures, exposing what has been described as a "hidden national scandal".

The number aged over 65 who are physically, psychologically or financially persecuted at home every year is likely to reach almost half a million by the end of the decade.

Elderly men and women across the country, from all walks of life, are routinely ill-treated, yet former health minister Paul Burstow warns that their plight is often ignored or dismissed.

The scale of the abuse, and its rapid growth, has prompted Burstow, who uncovered the figures, to demand a series of radical changes in the law to aid the detection and punishment of those misusing their positions.

As it stands, social services are constrained in their ability to gain access to the elderly in their own homes when a carer is proving an obstacle, even where abuse is suspected. There is also no criminal charge of neglect available against those mistreating a vulnerable and older person who is judged to be of sound mind.

Burstow, a Liberal Democrat MP, told the Observer that elderly people looked after in their homes enjoyed few legal protections and were all too often condemned to living their last years in misery, "out of sight and out of mind". He said: "This is a hidden national scandal. The thing that worries me is what this says about our society.

"There is a feeling that people who are elderly have had a good innings already, or that by the time that the abuse can be uncovered the victim will be dead. The cases that do feature rarely prompt the revulsion that follows cases of child abuse, or the system being galvanised to say 'never again'."

The former minister is due to meet the prime minister in Downing Street to discuss the crisis, along with the Older People's Commissioner for Wales and Gary FitzGerald, chief executive of the charity Action on Elder Abuse.

Burstow said: "The prime minister should use the care bill to toughen up the law and send a powerful message that abusing and neglecting older and vulnerable people won't go undetected and unpunished.