Perhaps only people who are capable of real togetherness have that look of being alone in the universe. The others have a certain stickiness, they stick to the mass.
time for german to start carrying knives maybe? Take a martial arts class (Wing Chun kung fu is good idea) Ju Jitsu? Muy Thai? Stop being so...
Seems with all this money to give away and be frauded, why are we being charged taxes. Seems they have enough.
The USAID money laundering is revealing the "deep state" funding apparatus for regime change and "fake" news around the world. Here is a Michael...
Holy Crap - the DNC is not only TOAST - they are digging their own graves.
contraceptives for Afghanistan If fighting terrorists is the aim then this is quiet a cunning plan when you think about it, big terrorists come...
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Reader Comments
Interesting show.
The term 'gnosis' has many meanings, not the least of which is having a special insight into heaven and earth. Not many people can boast of that gift.
My answer to everything is; 'do unto others as you would want done to yourself'.
I studied the Gnostic gospels from a US published scholarly hardback book which I ordered from a books shop in 1978 in B'ham UK. It contained all the books and gospels (including all the empty gaps where parchment was damaged). I read much of it many times fascinated by it. I have been interested in Gnosticism for a long time, intrigued by it but nevertheless somewhat wary of it.
However my point was not about Gnosis but about English and clarity. I found the discussion extremely vague and impossible for me to understand what you guys are talking about, it's just one wooly sentence after another. This is not analysis. Sorry I have this opinion but I do. Perhaps you could improve it.
The real question is what is reality? What is truth? In our known history there are individuals who made a breakthrough into a higher perception of reality: Buddha, Zarathustra, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Moses, Muhammed, Gurdjieff, and each of them left a teaching that gave a path or methods to use as a guide.
The path can change the human being's perception of reality. Since most people are unwilling to question their belief systems they remain chained to the wall of the cave.
But seriously, I adhere to the belief of my own, that all belief systems are humankind's attempt to apply reason and understanding to a system over which it has NO CONTROL what-so-ever. That system being the very earth upon which we exist. Humanity has been granted an unfathomable boon in that we can create and destroy, dominate and co-exist, but we are unable to maintain the balance between the two.
I lucid dream, sometimes at will and sometimes not, I have been told how old I will be, I have had precognition of events in the world 3 times, when I get ill it is for 3 days (technically 5 1day getting ill, 3days in hell 1 day fever breaks and I am fine), all of my grandparents have come to me and said goodbye upon their death.
As sophomoric as it sounds, shadows and dust is all we are, 99.999999% of us will never be more than a memory in anyone's life until that generation runs out, then we will only "exist" as story/myth of what once was.
Where it originated from?
btw....reading of your Experiences....was refreshing.
That would elicit a minefield of frenzy in the NeoGnostic attempting to explain the mechanisms behind a psycho spiritual insight.
Like the interviewer, I wonder about the youth living in a nihilistic continuance of a created reality, ever being produced and created by AI technology, headsets, that will, at will, create a virtual reality of demons and dragons or some spectral vision alternatively of a life filled with angels and unicorns, where every desire is yours, and life is one. To numb the senses, and live out their reality in an AI word The amount of video entrapment games...beggars belief.
My mind leads me to suggest, that any question, other than a created material universe, does not exist, we will create all you will ever know.
Forget the real thing, a psycho spiritual, which mankind has experienced for millennia. The experience we create will provide good and evil, and we will inform you of the definition.
This is Brave New World on Steroids 2.0, soon to be 3.0
My thoughts.
Another poetic text is the Gospel of Truth, quote: "It is thus that each one has acted, as if he were asleep , during the time when he was ignorant and thus he comes to understand, as if he were awakening . And happy is the man who comes to himself and awakens."
I read your BIO about being a student of esoteric knowledge and studied Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.
I wanted to ask for your opinion or any knowledge you may have on Samael Aun Weor
Regards Alex
In looking at Wikipedia, which is not a good source, this description of one book is interesting. "The Perfect Matrimony, unveiled the secret of sexuality as the cornerstone of the world's great religions." Is there a summary version of that book that you would recommend? Is there one book that encapsulates what he taught?
There is no other way for them to think, of course. Freemasonry has been taken over by pedophiles, and whatever the Stasi phenomenon is. In exactly the same way, the meaning of Christianity itself (and gnosticism) went through several changes. Paganism, to Christians, is what the devas were to Zoroastrians. Yahweh (for some gnostics), Zeus, and Indra were all to be understood as demons. Well then, some gnostics did the same thing to old gods as the Catholics did.
Of course, these are the same gods as the slavic Perun, and Russian paganism was mentioned here. As long as it is based in empathy and deeper understandings of the truth, it should turn out OK, right? What's in a name? What did those gods really mean? Can't we change what it meant? Do we need to? What about their similarities to gods of wisdom and nature? Why wouldn't wisdom or nature be this secondary creator that Plato imagined, that modern gnostics have converted into a simulation? Right-wing Christians are right, then, gnostics believe in a simulacrum.
The solution would be to understand that there are mystics opposed to the simulacrum, and if either mystics' or Christians' understanding of evil spirits is not correct, it can be understood later. In their fight against the true manipulators, Fuentes and Lindsay must cling to their manipulative left hemispheres. The cycle repeats. Or we are exaggerating, and they know the real culprits are just weirdos worshipping Baal.
But of course, Baal is the god of Ezekiel, and the one meant to kill off Yaw or something. Baal, Mardek, Zeus, and Indra are all the same. But they're all the same evil Reptile... who destroyed their own snakes (Yaw, Tiamat, Typhon, Vritra).
OK, I've nothing more.