Men whose waists exceed 40 inches and women whose exceed 35 inches must log and share their weight loss journey, according to documents obtained by the newspaper.
"I will drink no more than one diet soda each day," a DPS officer reportedly said in a fitness improvement plan. Meanwhile, those who fail to lose the weight, even while passing other fitness tests, may be denied promotions and overtime, or be taken off their duties.
The News article continued:
In the latest round of testing, most officers who failed the waist measurement passed the department's running, rowing and weight lifting tests - suggesting that state troopers with proven strength and stamina may be discounted simply for their size.Meanwhile, Border Patrol agents in five Texas border sectors apprehended approximately 627,000 migrants since October, Breitbart News reported Wednesday.
The possibility of taking officers out of the field comes as the department is struggling with recruitment and ramping up activity at the state's border with Mexico under Gov. Greg Abbott's Operation Lone Star.
Per the News article, as of this April, 213 officers among approximately 4,000 failed to satisfy the waistline requirement.
Although losing weight can pose a challenge for some, it can be even more difficult to maintain weight loss, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.
"Keeping extra weight off takes effort and commitment, just as losing weight does. Weight loss goals are reached by a combination of changes in diet, eating habits, and exercise," the website read.
If an officer's waist was found to be too big, they must implement a fitness plan.
In documents released to the newspaper, officers detailed some challenges and one trooper was concerned about inflaming past injuries but said he would document runs and be waist measured weekly.
Reader Comments
Every person, regardless of profession, should be required to fit within a certain standard.
If they cannot do it by themselves, they should be computer gizmo aided.
This could be in the form of a microchip (or chips, many chips, many many many chips) inserted wherever necessary, as often as necessary, to regulate function.
The health of the whole planet is at stake.
Quite possibly, the entire universe.
There should be perfect collusion.
Dr. Google Gizmo (rhymes with Gitmo)
What a fat lazy race🤦♀️🤦♀️⚰🚬
I'm reminded especially of a particular morbidly obese local jail guard who didn't really walk, more like waddled, and wore special suspender socks to hold his leg fat in. I wouldn't body shame normally but the guy was a jerk so it was fun to talk dirt about him in discussions with the other residents, like questioning how he could possibly catch anyone running from him and how the heck he was hired as a guard in the first place. If I ever do get chased by anyone in a position of authority I hope it's him! Climbing one fence and then walking away slowly would be all that'd be required to escape such an elephant seal.
It is very clear that people cannot think for themselves.
I've always been on the lean side, I think fat's ugly, and I don't care for it. So I'm definitely not biased towards fatties. My personal preferences, or those of whoever came up with this crap, shouldn't get anyone fired who can do the job.
While I agree these troopers could probably stand to lose some weight, we should consider the mental and physical demands put on these troopers before casting judgement.
How do they plan physical exercise, family time, and healthy eating in a job that takes so mucb of their time?
Obesity is clearly a problem in U.S. and these troopers should definitely take responsibility over their bodies in this profession for sure...but...come isn't so cut and dry all the time.
Seems to me like this is exactly what they want.