Implanted chips and immunity passports, Covid-sniffing robots, "very active pharmacovigilance surveillance system[s]", vaccine patches - the Biotech Industrial Complex under COVID-19 is more or less here, just chomping at the bit to be implemented.
So as we sit, more or less helpless, as the Big Brother beyond Orwell's worst nightmares comes to fruition, how is a thinking, seeing person supposed to get by? Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we discuss the implications of our new techno-fascist overlords. Hope is not dead.
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Running Time: 00:30:28
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Here is the transcript:
Erica: Hello and welcome to Objective: Health. I am your host today, Erica and joining me in the virtual studio is Doug and behind the scenes is Damian. Welcome both.
Damian: Hello.
Doug: Thank you.
Erica: Today we're going to talk about the biosecurity state. This is a very deep rabbit hole to go down, lots of information. We're going to maybe scratch the surface today, but just some reference material for those who are interested in going down that rabbit hole, there was an article published back in October by The Last American Vagabond by Whitney Webb and it was titled "Google and Oracle to Monitor Americans Who Get Warp Speed's Covid 19 Vaccine for Up to Two Years".
This sparked interest for us because we have in the past done a show about Opewation Warp Speed. {laughter}
Doug: Opewation Warp Speed.
Erica: Can't help it. You have to have a sense of humour about the language that's used in a lot of this information and really, the mass hypnotization programming. There's a lot of things going on here but basically from the article she talks about Monsef Salawi and how he told the Wall Street Journal that all Warp Speed vaccine recipients will be monitored by an incredibly precise tracking system and Google and Oracle will be involved in that.
In the interview the New York Times also published an interview, but they talked about how a very active pharma co-vigilance surveillance system will be used. For those who are wondering what a pharma co-vigilance surveillance system is, {laughter}...
Doug: Everybody knows that.
Erica: ...I personally can't even really say it. But they're using tech to monitor. You would think being an uninformed person that this would be a good thing, that they're doing their best to monitor side effects or adverse reactions. Really, according to this article, and Whitney Webb does a phenomenal job laying it all out, is that really that's not the case at all. This is more about Department of Defense military style tracking and surveillance. Therapeutics, which is the actual vaccine, is really a very small part of it.
I'm just going to read one thing that was shared from a document "From Factory to the Front Lines-The Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense" states:
"The key objective of pharma co-valence is to determine each vaccine's performance in real life scenarios, to study efficacy and to discover any infrequent and rare side effects not identified in clinical trials. We will also use pharmacovigilance analytics which serve as one of the instruments for the continuous monitoring of pharmacovigilance data. Robust analytical tools will be used to leverage large amounts of data and the benefits of using such data across the value chain, including regulatory obligations."So they're just coming right out and saying it. One of the things that I found in doing research for this show was how much they're just clearly telling you the agenda now. To give some background, there's been a lot of simulations of flu pandemics. For those listeners who are not aware of this, one was called Dark Winter. That started back in 2001. It was a senior-level bioterrorist attack simulation. It was actually using smallpox.
But then we go on to more recent events like Crimson Contagion in 2019 from January to August. It was the same kind of thing - national, state, local, public and private organizations participating in a simulated pandemic. Another one is Event 201 which - maybe our listeners have heard about it - an outbreak simulation based on the novel coronavirus.
So they've been looking into this for a long time. Whitney Webb has actually written several articles that go even deeper into these past simulations and the sordid characters involved. Currently we're in the middle of it and a lot of these characters, one being Robert Kadlick who works for Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security. He's the assistant secretary for preparedness and response. He is in there since 2001, since Crimson Contagion. I don't think that there's anything that has benefited humans in this program would you think Doug?
Doug: No, I don't think so. What just becomes readily apparent with this, as you were saying, on the surface it's like, "Oh, we need to track people to be able to remind them to go for their second dose of the vaccine and we need to have it all digitized and be tracking everything to make sure that they get the same vaccine for the second dose as they did for the first dose and we're going to take a look and make sure that there's no side effects that we didn't notice in the studies" and things like that. It sounds, like you were saying, like they're just being responsible, that that's something good.
But when you tie it to all these other things, all the simulated events that they've done, all the different players that are behind the scenes, the multi-tentacles of the New World Order, whatever you would want to call it, is all so embedded in this that it just seems obvious that that is just a front, that what they are really doing is rolling out a massive tracking surveillance system and because they expect to have every American vaccinated, it's a way to track every American and in the world too. I'm sure that this won't be limited just to the US.
When you take a look at all these big - I don't even know what you'd call them - pushes from all these different sectors, when you look at all the stuff going on with food, the Eat Lancet and all that kind of stuff, you really get a picture of how the future that they're envisioning is all starting to take shape. It's coming from multiple angles so there's plausible deniability. "We don't have anything to do with those guys." But really, you get this vision of what the future is going to be like, in their eyes, what they would like it to be; everybody tracked, traced, everything you do is known, everything you eat, every vacation you take, the whole bit.
So it just seems like this is one more front that they are pushing forward on.
Erica: Yes. It's very concerning. One of the sub-headings in her article was about secret contracts. I just want to go into that a little bit so our listeners can see how they're creating this without any sort of oversight or accountability. She talks about how,
"Warp Speed contracts have been awarded to Google and Oracle and those contracts grant companies diminished federal oversight and exemptions from federal laws and regulations designed to protect taxpayers' interests in pursuit of work stipulated in the contract. It also makes them essentially immune to the Freedom of Information Act or FOIA requests."Years down the line when people try to find out about this, they're not going to have access to that information. Also she noted,
"A major conflict of interest worth noting is Google's ownership of YouTube which recently banned on its massive multi-media platform all misinformation related to concerns about a future covid vaccine."Doug: Misinformation!
Erica: Yeah. So you want to bring up our recent experience? {laughter}
Doug: Oh yeah. We were banned! I forgot to mention that. Totally. We had our video that was called "Where Did the Flu Go? where we were talking about how suddenly the flu has disappeared. Maybe I shouldn't say too much about it because this one will get banned too. But just so people know, they can still see our video on and I think we have it on BitChute as well. So you can still find it, it's just that YouTube has banned it. Let's put a link in the description to the show so people can still see that, unless that gets us banned as well.
Erica: Well that just speaks volumes because months ago we did a show on Sayer Ji and Dr. Mercola and so we're just seeing this now. I did recently see that High Wire with Del Bigtree was also just taken off of Instagram and Facebook. Interestingly, as a side note, I think it was because he had James Corbett on his show and they talked about the great reset. That could be why. He has strayed out of the vaccine debate and into some other information. So who knows?
I'm with you. I really think that this has become a theater, for one thing, and biosecurity is the new buzzword. So we're seeing it in the US implemented very slowly and meticulously. I'll just give an example. Anywhere that you go into a public place now they take your temperature which seems not too nefarious in and of itself but how long until we accept being scanned with a cell phone or some sort of chip reader to let us into public places? The whole idea behind it is "We're protecting you and ourselves" and really it's just instilling this idea that it's okay to do that to assess your health before going into a public place.
I've heard it referred to as this biosecurity theater. It's just a formality but it doesn't really reflect reality. We have to do it at my job now. If somebody has a 100 degree temperature do I ask them to leave? Half the time the device doesn't work properly. But it's just getting the public to accept perceptions and expectations of acceptable behaviour.
Doug: Yeah.
Erica: And that also means, unfortunately for us in the US, the masks. That means wearing the mask, socially distancing, etc.
Doug: It's also interesting the way this all seems to have pivoted from terrorism. After 911 you had all these different measures being brought in to "Watch out for the terrorists. This is for your own protection." It's always under that guise, right? "We're doing all these things for your protection because there's such a danger of terrorism out there." Now it seems like that was so last decade. Now it's all about the virus. All these different measures being brought in, all these different freedoms being stripped away, all this tracking, all this tracing, all these information tentacles wrapping around everything, knowing everything, under the guise now of this virus, which is a complete nothing burger as we know. It's just so interesting to see how they've changed everything. You don't even hear anything about terrorism anymore, not really.
So I thought that that was interesting, to say the least.
Erica: Now it's bioterrorism. You are the weapon and you may not even be aware of it. One of the really creepy, dark aspects was in Whitney Webb's article of an interview with Dr. Mercola called "Operation Warp Speed-A Technocratic Chess Piece" - which is an excellent interview for those who are interested - they talked in particular about the ideas of smart cities and how they will be using surveillance systems to surveil sewage in smart cities to predict pandemic outbreaks up to 10 days before they even happen and if that becomes the case then they can shut down these entire smart cities.
So this is where the future is going for us and if people think that they can opt out of it, it's really getting to the point where that's no longer a reality. As you said Doug, there's really no place that you can go to opt out of such things. We in the US just seem to be an excellent subject to start with, probably because of the military and organizations like DARPA. They created what they called a PhD program back in 2006 and you would think it's for doctors, right? No, it's predicting health and disease, like something out of some science fiction movie like pre-crime but it will be predicting whether an individual will develop an infectious disease prior to the onset of symptoms.
"It's planned to accomplish this by identifying changes in the baseline state of human health through frequent surveillance with specific focus on viral upper respiratory pathogens. This preemptive diagnosis would be transmitted to a national web-based influenza map via your smartphone."Doug: There was an article on a site called medtechintelligence. It was called "NIH Awards Seven Contracts for Covid-19 Digital Health Technologies'' and they list off the different companies that have gotten contracts. When you read through some of them, Evidation Health Incorporated - health measurant platform that analyzes patient consented data to detect Covid-19; IBM - contact tracing solutions that includes verifiable health status reporting; I-Crypto Inc. - smartphone-based solutions that provide proof of testing, serologic and vaccination status; PhysIQ Inc. - platform that integrates artificial intelligence, data analytics and cloud computing with an FDA-approved wearable that monitors health status of Covid-19 positive patients, etc, etc.
It's all tracking. Everything is tracking you through your cell phone, wearable stuff that will tell people if you're sick. One of them is a GPS-based retroactive contact tracing solution that also includes information about businesses visited by covid-positive patients. There's one by Vibrant Health that integrates mobile apps data and validated machine learning algorithms to differentiate covid-19 from the flu and conduct contact tracing using WiFi.
So it's basically that they're awarding all these contracts that are essentially just to be better and better at following you, knowing what you're doing, knowing where you've been, who you've been in contact with, all of this kind of stuff.
Erica: All for your health and well-being!
Doug: Well of course, right. When you combine this with the information we've presented in multiple shows about how covid-19 is not a particularly dangerous virus, it's just an excuse. That's all it is. This is all the stuff they've been wanting to roll out forever and covid has provided a very convenient excuse to do all this, to implement all these things, under the guise of being for your own safety.
Erica: What I find interesting, as I stated earlier, is the language that they use around these kinds of things, Warp Speed, the Dark Winter and Crimson Contagion and all these really fear-provoking words, but also the names of organizations that are actually monitoring a lot of this. One of them is Sentinel.
Doug: Really!
Erica: For anybody who hasn't watched the Matrix, you should go back and watch it to see what a sentinel is. Basically Sentinel's main goal is,
"To improve how the FDA evaluates the safety and performance of medical products through big data with an additional focus on learning more about potential side effects, an electronic surveillance system that aggregates data from electronic medical records and claims and registries that voluntarily participate and allows the agency to track the safety of marketed drugs, biologics and medical devices."So they're using this Sentinel program also to surveil the vaccine effectiveness and they're calling that "Host-Licensure Rapid Immunization Safety Monitoring Program better known as PRISM which is another scary, creepy word and it was developed to monitor vaccine safety but to date has never been used to actually access vaccine safety." They're selling you a bill of goods based on bullshit. {laughter}
Doug: More or less. It's kind of a scary thing. They've often referred to this era or the coming era as the post-privacy era where it's like Brave New World. Everybody knows what you're doing all the time, everywhere. I don't really like that idea. Maybe they will tell me that I'm just old paradigm, that I need to get over it but I don't want to get over it. I actually think this is really bad.
Erica: Yeah. People have been coming out warning of this. I can't even remember what show we did but Zack Voorhees, the one who came out about Google...
Doug: Yeah, the whistleblower.
Erica: ...and said be careful. They just bought Fitbit, so all these people who are exercising and having all of their information go into their Fitbit and they think that it's great because it's telling you how much sleep you're getting at night and how many steps you're walking every day, but really this information is being sold and collected and used to create this huge web of god knows what. For me, I'm not a super tech-inclined person so it's hard for me to actually visualize what that looks like but what really stuck out to me from what he had revealed was that this is actually a violation of HIPPA which is your rights to have your medical data shared with people besides yourself.
So people have been blowing the whistle, so to speak, on it and then they just fall into the memory hole and get banned on YouTube and we never hear about it again. All the while, going into the holidays and winter, it's coming back with a vengeance. People are back on the red and orange codes for pandemic spreading even though if you take a look at the numbers you see that's really not the case. It's almost like the more people find out, the more the powers that be double down. "We're just going to double down. We're going to make it even more draconian." To tell people that they can't be around friends and family for the holidays, to go as far as to monitor who's at your house, how many cars are parked in your driveway.
I will say in the US there is quite a strong movement, slow but happening, of sheriffs and police that are not going to be enforcing non-violent crime, which I think is good. Right now, at least for the US, I hope that there's more of that. I think it just depends on where you are too. But do you guys see any of that where you are? More of a crackdown. When we were told to socially isolate and lock down back in March, I think the monitoring of people doing that perhaps wasn't as extensive as it is now.
Doug: We certainly are seeing it to a certain extent here. I think we've just entered our second lockdown and they're supposed to reassess on December 15. It's a much less severe lockdown whereas in the states I think that they might be going in the opposite direction. It seems like here they're placating people and little bit and it's not quite as bad as it was. More stores have been able to open up, that sort of thing. I know in the UK they've been talking about banging doors down and busting in and breaking up Christmas dinners if you have too many people with you or something like that. We haven't seen anything like that, any threats of that so far. So far.
Erica: So far. I think the concerning thing now, at least what we're seeing in the US is that manpower alone to do something like that is not realistic, especially in more rural areas. In the town where I live there's four police officers so they're not really going to be able to do that logistically. But I think that will end up doing is encouraging citizens to turn in their neighbours...
Doug: Exactly.
Erica: ...and non-compliers. That's where it gets very concerning because it's your word versus a tattletale.
Doug: Once they incentivize that kind of thing, "If you rat on your neighbours and we catch them, then you get this. You get some money. You're allowed to leave your house for two hours a day instead of one", then I think you would really start to see Stasi-like neighbours ratting on neighbours. That kind of thing is really scary, especially when you see the disheartening number of people who seem to be enthusiastically into all these restrictions and really believe that you are a danger if you're not following the rules to the letter. It's kind of scary to see that side of human psychology, to know that there are a lot of people out there who are like that who will gleefully turn in their neighbours and watch them be carted off to covid camps.
Erica: So do we have any suggestions? {laughter}
Doug: I don't know. What can you do? Throw out your cell phone. I don't know. Sit back and enjoy the show is really about the only advice that I can really think of. As these things progress and move forward, like you said before, the ability to opt out becomes narrower and narrower and you have to assume at some point that it's almost not going to be there anymore. Well maybe we shouldn't end on something that's such a dour note. We don't know what's going to happen. We really don't.
Damian: Could share the video.
Doug: What's that?
Damian: You can share the video.
Doug: You can share the video. There you go!
Damian: It's something.
Doug: Knowing what's going on, keeping your eyes open, that's half the battle right there, to be able to know what's going on and in the event that something comes down you are able to act. Then you do. You have the knowledge to be able to work with, to make the right moves.
Erica: Exactly. One thing that I think is very important is to try and not succumb to the fear.
Doug: Right.
Erica: There's a lot of ramping up of fear. Turn off your mainstream TV. If you find yourself being inundated by emotions of panic, maybe take a moment to walk outside and remember that you are a human being and not a human doing and you don't have to go along with 27 unrealistic regulations. For the first time ever, I'm actually speaking out, saying what I think, which is a little bit scary, but at the same time, as these things progress, it's better to have done something with the knowledge that we have, than nothing. I do feel like we have a responsibility. We know these things and having done this show for so many years, we've said many times, in a sense we feel a little bit vindicated because we weren't crazy, tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists.
Doug and I wrote an article years ago about the Disneyland measles epidemic/outbreak allegedly. People pay attention! These kinds of things are rearing their ugly heads for a reason and now we know why. Now we're starting to see how they're playing it out. So not succumbing to the fear is key and having friends and family around that you can honestly share your concerns with. Let those fears out. It's kind of a bubble that needs to be burst. "I'm really afraid if I go to Walmart I may kill my grandma." Just have the discussion with people about it because what I see with all this isolating people is that they do not want people to come together and share information, at all.
Doug: Yeah.
Erica: About what they're seeing in their communities, towns or states, or countries. So that's why we continue to show up every week when we can.
Doug: When we're not banned.
Erica: And get this information out there. When we're not banned, yeah. You can't alone take on all of this information and not have it wear you down. It's good to be able to talk to people about it.
Doug: Cool.
Erica: So I'm sure we'll be following up as this progresses more and more. After the new year we may actually start to see the guinea pigs that are receiving this Warp Speed craziness so we'll try and keep up with what's happening as much as possible.
So we appreciate you all. Thank you all for listening. Please share this video. Please read Whitney Webb's extensive research on this because it's really very well done. We will come back and check in soon with another interesting topic. Thanks all. Have a great day.
Doug: Bye everybody.
Damian: Bye.
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