At this point it seems that anyone who is capable of comprehending the fact that face masks are physically incapable of protecting one from SARS-CoV-2 infection has already done so. The experts, the agencies like the WHO, the mask manufacturers themselves - all have told us as much, (even if they later backtracked on it).
Yet here we are - mask mandates in full effect through most of the world with tyrannical consequences for those who don't comply. And not only are the masks ineffective, there is growing evidence that they are actually harmful. Humanity is currently in a state where our leaders are forcing us to do harm to ourselves and our families (hardly something new) or face unreasonable consequences.
Those who are capable of independent thought recognize the situation for what it is, while those of authoritarian bent, or those who simply can't face the cognitive dissonance involved in realizing our "leaders" would do anything against our best interests, continue to comply and screech at those who don't. It's a mess of huge proportions on multiple levels.
Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we, yet again, delve into the topic of masks.
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Running Time: 00:39:28
Download: MP3 — 36.2 MB
So when there really is a bad bug, or someone really is super compromised, they've been led to think that if I wear my face diaper again, I'll be 'safe'!!!!
The only protection from airborne bugs is total geographic isolation...