propolyne glycol in cbd oil, doesn't anyone check what the ingredients do before ingesting themYes, PG is nasty and in all ... ALL ... kinds of ingredients, like perfume. Some people have allergies to it, like me, and I only use VG for my e-liquid. What people aren't realizing is that PG has been a part of those e-liquids for over a decade and people haven't been getting sick, having lung problems or any other side effects from it (unless they have a similar allergy as mine).
1. There are lies, damned lies, and then statistics.R.C.
2. figures don't lie, but liars figure.*
If the e-liquids are made in China....This was an open ended "just saying" kind of phrase, similar to many others used against certain countries like the Russiaphobia I see all over the place. China gets blamed for a lot of problems that aren't theirs so it's on top of being one of that crowd, the irritation was already there due to seeing a large influx of media that aren't reporting the facts.
I have in my line of work had a lot of experience with addicts. The addiction takes over the brain and affects thinking. That is why you get a bitter angry reaction.Cleverly worded so as not to come straight out and accuse me of being an addict. So, I guess the overreaction you see in the political threads or in person are a result of being an addict? Hmm. Makes a lot of sense.
Face it, your habit isn’t the magic answer to tobacco everyone was made to believe... especially people like you where because they are not suffering any effects (yet) or haven’t seen anyone else suffering then obviously it cannot be. Don’t be so narrow mindedThat's about as narrow minded as it gets... already presuming that at some point in my habit I will begin to experience some side effect. People DO have side effects, as I mentioned above, from allergies they never knew they had or some ingredient doesn't agree with them. I don't try to push my habit on anyone, just b/c it worked for me. If my narrow minded self would've thought it was some magic answer, I would've been pushing it on people since day one.
You stated, “you ALL look stupid sucking those things" ... One person stated they used them, one might have implied that. So let’s call that 1.5 of the 10 responders. So to you, 15% = ‘ALL”.R.C.
Oscar_Mayer: I suggest that you go ‘suck on a hot dog.’
Comment: The sudden increase in vaping-related illnesses is quite shocking. Could it be due to the mainstream coverage which is encouraging those affected to come forward? Or, is the data being fabricated for some nefarious purpose? Alternatively, it could be that a particularly toxic batch of vape liquid has recently been released and is wreaking havoc, although, without more information, it's hard to tell. Whatever the cause in the sudden spike of reports, it's probably wise to skip the vape and stick with the real stuff!
Also noteworthy: And: For more information on vaping see below: