fucino carrot onion crop
Italy: Bad weather affects carrot and onion production in Fucino Due to the heavy rain of the past few days, Fucino producers haven't been able to sow anything, therefore carrot and onion quantities will be very low in June. This of course will have repercussion on the numerous businesses focusing on these crops.

"The heavy rain is causing delays in the Fucino area. The soil is soaked, so you can't even set foot in the fields. We usually sow spring and summer carrots this time of year, but everything's been compromised. Onions destined to the domestic market won't probably even be sown," explained Domenico Fidanza, Councillor for Agriculture at the Celano municipality.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the situation is going to improve, as another weather front will hit Abruzzo over the next few days, bringing more rain.

"It probably won't be possible to access the fields for another 20 days, provided it stops raining. Harvesting in June will not be possible, affecting hundreds of local businesses. In addition, we must stress that Fucino is not equipped with reservoirs to collect all this water, so it will go to waste and we won't be able to use it in case of summer drought."

Source: www.marsicalive.it

Comment: Fresh Plaza also reports:
Peru: Table grape exports fell by 11% this season

The general manager of the Association of Producers of Table Grapes of Peru (Provid), Carlos Zamorano Macchiavello, stated that Peru exported 285 thousand tons of table grapes during the current campaign (2017/2018), i.e. 11% less than the 320 thousand tons it dispatched in the previous season (2016/2017).

Zamorano Macchiavello also said there were still two weeks remaining and that they expected that, by the end of the campaign, the difference would decrease.

The fall in exports, he said, was due to a decrease in production caused by the Coastal El Niño phenomenon, which mainly hit Piura and Lambayeque, the main producing regions of table grapes in the north coast.

Exports from Piura decreased from 15 million boxes in the 2016/2017 campaign to 9.5 million boxes in the current campaign, while exports from Lambayeque had gone from 2.8 million boxes in the previous campaign to 2 million boxes in the 2017/2018 campaign. Each box stores 8.2 kilos.

Meanwhile, Ica, which wasn't affected by the coastal El Niño, achieved high productive yields. This region's table grape shipments went from 17.4 million boxes in the previous campaign to 20.73 million boxes in the current campaign. Ica's campaign has not finished and producers expect to continue making dispatches for another fifteen days.


Source: agraria.pe

Publication date: 3/5/2018