nikolas cruz florida school shooting
© The Free Thought ProjectNikolas Cruz social media posts
How was this troubled young man NOT detained? And how is it the same agencies that failed so horribly to do their job are now, along with so many in the Establishment Media, declaring it is law-abiding citizens who must disarm?

What follows is the FBI transcript of a phone call from a woman warning the FBI that Nikolas Cruz was going to explode. She details his fascination with ISIS, his prior explosive conflicts when a student, the ongoing threats he was making to others, and her fear he will return to a school and "just start shooting the place up."

If you read this in light of what has so recently and tragically taken place and not be outraged against those whose job it was to prevent such tragedy, you aren't paying attention. And then ask why the media has been so slow to ask the same questions of these agencies because, given the following information, it is that horrible negligence that deserves so much of the blame.

Reading this will break your heart and likely make you very-very angry...

cruz call
cruz call
cruz call
cruz call
cruz call
cruz call
cruz call