Market analyst Lynette Zang says even with the new tax cuts passed in Congress, the market looks like "it's running out of steam." Zang explains, "I have been noticing in the past month some pattern shifts that would indicate to me the market is struggling and breaking down. So, these tax cuts make earnings per share look a lot better and also brings back a lot of funds. . . . The CEOs are saying that money will go into share buybacks, and they need to because that is shifting. . . . Corporate buy backs are actually breaking down."

Zang says ever since the 2008 meltdown, the elite have just been buying time to set up a debt reset. Zang charges, "I am 100% certain we are in the middle of a money standard shift. Ultimately, they need the markets to implode. . . . In 2008, the debt based system broke. It died, it was done. The central banks, globally, put it on life support, and they have to create a new system. In my opinion, they want us cashless, and they want everything in digital form. They want to dematerialize wealth at least for the masses. I am 100% certain that this Bitcoin craze, and all of this, is about getting people used to digital currencies. So, when they shift us from the debt based system to the digital system, we are more comfortable with it and more familiar with it."

Zang says don't expect the central banks to simply give up power. Zang contends, "They are not going to give up their power just like that. We've had a great run, and now it's your turn. Hey, population, yes, we've taken 96% of your wealth, but here we're going to let you have this piece. It doesn't work like that. The system doesn't work like that."

Zang says one must-have asset to protect you from what is coming is physical gold (and silver). Zang says, "Keep in mind, for 6,000 years, gold has been money. It is the primary currency metal because it is indestructible, and it has full intrinsic value because it has uses right across the entire global economic spectrum. It's real, and it's the only thing that is outside of the system and fully invisible. It is also the foundation of the monetary system. . . . After you have a major implosion, all confidence is lost. What if we have a grid implosion? You won't have access to your Bitcoin. You are going to need barterable silver, and you are going to need physical gold. You can always convert real tangible money into any good, service or any other currency. The true value of gold, if they did the reset today, is north of $9,500 per ounce. That is a very conservative number. Before the reset happens, the higher the debt amount and the higher the derivatives amount, the higher that gold price goes."

Zang predicts in the next crash, "real estate, stocks and bonds will all crash." When will this happen? Zang says, "Enjoy your Christmas," but in 2018, all bets are off. Zang explains, "In 2018, I don't think they can hold these things together. I think we will see a major market correction in 2018. When that happens, that will cause the derivative implosion. We have to feel a lot of pain. . . . I think we are going to go into hyperinflation, and I think we will start to see that in 2018 because I think we will see these markets implode. I think we will see QE4 (money printing) for sure. . . . We have QE right now propping it up, according to the Fed's own documents."

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at