My friend is a trustworthy reporter who often sees anti-Clinton stories spiked. Not everybody at CNN is bad. The leadership is, though. This is a respected neutral who is being silenced - A good friend of mine, sick of CNN suppressing inconvenient stories that hurt the left.

On election night, Hillary was straight up "Hitler-in-the-bunker"

The few honest MSM reporters have been reduced to leaking info to new media people because their corporate bosses won't let them report it. A friend at CNN says Clintonland reports Hillary was in a "psychotic, drunken rage" election night; needed hardcore meds to speak Wednesday. The CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained. Hillary on election night was straight-up Hitler-in-the-bunker shit. It even included psychotic screaming about "the Russians." The doctor helped restrain Hillary when she violently attacked Mook and Podesta at midnight. He gave sedatives, then amphetamines the next morning. The CNN reporter says Hillary needed so many amphetamines Wednesday morning that she had unexpected nosebleeds all day. The fear was she'd bleed at concession.

And we seem to have separate sources corroborating her drunknedness: