What began in 2011 with a violent assault against Libyans ended in a NATO-requested and UN-approved 'no-fly zone' that resulted in a massacre of unprecedented proportions. Nicholas Kristol at the New York Times had the audacity to claim that Libyans were running around shouting, as bombs fell on their heads, "Thank you, America!" The murder and mayhem was necessary, we were told, to 'protect civilians' from their leader. A glorious and benevolent act of kindness, the 'humanitarian intervention' would usher in a new 'civilized' regime and 'up-lift' ordinary Libyans.
In reality, an entire population was killed, maimed and terrorized while NATO and its 'rebels' displayed apparent enjoyment at tearing the country apart.
When NATO left and the bulk of 'Islamist' mercenaries were moved on to Syria, Libya was left mired in civil war hell. At which point the West changed its narrative - no longer was the intervention a 'triumph of Western values'; now it was 'a regrettable mistake'. The utility of this change in narrative lies in the fact that they're now saying they'll have to go back and 'fix the mess' (that they made). It's like the psychopath returning to the scene of its crime.
But they have no intention of 'fixing' anything - rather, they want to make sure the victim has no chance of recovering and telling her side of the story.
NATO has recently been increasing its activities in the country. Beginning in January, with the 'mapping of ISIS militants and their battle networks,' the US and UK are now in talks to begin deploying thousands of troops for extensive military operations. Following major defeats of their terrorist groups in Syria, Libya has become their home-base (again), with ISIS commanders meeting in Sirte in December 2015 to re-group and, no doubt, pick up weapons and other war materiel from their Western handlers.
Current division of power
Council of Deputies
With the Zionist-NATO plan for the Middle East in shambles, and with a new axis of resistance emerging from Hezbollah (Lebanon) to Damascus to Baghdad to Tehran - and supported by Moscow - Libya's future remains in the balance. Libya's central authority is in shambles, with at least four main forces vying for control of the country. There's the Council of Deputies, based in Tobruk, which was 'democratically elected' during Libya's collapse, the General Nation Congress, which has currently lost out to the UN's 'unity government', and the Tribal Council, which, from a Western perspective, might as well not exist, despite being the only body with nationwide grass-roots support.
The Council of Deputies, based in Tobruk, is 'recognized by the international community' (which means it's recognized by the American Empire), and backed by the Libyan Army, which these days is commanded by CIA spook, General Khalifa Haftar.
Haftar was among those who helped Gaddafi come to power. But following a disastrous 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco in Chad during the Chad-Libya conflict in the 80s, he and several hundred of his soldiers wound up as prisoners of war in Chadian camps. Interestingly, the US intervened and brought Haftar, along with his troops, back to the US, where Haftar then reportedly began training with the CIA at Langley. Haftar returned to Libya for the first time in 2011, as a commander of the mercenaries brought in to topple Gaddafi.
General National Congress
Then there's the 'Islamist' General National Congress, based in Tripoli, and backed by its own militias. Formed in 2014, it has not been granted 'international recognition', probably due to the fact that its last president, Khalifa al-Ghawi, requested Russian assistance in the fight against ISIS, a request which Russia had said they'd be happy to honor. Sadly, this initiative never made it off the ground, with NATO no doubt intent on making sure it remains that way. For his 'crimes', Ghawi earned himself sanctions and has been ostracized by said 'international community'.
Unity Government
The 'new' government, appointed by the very powers that destroyed the country, is led by Fayiz as-Sarraj, a man 'tasked with demanding an official military intervention at the United Nations, as soon as possible, against ISIS forces in Libya.'
If his 'government' successfully 'wins' Libya, Sarraj and his people stand to inherit the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) - the largest African wealth fund, worth some $65 billion, but which is mostly 'frozen' in Western bank accounts. This amount is probably only the tip of an iceberg; some estimates put the amount of Libyan assets frozen by the West at $1 trillion. Something tells me Libyans will be lucky to see any of it ever again.
Control over the LIA account is currently being fought in court by Hassan Bouhadi and Abdul-Magid Breish... and guess who has purposefully bungled the legal proceedings...
For now, the LIA battle is in London but in a bizarre twist the case was last week controversially stopped in mid flow on advice from Britain's Foreign Office.What do the Blairs have to gain from keeping $65 billion out of the hands of the sparring governments in the country? Well, for one, this is very useful leverage over the future of the country.
The judge making the order, which keeps both existing governments from getting their hands on this $65 billion asset, is none other than William Blair, brother of - you guessed it, Tony.
Libyan people
Last, and certainly not least, there are the tribal authorities, representatives of the traditions of the Libyan people. However they will never be recognized by Western powers, since they are a lasting legacy of Libya's strong democratic and nationalist tradition. They represent the human creative principle and, as we will see, are a threat to NATO's plans for the region. Libyans are beginning to show signs of increasingly organized resistance:
Exactly one week ago [late February 2016], NATO, after the failure of the "national consensus government" in Libya, has another problem - the daughter of the leader of Jamahiriya - Aisha Gaddafi. After four years of silence, in a letter from Eritrea, she turned to the Libyans with a call to resist the new conquest of the West and declare themselves the successor of her legendary father - "the mother of Libya." The largest Libyan tribe "the warfalla", in the town of Beni Walid (Misurata), has already sworn allegiance to Aisha, proclaiming their commitment to the Jamahiriya. In response, the BBC circulated new, updated footage of the lynching of Muammar Gaddafi, aware of the particularly acute nervous reaction of his daughter. Meanwhile NATO convened an emergency meeting in the Netherlands on the situation in Libya.And what happened two weeks after NATO's emergency meeting? The US and UK sent special forces to Misrata, just north of the town of Beni Walid, to begin training 'rebels'. The official line is that they're awaiting a request by their puppet government to invade (how very thoughtful!), in the interests of 'defeating extremism', of course. Once again the line between 'terrorist' and 'freedom fighter' is deliberately blurred to perpetuate wars of plunder and sadism, and keep Libya 'down for the count'.
Join me for a moment in pondering the depths of psychopathic cynicism here: in 2011, they sent terrorists to Libya and called them 'freedom fighters'; now those same terrorists are the reason they want to blow up Libya again.
The psychos have a CIA spook in charge of the Libyan Army, have been arming terrorist militias, and are trying to create a 'unity government' that will both give them access to resources and call in 'reinforcements' to defeat a 'terrorist threat'. In other words, it's more of the same for NATO: contrived chaos to 'legitimize' more war and more destruction. Not satisfied with stealing billions, if not trillions, of Libya's resources, they're back for more.
The US and UK are busy arming troops in the vicinity of Aisha Gaddafi, daughter of the leader of Jamahiriya, and the natural leader of the resistance against NATO's psychopathic domination. But here's the perennial problem Western leaders keep running into as they 'recreate the world' in their image: healthy people will always resist being turned into 'creatures of like mind'. And, as Professor Tim Anderson pointed out on last week's Behind the Headlines: Interview with Tim Anderson: The truth about the Dirty War on Syria, mass resistance to NATO's (re)conquest of the Middle East is not futile. Far from it, in fact, it is showing signs of gaining traction and strength as 'the international community' continues to lose the plot.
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Zionists Attempt to Repeat Italy's Unspeakable Past with Libya
Submitted by JoanneM on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 5:17pm
For those of you who do not know what was done to Libya by Italy from 1910 to 1947, I will give you a quick overview but I suggest you go and find the movie "Lion of the Desert" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081059/) the story of Omar Mukhtar starring Anthony Quinn. This is a amazingly accurate movie about the Italians and their colonization of Libya. The Libyans were very successful at defeating the Italians for years in the desert because of Omar Mukhtar, a school teacher turned leader. Benito Mussolini.who was running Italy during the 1920's and 30's decided to send his most ruthless, bloodthirsty General, Rodolfo Graziani, to conquer Libya using ANY means. Graziani took to controlling all Libyans by putting a huge barbed wire fence across the entire desert, thus trapping any wild animals, camels, nomads, people etc. and they suffered until death. He also went about putting all Libyans in concentration camps where he starved them from shelter, food and water. By the time he captured Omar Mukhtar in 1931 there were only 200,000 Libyans left alive. So, there you have a GREAT shame for Italy, one to which Italy owned up to under Silvio Berlusconi and agreed upon a payment and other forms of restitution to Libya. This of course went out the window when NATO blew up the country in 2011.
Now we jump forward to 2016 and the corrupt United Nations attempting to put their puppet government into Libya. It should be noted that the Libyan people and the legitimate (duly elected) government in Toburk has NOT, I repeat NOT recognized the UN puppet government. It is not a government of the people of Libya, it is not backed by the people of Libya and it is not wanted by the people of Libya. There are NO tribes in Libya that support the UN so called "Unity Government" made up of Islamic terrorist foreigners (not Libyans). This Unity government is a joke, Libyans did not pick the members, there was no vote, there were appointments by those that would control Libya from outside. Those selected are all radical Islamists and member of radical Islamic Groups (Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, LIFG, Ansar Al Sharia, etc.). As you know if you have read my past articles, the Libyan people by a majority of 96% hate radical Islamists as did Ghadafi. It is therefore reasonable to understand that NO Libyan supports a government made up of foreign terrorists who are not Libyan and not selected by the Libyan people.
Libya is in pieces because of Obama, Clinton and their NATO war crimes, thus, the people of Libya have no voice. Tripoli is held by force under radical Islamist terrorists who threw out the legitimate government by killing their families and blowing up their homes. These terrorist militias holding Tripoli by force are made up mostly of Muslim Brotherhood, many are not Libyan. I should clarify that the radical Islamic groups in Libya are made up of foreign mercenaries, NOT Libyans. They might have a Libyan leader but they are mercenaries, they are armed and funded by the US via Turkey and Qatar and are under an arm of US CIA/Black Water contractors. In this way, the US keeps Libya broken and her people without a country.
The UN in its great wisdom, has decided to force the so called Unity government on the Libyan people and tell the world that Libya has accepted it. This is a total fabrication by the media in an attempt to sell the world on the Unity Government.
A couple of weeks ago, under the cover of dark, the Unity Government came to Tripoli by boat from Tunisia. They are not welcome in Libya so they hid themselves at the Mitiga airport (old Wheelus Airforce base) with the help of the most hated terrorist in Libya Abdelhakem Belhaj. In this way, the news was able to report that the new Unity government was now in Tripoli and the news reported that the militias controlling Tripoli have agreed to this new UN puppet government however, that has not been confirmed now for 2 weeks.
The most shocking part of this entire fiasco perpetrated by the UN is who they put in as so called leader of the "Unity Government". The man's name is Fayez al-Sarraj he is a PALESTINIAN, he is not a Libyan. But worse than that he is the grandson of the Italian butcher General Rodolfo Graziani, yes you read that correctly, he is the grandson of the Italian General who killed thousands of Libyans and hung Omar Mukhtar. This would be like Hitler's grandson becoming the leader of Israel. For ALL Libyans this is unacceptable; but think about the hubris of the UN to put this man in charge? Along with this person comes many criminals that have already been thrown out of Libya like Khalid Sharif AKA Abu Hazem and Ali Zeidan all past terrorist puppets of the Zionists who took over Libya in 2011. This criminal cabal will never ever be accepted by the Libyan people or the great tribes of Libya.
The great tribes of Libya know that behind this Unity Government is the UK and Italy, they also know that it is the US that is continuing the arming and funding of the terrorist mercenaries that are keeping Libya a failed state. This does not stop the Libyan tribes, they continue everyday to fight for their country and have successfully cleansed the city of Benghazi of over 90% of the terrorists that had been controlling that city.
It is time that the we the people of the earth step up to stop these atrocities being committed everyday by the evil Zionists (Khazarian Mafia). The Great tribes of Libya and the Libyan people need the support of the good people of the world in the passing out of the REAL TRUTH.
God bless you all...