Donald Trump says that George W. Bush knew 9/11 was coming and had "advanced knowledge" of the attack, but he failed to stop it:

He's right ...

Overwhelming evidence shows that 9/11 was foreseeable. Indeed, Al Qaeda crashing planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was itself foreseeable. Even the chair of the 9/11 Commission said that the attack was preventable.

A top NSA whistleblower says that the NSA had all of the information it needed prior to 9/11 to stop the attacks. The only reason NSA didn't share that information with other agencies is because of corruption ... in an effort to consolidate power.

In reality, widespread spying by the U.S. government on Americans began before 9/11 (confirmed here,here, here, here, here, here, here and here). And the government tapped the 9/11 hijackers' phones, and heard the 9/11 hijackers' plans from their own mouths.

Why didn't this stop the terror attacks?

Top security experts agree that mass surveillance is actually ineffective ... and actually makes us more vulnerable to terrorism, because it distracts people and resources from tried-and-trued counter-terrorism efforts which are effective and actually work.

For example, the former head of global intelligence for the NSA - Bill Binney - says that the mass surveillance INTERFERES with the government's ability to catch bad guys, and that the government failed to stop the Boston Bombing because it was overwhelmed with data from mass surveillance on Americans. And see this.

Binney says government officials and contractors actually don't want to solve the terrorism problem ... Because once they solve it, they don't have the "problem" to use as a basic justification to get more money (note ... the video clips below are very brief clips which are well worth watching):

Binney says "the primary reason [the government is spying on everyone] is for money and building an empire". But that - by pulling in information on all Americans - it's making us more vulnerable to terrorism:

And he says that it would be easy to audit the intelligence community to avoid corruption, fraud and waste ... but intelligence managers don't want any oversight:

It's not just Binney ... high-level NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake (and see this), NSA whistleblower Russell Tice, very high-level congressional committee security staffer Diane Roark and Edward Snowden all say that mass surveillance within the U.S. is a corrupt power grab ... not an effort aimed at stopping terrorism.

Power Grab Weakens National Security and Leaves America Vulnerable

America is vulnerable to terrorism because our government officials have been more concerned with building an empire more than stopping terrorism:
A senior officer on the Joint Staff told State Department counter-terrorism director Sheehan he had heard terrorist strikes characterized more than once by colleagues as a "small price to pay for being a superpower".
And we're vulnerable to terrorism because we keep backing corrupt corrupt foreign dictators and launching wars to grab other countries' resources.

And because our counter-terror efforts - including mass surveillance, drone strikes and torture - only increased terrorism. The type of torture used was a special type which is only used for a corrupt reason: to produce FALSE confessions.

And the Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee - Bob Graham - says that the Paris terror attack, ISIS, and other terrorist developments are a result of American officials covering up the truth about 9/11.

Bottom line: Americans' safety and security is being sacrificed on the alter of corruption by the military-industrial complex.