Green dog
© Unknown

Brazil, December 10, 2010

As reported in the G1 Web site, "In Brazil there was an unusual birth: a dog with green hair. The puppy, Labrador, was born on November 30 in the town of Mairinque, 65 km from Sao Paulo."

The memo clarifies that "The dog owner named him Hulk, after the cartoon superhero which is characterized by its bright green color."

© Unknown
According to the photographs that were displayed on the website, "The puppy's coat is different than that of the character because it is a lighter shade of green."

Veterinarians explain this curious fact: "The rarity was the dog's exposure during pregnancy to a substance called biliverdin, which can be found in the placenta. At birth, 'Hulk' was the only one of the nine pups of the pack with green hair, but two weeks later, he lost the pigment and is now white as his brothers. "