

New Government Documents Show Bush Ignored Numerous Warnings Prior to 9/11 Attack

Two weeks ago at the Republican National Convention, former Bush administration National Security Advisor Condi Rice attacked the Obama administration for not taking action in Syria.

However, Rice did not mention how in 2001 the Bush White House failed to prevent terrorist attacks from Osama bin Laden, despite being warned numerous times.

It has already been made public that Clinton/Bush anti-terrorism advisor Richard Clarke gave the Bush White House a briefing on August 6, 2001 with the now-infamous heading 'Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S.'

Now, the New York Times reports there were actually a series of warnings between May and August of 2001, which the Bush administration ignored.

The Three Irrefutable Facts That Shatter Bush's Official 911 Theory
Bush Insider: '911 Was An Inside Job'
Muslims Didn't Do It: 2000+ military, intelligence, industry professionals do not believe the official account of 9/11


Psychologists speak out: Why is it so difficult for people to hear the truth about 9/11?


Muslims Didn't Do It: 2000+ military, intelligence, industry professionals do not believe the official account of 9/11

David Ray Griffin

"All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11, when subjected to critical scrutiny, appears to have been fabricated."

David Ray Griffin, Professor Emeritus, author of 11 books on 9/11 - including the just published 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed.
Military and Intelligence Personnel

"Scholars and professionals . . . have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official 'investigations' have really been cover-up operations."

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, Former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development

"It is as a scientist that I have the most trouble with the official government conspiracy theory, mainly because it does not satisfy the rules of probability or physics."

Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense

"Your countrymen have been murdered and the more you delve into it the more it looks as though they were murdered by our government, who used it as an excuse to murder other people thousands of miles away."

Lt. Col. Shelton F. Lankford, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) fighter pilot with 300+ combat missions

Star of David

Go Tell it on the Mountain, Israel did 9/11

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

Yes, 9/11 is the Litmus test. If you fail it, you are dumber than a chicken, with a heart to match. Israel did 9/11. Israel did 9/11! ISRAEL DID 9/11!!! (9/11 is tomorrow). That is the result of this sad and twisted affair, brought to you by the people who invented Homeland Insecurity and the TSA? The result is special treatment for The Monsters of the Middle East. They have created a police state in your country, people. The horrible behavior of the domestic police, they are behind it. The wars all over the place and the callous and brutal murders of millions, they are behind them. The avalanche of lies in the media, they are behind them.

The disgusting state of the culture and the abysmal soundtrack and odious and profane entertainments, they are behind them. The endless mentions of themselves in nearly every movie that comes around, they are behind that. The pornography empires, the rulership of the alternative sexual machine, the organ harvesting racket, the sex slave trade and God knows what ancillary evils without number, they are behind them, or deep to their eyebrows into them. The genetic modification of food, they are behind it. The corruption of the political realm and the perversion of the judicial system, they are behind it. If you are unaware of this, you fail the intelligence litmus test, you fail as a human being, you fail the test of life. Mr. Apocalypse is on your doorstep and the walking stick will not be tapping.

What is the meaning of the riddle of the present state of the human heart and mind? Surely it appears that there is no real response across the mass of the population but, that is just the lack of reportage on the part of the dual national owned media. A revolution of both action and consciousness is brewing under the radar. It's coming because of push and shove. The time comes when push and shove result in that being pushed and shoved, coming up against an unmovable wall.

We are talking about monsters. We are talking about brutal, psychopathic monsters, beyond actual description. Words fall short of the ability to define them and they have been doing this for a long, long time. The time of their ruinous fall and pending judgment has come. They are dark and dreadful monsters. There is no form of life or anti-life on the planet like them.


The 9-11 Solution: How the Myth Was Sold

How do you know the people who told the official story of the 9/11 attack were lying?

Because their lips were moving.

ALL the misinformation that became the 9/11 official story wad laid down by the US news media within minutes after the attack.


Scientific Panel on 911: "Terror attacks of 9/11 were faked; Al-Qaeda is the creation of western spy agencies"

What plane?
The evidence is in, the analyses have been made, and conclusions have been drawn by scientists, engineers and other experts: the so-called terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were faked. There is, moreover, independent evidence from multiple and credible sources that Al Qaeda is the creation of western intelligence agencies.

If you have any questions concerning these assertions, visit http://www.physics911.net

The Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven has formed around this website. The Panel consists of over thirty experts in the fields of science, engineering, architecture, intelligence, the military, medicine, Islamic studies and other disciplines. The members are willing to stand up and be counted, even the ones with the highest public profiles. You will find them listed on this page: http://physics911.net/spine.htm

Of course, the Physics 911 website is hardly alone in cyberspace. There are now literally hundreds of skeptical websites on the internet (with only a handful of dissenting sites defending the official story). There are other working groups with websites, as well, not to mention thousands of people doing their own inquiries into 911, and millions of people skeptical of the official story (including 48% of New Yorkers, according to a Zogby poll taken in 2005).

Bad Guys

We Are at War- Exploiting 9/11 for the Benefit of a Few

"We are at War. Somebody is Going to Pay." George W. Bush, Sept 11th, 2001.
everyone bleeds same color
© LensaPress/Jeff Ooi
Eleven years later, we are still at war. Bullets, mortars and drones are still extracting payment. Thousands, tens of thousands, millions have paid in full. Children and even those yet to be born will continue to pay for decades to come.

On a single day in Iraq last week there were 29 bombing attacks in 19 cities, killing 111 civilians and wounding another 235. On Sept 9th, reports indicate 88 people were killed and another 270 injured in 30 attacks all across the country. Iraq continues in a seemingly endless death spiral into chaos. In his acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination for President, Obama claimed he ended the war in Iraq, well... not quite.

The city of Fallujah remains under siege. Not from U.S. troops, but from a deluge of birth defects that have plagued families since the use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus by U.S. forces in 2004. No government studies have provided a direct link to the use of these weapons because no government studies have been undertaken, and none are contemplated.

Dr. Samira Alani, a pediatric specialist at Fallujah General Hospital, told Al Jazeera, "We have all kinds of defects now, ranging from congenital heart disease to severe physical abnormalities, both in numbers you cannot imagine. There are not even medical terms to describe some of these conditions because we've never seen them until now." The photographs are available on line if you can bear to look at what we have wrought. George W. Bush will loudly proclaim his "Pro-life" bona fides, and he'll tell you he believes "that every child, born and unborn, ought to be protected in law and welcomed into life." Apparently, "every child" doesn't apply to the children of Fallujah, and the "law" doesn't apply to George W. Bush.


Tourists treating 9/11 Memorial like a playground

mother, child
© J.C. Price
They're treating it like a national playground.

At the National September 11th Memorial, tourists balance coffee cups and soda bottles on the parapets bearing the names of the dead.

Parents hoist their children to sit on the bronze plaques, while other visitors splash water from the two waterfalls onto their faces to cool themselves on a hot summer day.

On the plaza, tourists break out lunch foods and lie on their backs.

A year after the memorial's opening, the almost-cheerful atmosphere at what was supposed to be a solemn site has appalled first responders and victims' families.

Light Sabers

Update: Navy SEAL Author Rejects the Pentagon's Legal Threat

No Easy Day
© LA TimesA book cover image released by Dutton shows No Easy Day by Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer.
Former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette is going to tell his version of events surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden, even if the Pentagon sues him for every last penny.

Last night, the Defense Department's top attorney wrote a letter to Bissonnette threatening to use "all remedies legally available" against him for the publication of No Easy Day, his firsthand account of the mission to kill bin Laden in Pakistan. "You are in material breach and violation of the nondisclosure agreements you signed," wrote Pentagon general counsel Jeh Charles Johnson. The letter hinted at a criminal prosecution of Bissonnete for disclosing classified information and threatened to seize the royalties from his book and go after his publisher Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Group. In a written response, a lawyer representing Bissonnette denied his client breached his nondisclosure agreement in a letter to the Pentagon. (The letter, obtained by The Atlantic Wire, refers to Bissonnette under his pen name Mark Owen.)

"Mr. Owen sought legal advice about his responsibilities before agreeing to publish his book and scrupulously reviewed the work to ensure that it did not disclose any material that would breach his agreements or put his former comrades at risk," wrote Robert D. Luskin, an attorney at D.C. lobbying behemoth Patton Boggs. "Mr. Owen is proud of his service and respectful of his obligations. But he has earned the right to tell his story."


Pentagon Warns Navy SEAL Author on Bin Laden Book

No Easy Day
© LA TimesA book cover image released by Dutton shows No Easy Day by Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer.
Washington -- The Pentagon formally warned a former Navy SEAL who has written a first-person account of the May 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden that he has violated his signed agreement not to divulge classified information, and threatened him with legal action.

"In the judgment of the Department of Defense, you are in material breach and violation of the non-disclosure agreements you signed," Pentagon General Counsel Jeh Johnson said Thursday in a letter addressed to Mark Owen, the pen name of author Matt Bissonnette.

The letter says the Pentagon is considering "all legal remedies available to us." Officials said they could include a lawsuit aimed at claiming profit from Bissonnette's book, No Easy Day. Due to be released next week, it is already on bestseller lists.

Bissonnette did not submit the book to the Pentagon to undergo a review for classified information, even though the requirement to do so was contained in a non-disclosure agreement he signed in 2007, Johnson said in the letter.

The account is the first by a member of SEAL Team Six, which carried out the stealthy nighttime assault on Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.